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Najbolji Vader album?  

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Jes to ,upravu si bratko ali bedak mu je to jer ce da odsvira jednu turneju i posle ce da ga sutnu kao i sve ostale...! :da:

Ne mora da znaci. Svi ostali su bili zauzeti dodatnim stvarima, zato se i nisu mnogo zadrzavali.

Jes to ,upravu si bratko ali bedak mu je to jer ce da odsvira jednu turneju i posle ce da ga sutnu kao i sve ostale...! :da:



Elem Slobo ako idesh i ti sa Frubetom i Amondincanima na tur,lepo se provedi!


Ne verujem da ce jednu turneju odsvirati, ne bi ja mislim izasao iz Vadera zbot jedne turneje!

p.S.Hvala brate, ali ne idem, nece da me vode, moram ovde da organizujem koncert.... ;). bice valjda jos prilika...


Pazi sad ovo:


Former VADER bassist Marcin "Novy" Nowak has issued the following update:

"As most of you already know, I have finished my cooperation with VADER immediately after the European tour. I'm very sorry that this has had to happened after five years of my commitment. The decision that I have made was caused by the recent decisions being made within the band for some time now. I have not rushed with making my decision either.


"At this point, I would like to thank very much all my fans as well as all fans of VADER for all the support, respect and understanding for my decision. Thank you all for all the support and I ask for even more, as my music career is not finished...it actually started all over again. That's why at this point I'm telling you all: See you all live in the near future.... As always, you can expect me to go all out for you. Where and how...I will post soon!!"



Jbt...pa in on pobegao iz Vadera....ode ovaj bend u kurac !! Peter ce sam svirati...


ima na 29oj strani reci o tome...on je pre ove dvojice izasao iz benda...jbg...bas su odjednom krenuli da se raspadaju, ali nasli su zamene, tako da videcemo na sta ce liciti novi vader

  • 2 weeks later...

Veteran Polish death metallers VADER have issued the following update:


"At this point we would like to refer to the changes that have occurred in VADER. As you all probably already know, Mauser [guitarist Maurycy Stefanowicz] and Daray [drummer Dariusz Brzozowski] are no longer in the band and this anniversary gig was their last show with VADER. We would say that mentally, they both were out of the band [for] a long time. They played with us more like session guys, without any real commitment and dedication. We were thinking about making some changes since a year or something, now we are glad to have this opportunity to build a new band.


"At the moment we are looking for some new musicians. Probably next week we are going to present you our new lineup.


"In October the band will appear on tour in Scandinavia with GRAVE and ZONARIA.


In January 2009 VADER will hit the road again, sharing the stage with DEICIDE and SAMAEL. Just before this tour, in December we are going to start a pre-production process of our new full length album 'Necropolis'. The recording session is scheduled for March. The album will be mixed by one of the best producers in a music industry!


"In May 2009 the band will release a new EP. The new album will be out in September. In meantime we are going to appear on many summer festivals.


"Don't be afraid, VADER don't lose the power and quality. On the contrary, we feel it will be much stronger than ever before.


"Stay VADER-ized, be prepared for a new line up and the upcoming killing album 'Necropolis'!"


+ + +


Dosta lepih vesti, pre svega da Piotr vec ima nov line up izgleda..samo se nadam da nisu neki session ljudi, tj. da ce opet moci da ima ekipu na okupu za bar neko vreme :da: Jedino mi se ne svidja shto je ovako rano najavio i novi album i EP! Nekako ti ubija pojam "bend" i vishe tura u glavu misao "one man show", s obzirom da je chovek trenutno sam jel'te...


Nego, u vezi sa tim:


Mauzer se javlja, ima i link za making of video-a UNSUNa..


Mila majko Kaieva, pa slushajte vi zbog chega je on napustio VADER!!!

to mu zena

Onda mu je upala kutlaca u med i ispo je papuchar zenu li mu ja njemu ! :cool:


I otkud ti odje koj moj,zar nisi u Italiji ili Francuskoj!?!!??

samo se nadam da nisu neki session ljudi

New touring line up!

Good news from VADER's camp! We would like to confirm officially band's line up for the upcoming tours in October and January. It features Peter (guitar, vocal),Reyash (bass), Vogg (guitar) and Paul (drums). "Last Sunday at Progresja Club, Warsaw we had drummers audition. Earlier, actually just after the anniversary gig we had some talks with a few guitarists about possibilities of joining the band. And now we are ready to announce our new touring line up. The new drummer is 22- year old Paweł Jaroszewicz from Lublin, who previously played in not so well know act SOUL SNATCHER, he also did some session drumming for HELL-BORN and CRIONICS (watch him playing with SOUL SNATCHER here). We must admit the level for this audition was much higher than a few years ago, when we were looking for Doc's successor. We received many submissions from all over the world, however we decided to focus on Polish drummers (due to lack of time, we have to prepare at least one -hour set for the upcoming shows, so we need a very good communication). Finally, we chose 3 drummers and checked their skills in such songs as "Dark Age", "Silent Empire", "Carnal" or "Sothis". Paweł "Paul" Jaroszewicz won the competition and he will appear with the band on the upcoming tours. Guitar player, the one who will replace Mauser is Wacław Kiełtyka, known more as Vogg from DECAPITATED! You know this guy and what he achieved with his band very well. Having him in VADER it's definitely a good thing. Try to imagine VADER on live with Vogg on second guitar, it's definitely going to be an unstoppable war-machine! Both Paul and Vogg will play with VADER as session musicians. We still haven't decided who would join VADER as permament members. There are a variety of options available, both on drummer and guitarist vacancy. There's no hurry, we want to prepare everything very carefully. Time shall tell..." .

da li neko zna koja pojachala/pedale koriste u studiju?

Pojacala su Laboga Mr.Hector with 412 V30 cabinets. A pedale vec ne znam...Imas novy-a na myspace-u, bivseg basistu, pa mozda on moze da ti odgovori na to drugo pitanje...


Pojacala su Laboga Mr.Hector with 412 V30 cabinets. A pedale vec ne znam...Imas novy-a na myspace-u, bivseg basistu, pa mozda on moze da ti odgovori na to drugo pitanje...



da dobra ideja...tnhx

  • 1 month later...

NA ovom linku koji je ostavio Angelizator , barem onaj deo gde se cuje muzika UnSuna sve je okej, ali vokal je previshe tipichan. Onako neznma zvuchi pevachica ko svaki drugi gtohic metla bend. Nisam poslushao album ali tako mi se chini pri slusanju ovog videa.

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