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Najbolji metal album 2010. godine


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Novi Burzum je perfekcija. Čovek je bukvalno nastavio gde je stao kao da se ništa nije dešavalo od Filozofema (koji btw ima još grđi zvuk). Belus - jedno od šačice izdanja 2010 koje je za čistu desetku, mada me outro pomalo smara ali 'ajde.


zato je i bolji zvuk, zato sto je grdniji, :D ovo mi zvuci kao da je snimao i miksao neki ortak na gajbi sa VST pluginovima, ne znam, za atmosfericni black volim kad su svi instrumenti nekako isti sto se tice glasnoce, pa se pretvori u neki skoro nedefinisani i siroki mulj, zvuk belusa mi se uopste ne svidja, previse je kompatno i instrumenti su mi previse odvojeni nekako.

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Padate na hajp, to je to. :razz:


Za mene je Varg apsolutni retard pa bih bio ultra srećan da ga odjebem, a i bio sam prilično rezervisan prema Belusu u početku ali činjenice su činjenice.



zato je i bolji zvuk, zato sto je grdniji, :D ovo mi zvuci kao da je snimao i miksao neki ortak na gajbi sa VST pluginovima, ne znam, za atmosfericni black volim kad su svi instrumenti nekako isti sto se tice glasnoce, pa se pretvori u neki skoro nedefinisani i siroki mulj, zvuk belusa mi se uopste ne svidja, previse je kompatno i instrumenti su mi previse odvojeni nekako.


Meni sve zvuči kako treba, testirano i u šumi i prošlo :lol:

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Retard, naravno, ali muzičar i po. Zato me je i razočarao poslednjim albumom. Činjenica je da je on pričao kako neće snimati muziku opet, a ako bude snimao da to neće biti metal. I onda je konačno izašao iz ćuze, ljudi pitaju i on objavi da sprema novi album. Ljudi sa naprže i bace worship. Ja se nisam napržio, prišao sam oprezno i nastavio dalje.


EDIT: Thorns je i meni pao na pamet odmah.

Edited by Uncle Lu

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1. Firewind, Days Of Defiance

2. Ozzy Osbourne, Scream

3. Scorpions, Sting In the Tail

4. Dimmu Borgir, Abrahadabra

5. Iron Maiden, The Final Frontier

6. Halford, Made Of Metal

7. Psycho Choke, Unraveling Chaos

8. Black Label Society, Order of the Black

9. Accept, Blood of the Nations

10. Black Sabbath feat. Tony Iommi, Seventh Star (re-issue)



1. Ion Dissonance, Cursed – I’ve always been a huge fan of Ion Dissonance, their second album, Solace, is easily my favorite tech metal album of all time. Ion Dissonance is brutal, technical brilliance at its finest. Cursed definitely delivers that. Their drummer, Jean-Fancois Richard, is a mastermind behind the kit. If you haven’t heard this album yet definitely give it a spin, for MATURE listeners only.


2. Fleshwrought, Dementia/Dyslexia – Navene Koperweis is a musical genius. Period. LISTEN TO THIS ALBUM.


3. Veil of Maya, ID – I’ve always loved Veil’s work and this album is awesome. Every song is very catchy and well written, but the main thing I get off of this album is the creativity.


4. Defeated Sanity, Chapters of Repugnance – Brutal as FUCK. This album is dark, devastating, and relentless. The artwork basically paints a good picture at to what you’re getting yourself into before you blast this cd.


5. The Tony Danza TapDance Extravaganza, Danza 3: The Series of Unfortunate Events – Heavy as fuck. Catchy as fuck. This album did a good job at standing up to Danza 2: The Electric Boogaloo, which if you haven’t heard yet, you NEED to check out… after listening to Danza 3, that is ;)


6. Decrepit Birth, Polarity – Technical, melodic, progressive death metal with a lot of feeling. This album definitely sucks you in. Epic.


7. Ihsahn, After – [The Faceless'] Michael Keene got me into this band. It’s the lead singer/guitarist of Emperor’s solo project. It rules. End of story.


8. The Dillinger Escape Plan, Option Paralysis – Dillinger is one of those bands who is hard to top themselves. This album has some great songs on it, other songs are so-so. (for Dillinger that is) I definitely like this album more than Ire Works. However, it doesn’t stand up to Calculating Infinity or Miss Machine. Still a good album, worth checking out.


