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Najbolji Vader album?  

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Taj mini album ili cime ga vec smatraju mi je nesto najbolje sto je izaslo (da ne preteram sada) mozda cak i u poslednjih 5 godina.


Мени је What Colour Is Your Blood убедљиво најбоља њихова песма икада.


Like razor's cut

I open your heart

Crimson fluid is dancing

And the life is running out!!!


sa njega je "Son Of Fire" predobra :rockdevil:

Sa tog minija This Is The War? Mislim da je pretposlednja. Die (Gin Psie). Do jaja stvar.
Ona je bonus na japanskom izdanju..zato se mozda teze nadje..
  • 1 month later...

Polish death metallers VADER will release their third DVD in October via Metal Mind Productions. Entitled "And Blood Was Shed In Warsaw", the DVD will feature footage from the band's February 12, 2007 concert at Stodola Club in Waraw, documenting the final stop of the group's tour in support of their latest album, "Impressions in Blood". The show was filmed with seven cameras and includes a guest appearance by Orion, a member of two other great Polish metal acts: VESANIA and BEHEMOTH.


The DVD is scheduled for release on October 15 in Europe and November 5 in USA (via MVD). It will also include: a fully animated menu, band bio, discography, interview with frontman Peter, the brand new video clip "Sword of the Witcher" (taken from the forthcoming RPG game "The Witcher"), desktop images, photo gallery, weblinks, and Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround Sound. "And Blood Was Shed In Warsaw" DVD will be also available in a special DVD+CD limited swing case edition!


"And Blood Was Shed In Warsaw" track listing:


01. Intro

02. ShadowFear

03. Sothis

04. Helleluyah!!! (God Is Dead)

05. Warlords

06. Silent Empire

07. Blood of Kingu

08. Intro: Out

09. Out of the Deep

10. Carnal

11. Dark Age

12. Black to the Blind

13. Intro: Para Bellum

14. This Is the War

15. Lead Us

16. What Colour Is Your Blood

17. Epitaph

18. Cold Demons

19. Predator

20. Wings

21. Wyrocznia (feat. Orion)


Bonus video:


* Interview with Peter

* Video clip "Sword of the Witcher"

* Other features to be confirmed


Also includes:


* Photo gallery

* Desktop images

* Biography

* Discography

* Weblinks

* Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround Sound


CD (only available in limited swing case edition!):


01. Intro

02. ShadowFear

03. Sothis

04. Helleluyah!!! (God Is Dead)

05. Warlords

06. Silent Empire

07. Blood of Kingu

08. Intro: Out

09. Out of the Deep

10. Carnal

11. Dark Age

12. Black to the Blind

13. Intro: Para Bellum

14. This Is the War

15. Lead Us

16. What Colour Is Your Blood

17. Epitaph

18. Cold Demons

19. Predator

20. Wings

21. Wyrocznia (feat. Orion)





kaaaka lista bem ti sunac..


hm..ne verujem : )


mozda za neki sledeci..


VADER frontman Piotr "Peter" Wiwczarek has issued the following update:


"[As you may have] already noticed, there is new DVD [being] released soon. The show was recorded in the club Stodola in Warsaw [in February 2007]. That's [where] the title came from: '...And Blood Was Shed in Warsaw'. The main part of the DVD are the songs from our last releases, BUT... there are some rarities on this material like 'Sword of the Witcher'! What the hell is that? There's CD project RED who work on PC games and who asked us to compose a song, which is gonna be kinda 'trailer song' for their upcoming game. The title of the game is 'The Witcher' and this is pretty fresh RTS in the fantastic, filled with brutality and magic world of the Witcher (from the Sapkowski novels). More than awsome graphics are made by world famous Mr. Baginski (first prize... for 'Cathedral') and give the game revolutionary character indeed! We said 'Yes!' and recorded the song in May in Hertz Studio. 'The Sword of the Witcher' is absolutely different piece of music compared to previous VADER works but still metal —full of fire, beasts, warriors and... blood!!! We were but afraid that because of many instruments recorded there will be a problem to play this song live. However, thanks to new technology we are able to do it and we plan to add this Witcher song to the set list on the upcoming Blitzkrieg IV-2 [tour].


"On July 10 in Bolkov Castle we [shot] a video clip [for] 'Sword of the Witcher' with cooperation [of] Intermedia. There are the same guys who were working on 'Hellelujah!!!!' video clip recently... This new picture will be available on DVD as well. We didn't have too much time to work with this clip, but...it's always nice to see something so different than 'This is the War' or just mentioned 'Hellelujah!!!' Fire, steel and magic!!


"What else? In few days we finalize recordings of the aniversary album entitled 'XXV'. This one will include 25 VADER hits from early days re-recorded again. There will be some rarities on the limited special edition as well... We're also practicing with new set for the Blitz' IV/2...You know the bands already so I can give you some information, that there'll be different set in the cities where we played in last year and the new places on tour. We start with some shows in Russia in the middle of September."



Znaci..poceli da rade i mjuzu za igrice..bas me intrigira kak zvuci..

  • 2 months later...

Slusao neko novi live And Blood was shed in warshaw? U stvari, nije live album, no DVD audio rip, ali sve u svemu – vrh svirka! Setlista do jaja, zvuk super... Sad mi se opet bas gledaju. Ima i nova pesma Sword of the witcher, uradjena za igricu Witcher, nije bas tipicna za Vader, mid tempo, ali zarazna u picku materinu.


Novi live kida!! Sto reche grave setlista odlichna, meni lichno vrh nastupa je "Art Of War" odsviran skoro ceo...jedina sto mi Piotr ne zvuci bas najbolje ceo koncert, s vremena na vreme uzme (nepotrebno) zakreshti...inache, fantazija, jedva chekam video verziju da pribavim...


a nova pesma mi ne bash legla yet...

  • 2 months later...

Na http://www.darkbattm14.blogspot.com/ ima da se skine divix verzija koncerta. Na prvo gledanje cini se da je rec o najboljem Vader video snimku. Montaza je dinamicnija, nema onih kretanja krana koji traju po pola minuta, svetlo nikad skuplje. Bubnjar je zasluzio sve cestitke. Ispred sebe izgleda da su imali neke ventilatore, pa im se kose duge sve vreme vijore, to je valjda deo za zenski deo publike.

Ima boljih bendova od Vadera, ali skidam kapu za upornost i profesionalizam.

Zasluzili su apsolutnio sve sto postigli i vise od toga.

jel nasao neko mozda Lead Us!!! ep sa ovim Bonusima :


05 - This Is The War

06 - Helleluyah!!! (God is Dead)

07 - Sword Of The Witcher


btw stvarno je extra novi live, ja imam full dvd :bigblue:

slushao witchera davno, spot+pjesma kvlt :]]]

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