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Najbolji Vader album?  

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Polish extreme metal veterans VADER have entered Hertz studios in Bialystok, Poland with the Wieslawski Bros. to begin recording their next studio album, "Necropolis", tentatively due in August/September. Tue Madsen, who previously worked with such bands as MOONSPELL, CATARACT, HEAVEN SHALL BURN and many more, will mix the CD at his Antfarm Studios in Denmark.


Commented guitarist/vocalist Piotr "Peter" Wiwczarek: "We just finished the first week of recordings! 11 drum tracks chosen for the upcoming album are done. Nine of them will be available on every standard edition. Two of the songs we're gonna keep as bonuses or to play on VADER's official MySpace site... in summertime."


He adds, "'Necropolis' is kind of a mix of the atmosphere of the 'De Profundis' album and the aggression known from 'Litany'... We recorded tracks which are even more brutal."


Songtitles set to appear on the new CD include:


* Anger

* Dark Heart

* When We Arrive

* Devilized

* We Are Horde

* Rise Of The Undead

* Impure


"Silent Empire", "Sothis", "Blood Of Kingu", "Black To The Blind", "Carnal", "Xeper", "Cold Demons"...i to 'ajde samo bolje, da ne kazem poznatije, navedem. Pa i "Wings" je meni extra ime, obicno je "Wings Of Destiny" ili sl. kurac-palac...


Vader's third demo "Morbid Reich" is acclaimed as one of the best selling death metal demos of all time. Actually, it's considered one of the best selling metal demos in the history of all metal, selling over 10,000 copies!

  • 2 weeks later...
hmmmm.... neznam kako da reagujem na ovu vest. XD


Ne verujem nesto da bi Peter svirao onako kako mu izdavac kaze... A album je ionako vecfakticki gotov, tako da me apsolutno nije briga za koga ce da ga izdaju. :meshuggah:

Ne verujem nesto da bi Peter svirao onako kako mu izdavac kaze... A album je ionako vecfakticki gotov, tako da me apsolutno nije briga za koga ce da ga izdaju. :meshuggah:


Dobro to, al ako ih nateraju da snime neki bez veze spot i da promovisu album po vrticima i starackim domovima, e to bi bilo zabrinjavajuce...


Ako "This Is The War" nije bio spot za malu decicu ja ne znam koji jeste.


A kako to "po vrticima i starackim domovima"? Ne razumem misao. Da im ne bi slucajno dolazila druga publika na koncerte jer su promenili izdavaca? Uostalom, vec je najavljeno da na jesen idu na turneju sa Marduk-om.

Ako "This Is The War" nije bio spot za malu decicu ja ne znam koji jeste.


A kako to "po vrticima i starackim domovima"? Ne razumem misao. Da im ne bi slucajno dolazila druga publika na koncerte jer su promenili izdavaca? Uostalom, vec je najavljeno da na jesen idu na turneju sa Marduk-om.


nije, al oni mogu da ih nateraju...


Na sta da ih nateraju, jbt? Da gostuju kod Lee Kis?


Pa i Kataklysm, Belphegor, Hypocrisy, Nile, Suffocation... su na NB-u pa ne vidim da im ista fali.


Heh, ljudi stvarno lupate gluposti... nb je bas ono sto je falilo Vaderu . Oni imaju managera ( svoj tour bus, svoju binsku opremu, svoje ljude / tehnicare / tonce ) koji im organizuje turneje itd. NB ce biti tu samo da ih jos medijski vise progura itd.itd. Taman da ih podigne jos vise... a ko zna mozda im sune jos neku kintu .


inace ovaj posao ide na fazon ti snimis pa nudis izdavackim kucama i trazis najbolju opciju po tvoj bend...


drugo je ono sranje Sonic Syndicate koji su dali 100.000e+ da im nb bude iza ledja i te fore .



Al mu ga je dao ovaj novi bubnjar po cinelama, sunce ti jebem...kao da je usao u prodavnicu muzicke opreme i kupio sve sto je bilo u ponudi :D


Polish death metallers VADER have set the tentative track listing for their new album, "Necropolis", tentatively due in late August via Nuclear Blast Records. The CD is being recorded at Hertz studios in Bialystok, Poland with the Wieslawski Bros.. Tue Madsen, who previously worked with such bands as MOONSPELL, CATARACT, HEAVEN SHALL BURN and many more, will mix the CD at his Antfarm Studios in Denmark.


Commented guitarist/vocalist Piotr "Peter" Wiwczarek: "The next step in creating of new album is behind us... 'Necropolis' has its shape now. Today we finish recordings of main guitars and after a week break we coming back to the studio to make all leads, bass and vocal parts."


"Necropolis" track listing:


01. Devilized

02. Rise Of The Undead

03. Never Say My Name

04. Dark Heart

05. Blast

06. Impure

07. We Are Horde

08. Anger

09. When The Sun Drowns In Dark

10. The Sigil

11. Dei Nostri

12. Summoning The Futura


The band also recorded two cover songs during the sessions.



Daklem, imena pesama mostly suck donkey balls. U stvarim tej id 9e se stvar popravlja :)



Daklem...ove godine veliki poljski derbi, Behemoth Vs. Vader.


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