9. Deftones, Diamond Eyes – Great.


10. Periphery, S/T – This was a highly anticipated album for fans familiar with Bulb. This album definitely delivered the goods. Everything about this album from song structure to musicianship is great. It’s hard to NOT like this album.




1. Danza 3: The Series of Unfortunate Events – Josh’s off the wall technical riffing is taken to a new level on this record. Spazzy, crazy and fucking heavy!


2. Chimpspanner, At the Dream’s Edge — A real journey of an album. incredible (bedroom) production, great riffing, highly intelligent musical composition and the most tasteful cheese you’ve ever heard


3. Deftones, Diamond Eyes – Their fattest sounding record yet. The guitars are massive and Chino’s haunting melodies sound even more accomplished than ever.


4. Terror, Keepers of the Faith — The best record to break stuff to this year. End of.


5. Kylesa – Spiral Shadow – great sludgy riffs and edgy melodies are as expected, although the song writing is definitely some of the band’s best yet


6. Periphery, Periphery — Technical riffing that will impress even the most technically proficient guitar players out there. What a debut this is!


7. Ion Dissonance, Cursed – The heaviest thing I have ever heard. Seriously, nothing is heavier than this. Nothing.


8. Proghma-C, Bar-do Travel — Awesome prog/post metal from poland. Reminiscent of Tool and Mastodon, but with their own weird edge. Very cool.


9. Cloudkicker, Beacons — A beautiful instrumental record — etherial atmosphere, big guitars, lush melodies, djizz.


10. Fear Factory, Mechanize — What a return to form from these metal pioneers. Dino rules, nuff said.



1.Wormrot, Abuse — Crippling.

2.Ceremony, Rohnert Park — Punk as Fuck.

3.Coliseum, House with a Curse — Ryan, Mike and Carter can just keep on evolving because everything they’re writing just gets better and better.

4. Fuck the Facts, Live In Whitby — Released on cassette, fuck yes!

5.The Bastard Noise/The Endless Blockade, The Red List (split) — POWERFUL powerviolence

6. Neil Young, Le Noise

7. Kvelertak, S/T — I could listen to these dicks speak Norwenglish all goddamn day. This album gets me pumped, but live is where they do it best!

8. Darkthrone, Circle the Wagons — “Destroy the modern metal and bang your fucking head”

9. Slayer — World Painted Blood

10. Boris & Ian Astbury — BXI




1. Boris with Ian Astbury, BXI — Best thing since “Love Removal Machine.”


2. Grinderman, Grinderman II — “My baby says I’m like the Loch Ness Monster, two great big humps then I’m gone.” Enough said.


3. Deftones, Diamond Eyes — Pleasantly sincere for an over-produced album that may have been written to get someone laid.


4. Neil Young, Le Noise – Thanks to Daniel Lanois for stepping away from U2 and getting weird with Neil.


5. Nu Sensae, TV, Death and the Devil – One of the best bands in Vancouver right now, a pleasure to see live.


6. Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, Mojo – Can still write a fucking song.


7. Death Angel, Relentless Revolution – Thanks for not turning nu-metal.


8. Coliseum, House With a Curse – Indeed a grower – change of pace, but seeing it live blew me away.


9. Bad Religion, The Dissent of Man – Still writing epically catchy tunes with the same four chords – you fucking try to do that, and go out and get five thousand college degrees.


10. Kvelertak, Kvelertak – Well, singing in their native tongue, and I think some of those riffs are pure Norway as well, without the sailor hats that is. These peckersniffs are gonna be huge.



1. Holy Grail, Crisis in Utopia – Gave me a chubby and a half.


2. Exodus, Exhibit B – RIffffffffffffs!!!!


3. Heathen, The Evolution of Chaos – Amazing song structures and killer lead guitar work.


4. Overkill, Ironbound – Still showing people how its done!


5. Bonded By Blood, Exiled to Earth – Is it wrong to like your own bands release? If so, then fuck off — this is my list, not yours.


6. Lich King, World Gone Dead – Great riffs, I like what I hear, and apparently the king IS here.


7. Megadeth, Endgame – Even though it was released last year, it still surpasses most of this years releases. Lyrical subject matter, riffs, & solos!


