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Najbolji Vader album?  

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jeste primetili da su svi bendovi izlazili napolje osim vadera? barem koliko sam ja video..prichao sam sa jednim deckom kazhe zamolio je frubija da izadju da se potpishu al oni su odbili "tushiraju se" :)

a gledao sam neshto malo nastup i bio je dojaja moram priznati fino zvuche :D


U potpunosti se slažem, razbili su koliko je dobro. Naročito je dobro što su neke random Keri King solaže zamenjene "pravim" solažama, milina za slušanje. Ako ne bude preskupo kad izađe, ima duzmem original, nek ide život.

  Talvi said:
Fantastican album. Wings tako predrkano zvuci u novoj verziji da nemam reci. Ma, ceo album je jebeni masterpiece. :rockdevil:


:wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: hell yeah!!! :rockdevil:


To i Gamma Ray obradio ;) Ne znam kakve veze ovo ima sa temom, ali morao sam jednostavno to da spomenem :) :)


  WoI said:
uh majku mu kako je odradjen ovaj novi "XXV" :rockdevil: :rockdevil: :rockdevil:

evo me slusam Reborn In Flames i divljam po sobi :):rockdevil: :rockdevil: :rockdevil:


Hehe, reci kako je dobra przachka verzija! :rockdevil: Malo pre sam opet pustio "XXV" i kad naidje "RIF" ponovio sam je jedno 3,4 puta


olish death metal veterans VADER have issued the following update:


"After five years of working with VADER, our bassist Novy (true name Marcin Nowak) decided to part ways with the band! He made his decision right after recently finished European tour. We would like to thank him for all those years of successful cooperation and just a great work he did for the band within the time. The band's members wish him all the best for the future! Unfortunately, Marcin's decision of leaving the band was made not only after the finished tour in Europe, but also just before the upcoming (and very important) U.S. tour Summer Slaughter Tour 2008 (when we appear alongside THE BLACK DALHIA MURDER, KATAKLYSM, CRYPTOPSY and other bands). This is a very hard situation for the band but don't worry- we have already found a replacement — the session bassist for this tour will be Martin (ex-DECAPITATED). We are convinced that together with him VADER will be a killer! The session bass player for the shows planned for the rest of 2008 will be announced after the U.S. tour.


"On August 3, VADER will appear on Polish Woodstock Festival. On August 30 the band will play a special anniversary show in Warsaw. In October, panzerdivision under command of Peter will hit the road again, playing a tour through across Scandinavia and the Baltic States.


"The band needs a new bass player. If you are interested, contact us: info@vader.pl. We are looking only for a serious and experienced musician."



Shteta :(


mnogo kewl lik i vr' basista.. I shta sad ostaje mu onaj "Dies Irae"? Al' meni to b liga za poljsku..


novy je kralj ima onaj deo u behemoth home videu kad prichaju,novy se napio pocheo da stenje usred noci,trgao se pocheo skakati po sobi,otvorio prozor i iskochio :) kako im tonac kazhe sledeca scena je bila novy sav izgreban lezhi u nekim kartonima koji su na svu srecu bili tamo da nisu ko zna shta bi se desilo..koji ludak :) kao basistu cenim choveka mnogo dobar rad je obavljao i u behemothu i u vaderu


imam to ti je drugi dvd Crush.Fukk.Create-a..na prvom dvd-ju su ti ona dva certa i spotovi,a drugi je dosta videa sa turneja koje je snimao taj njihov tonac i par komentara nergala :]

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Polish death metal veterans VADER have teamed up with Hertz Polska for the production and promotion a new energy drink called "Vader". The band's anniversary gig in Warsaw on August 30 will be the first opportunity for the fans to enjoy the unique taste of this new drink.




Ma daj :) :)

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