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Seven Witches

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Ovo je odlican americki heavy metal bend sa primesama powera. Postoje od 1998. godine i izdali su 7 albuma.


Poznatiji clanovi su:


Jack Frost - Guitars, Backing Vocals


James Rivera - Vocals


Takodje Wade Black je jedno vreme pevao u bendu. Jon Oliva gostuje na albumu Xiled to Infinity and One na pesmi The Burning.







Je l' su oni beše obradili See You in Hell od Grim Reaper-a?


Jesu. Onako u svom fazonu.


Mogao sam se zakunuti da postoji tema... No dobro, ionako sam na staroj vodio monologe :haha:


Nekoliko legendi je proslo kroz ovaj bend...a meni najdrazi period sa Riverom, nenadjebivim, i "Passage" i "Year" su mi cale albumi, podosta ih vrtih back in the day..od ostalih, sta znam, "City" je sasvim fin, "Xiled" moze da prodje...ali poslednja dva su blagi uzas i dosada.

  • 11 months later...

Many years have passed since the last SEVEN WITCHES album saw the light of day and guitarist/mainman Jack Frost decided it was time to give the fans what they wanted... and brought back James Rivera (HELSTAR) to front the group once again.


With the monstrous bass and songwriting of Mike LePond (SYMPHONY X) and drums from Taz Marazz, Jack Frost and the guys recently completed work on a new album with Joey Vera (ARMORED SAINT, FATES WARNING) handling the mixing. Entitled "Call Upon The Wicked", the CD features material that ranges in sound from classic JUDAS PRIEST to a touch of RAINBOW. There's even an epic song featuring female vocals, a new step in the band's chapter. The record is a bit of a concept, talking about how women have been the decline of men since the beginning of time.


Due on June 3, "Call Upon The Wicked" features the following track listing:


01. Fields Of Fire (4:09)

02. Lilith (5:11)

03. Call Upon The Wicked (3:43)

04. Ragnarock (3:46)

05. End Of Days (9:01)

06. Mind Games (3:26)

07. Harlot Of Troy (4:30)

08. Eyes Of Fame (4:24)

09. White Room (5:34)

10. Metal Tyrant (bonus track) (5:01)

11. Metal Asylum (bonus track) (3:45)

12. Jacob (bonus track) 8:42)



Ovom coveru valja pucati medju oci....


No, vrnuo se Rivera, pa nas mozda i ocekuje nesto dobro.

  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Ovo i nije tako lose... Frost mu ga malo da po lepsem zvuku, no opet ima ispada, a Rivera me sa jedne strane prijatno iznenadio, jer mi dosta bolje zvuci nego na novijim Helstarovima npr., tj. zvuci nekako lepse, mnogo manje siluje vrisak...a sa druge strane, i nije iznenadjenje, jebeni Rivera.


U principu, album jeste bolji od prosla dva, ali sve to nikako nije neka pohvala, znajuci o kakvim se katastrofama radi. Nista ne ocekivah, nesto i dobih, win.

  • 1 month later...
  • 5 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Powerhouse heavy metal vocalist James Rivera (HELSTAR, SEVEN WITCHES, VICIOUS RUMORS, FLOTSAM AND JETSAM) has released the following statement:


"Some of you may be aware through online media that ARMORED SAINT has announced three confirmed shows in the Northeastern U.S. with SEVEN WITCHES as a support band.


"To avoid any confusion, I would like to make it clear that I will not be performing with SEVEN WITCHES. In fact, I have chosen to no longer be a part of this band due to circumstances beyond my control. I tried my best to get things going in the right direction for SEVEN WITCHES, although the powers that be did not see it the same way and have decided to go out and represent the new SEVEN WITCHES record with a whole different lineup again already.


"I'm more than positive the long-anticipated return of ARMORED SAINT will be well worth the wait. As for the fans who have been looking forward to the SEVEN WITCHES lineup with me back in the picture, my deepest apologies go out to you.


"In related news, I am working on booking some dates in Europe with my tribute band, SABBATH JUDAS SABBATH, which will be billed as special shows performing a night of SEVEN WITCHES and METALSTEEL songs. Three gigs have been confirmed in November with others in the works. When all shows are finalized, the dates and locations will be announced."


I tako je i Rivera spao na tributisanje, o kurca mu helstarovskog...


A Tecchio opet u bendu, ako bi iko da prati :haha:

  • 4 years later...





Ne znam ni sam zasto sam imao neka ocekivanja za Seven Witches album u 2015 ali ovo je totalno tanko. Usporili su svoju stariju US power svirku i sad su u nekom Sabbathy hard metal stilu sa idejama na nivou srednjoskolaca. Takodje neki anonimus na vokalu vec drugi album sto mi cini situaciju jos gorom jer ja ovaj bend uvek vezem za Riverino ime, tekstovi su isto formulaicni skroz... kanta od izdanja.

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