8. The Black Dahlia Murder, Deflorate – Another album that was released last year and is still kicking my ass! Quite possibly my favorite release since 2009, right next to Megadeth’s Endgame.



1. Godflesh, Streetcleaner reissue

2. Arson Anthem, Insecurity Notoriety

3. Torche, Songs for Singles

4. The Roller, Wasted Heritage

5. Melvins, The Bride Screamed Murder

6. Kill The Client, Set For Extinction

7. The Sursiks, I Didn’t Know I Was Singing

8. Howl, Full Of Hell

9. Omean, Sea God

10. Warbeast, Krush The Enemy



1. Autopsy, The Tomb Within

2. Satanic Warmaster, Nachzehrer

3. Triptykon, Eparistera Daimones

4. 1349, Demonoir

5. Drudkh, Handful of Stars

6. Burzum, Belus

7. Ramesses, Take the Curse

8. Torche, Songs for Singles

9. Sahg, Sahg III

10. Malevolent Creation, Invidious Dominion



1. Autopsy, The Tomb Within

2. Admiral Angry, A Fire to Burn Down the World

3. Ramesses, Take the Curse

4. Salome, Terminal

5. Torche, Songs for Singles

6. The Dreamers, Ipos:The Book of Angels Vol. 14

7. Kill the Client, Set for Extinction

8. Howl, Full of Hell

9. Suma, Ahses

10. Unearthly Trance, V



1. Blind Guardian, At The Edge Of Time – Well, seeing as they are my personal gods, it wouldn’t matter how the CD sounded, I’d still buy it and love it, hehe ;) “Sacred Words,” “Road of No Release,” and “A Voice in the Dark” is top favs!


2.Dimmu Borgir, Abrahadabra – Even after losing two members, Dimmu comes out stronger than ever! I think Abrahadabra blows In Sorte Diaboli out of the water.


3. Parkway Drive, Deep Blue – Impressed alot on me! First time I got in contact with the Australian band and the vocals and heaviness are just ace.


4. As I Lay Dying, The Powerless Rise – Maybe not their strongest release, but still really solid!


5. Heaven Shall Burn, Invictus — HSB is everything I loved about the 90′s death metal scene, and Marcus Bischoff vocals are top five in the world to me.


6. Kamelot, Poetry For The Poisoned – Doesn’t beat Karma or The Fourth Legacy, but still solid and very dynamic album. It’s almost the only power metal band I listen to, save for Blind Guardian.


7.Amorphis, Magic & Mayhem – Heavy and oldschool as fuck! Tomi Joutsen proves just how tallented a heavy vocalist he is, which didn’t do as much on the last effort, seeing as it was more clean singing.


8.Raubtier, Skriet Från Vildmarken – Best band from Sweden, hands down!


9. Soilwork, The Panic Broadcast – Not Stabbing the Drama, but kills Sworn to a Great Divide any hour of the week!


10. Stone Sour, Audio Secrecy – Well… Had its moments. I like Corey’s voice, but I think the songs could have been more creative. Still enjoyable.



1. Periphery, S/T

2. Baptized in Blood, S/T

3. Fear Factory, Mechanize

4. Underoath, Ø (Disambiguation)

5. Deftones, Diamond Eyes

6. Comeback Kid, Symptoms & Cures

7. Solution 45, For Aeons Past

8. Vanisher, The History Of Saints

9. A Day to Remember, What Separates Me from You

10. The Ocean, Anthropocentric



1. Electric Wizard, Black Masses – This album speaks for itself. One of the best stoner doom bands out there, period.


2. Rotten Sound, Napalm EP – One of my favorite bands that has not disappointed me thus far. Napalm is full of everything you would expect from Rotten Sound and more.


3. Bongripper, Satan Worshiping Doom – Soundtrack to the apocalypse. Possibly one of the heaviest doom albums of the year.


4. Cough, Ritual Abuse – Ritual Abuse is by far Cough at their heaviest. This album sounds like a miserable, drug induced anxiety attack.


5. Seven Sisters of Sleep, Demo – I fell in love with this band the second I heard them. Think His Hero is Gone but slower and you’re getting close.


6. Clinging to the Trees of a Forrest Fire, Songs of Ill Hope and Desperation – This band has been my soundtrack to every bad day I’ve had all year.


7. Phobia, Unrelenting – A clusterfuck of ferocious grindcore.


8. Deathspell Omega, Paracletus – French Black Metal. The drummer for this band is what really got me. Going from vicious blasts to equally intense off-time fills that blow my mind.


9. Trash Talk, Eyes and Nines – Honestly, I don’t know what to say about Trash Talk other than “pissed as hell.”


10. Magrudergrind, Crusher EP – The last song on this album, “Cognition,” is one of the most pissed songs I’ve heard all year. I do not recommend listening to this album while driving. You will want to hit people.



1. The Budos Band, III — Funky shit that could be the soundtrack to any James Bond movie. Far and away my favorite album of this wretched year.

2. Bonobo, Black Sands – Music to boff your lady to.

3. Torche, Songs For Singles – Music to boff your bro to.

4. Nails, Unsilent Death – ass-ripping “hardcore.” Fourteen minutes of furious ear-fucking.

5. Massive Attack, Heligoland – More gay music for shitheads.

6. Animals As Leaders, Wave Of Babies – Only because the LP actually came out last year and that shit seriously whips ass.

7. Kill The Client, Set For Extinction – Are you happy, you assholes?

8. Hans Zimmer, Inception OST – Yeah, yeah, fuck you. If you’re at work and you play this, it makes everything seem hella crucial.

9. D.I.S., Critical Failure– I ran out of shit I actually liked this year, so this and…

10. Murder Construct, S/T —…will have to fill in the fucking gaps.



1. Spiritual Beggars, Return To Zero

2. Grand Magus, Hammer Of The North

3. Behemoth, Evangelia Heretika

4. Atheist, Jupiter

5. Amebix, Redux

6. Sodom, War In Pieces

7. Arsis, Starve For The Devil

8. Christopher Amott, Follow Your Heart

9. Nevermore, The Obsidian Conspiracy

10. Exodus, Exhibit B: The Human Condition



1. Seijaku, Mail from Fushitsusha (Doubt Records)

2. Seijaku, Mail from Fushitsusha (Doubt Records)

3. Seijaku, Mail from Fushitsusha (Doubt Records)

4. Seijaku, Mail from Fushitsusha (Doubt Records)

5. Seijaku, Mail from Fushitsusha (Doubt Records)

6. Seijaku, Mail from Fushitsusha (Doubt Records)

7. Seijaku, Mail from Fushitsusha (Doubt Records)

8. Seijaku, Mail from Fushitsusha (Doubt Records)

9. Seijaku, Mail from Fushitsusha (Doubt Records)

10. Seijaku, Mail from Fushitsusha (Doubt Records)


At least this month. Haino rules.



1. Black Anvil, Triumverate

2. Soilwork, The Panic Broadcast

3. Terror, Keepers Of The Faith

4. Iron Maiden, The Final Frontier

5. Comeback Kid, Symptoms and Cures

6. Cruel Hand, Under Lock And Key

7. All That Remains, We Are Many

8. As I Lay Dying, The Powerless Rise

9. Sick Of It All, Based On A True Story

10. Bullet For My Valentine, Fever



1. Kill The Client, Set For Extinction

2. Unearthly Trance, V

3. Bongripper, Satan Worshipping Doom

4. Magrudergrind, Crusher

5. Greber, Hometown Heroin

6. Alaskan, The Weak & The Wounded

7. Biipiigwan, God’s Hooks

8. Torche, Songs For Singles

9. Street Meat, Dick Party

10. Mekehaya, At the Cross Roads of Chaos & Solace



1. Magrudergrind, S/T

2. Bongripper, Satan Worshiping Doom

3. Vilipend, Plague Bearer

4. Kvelertak, S/T

5. Knut, Wonder

6. Blacklisted, No one Deserves to be Here More than Me



1. The Birthday Massacre, Pins & Needles

2. Dommin, Love Is Gone :-D

3. Sia, We Are Born

4. Johnny Cash, American VI: Ain’t No Grave

5. Oomph!, Truth Or Dare

6. Rob Zombie, Hellbilly Deluxe 2

7. Airbourne, No Guts, No Glory

8. Jimi Hendrix, Valley of Neptune

9. Sade, Soldier Of Love

10. Hans Zimmer, Inception Motion Picture Soundtrack



1. Accept, Blood Of The Nations – I guess if we said it’s the metal album of 2010 on “That Metal Show,” I have to say it here. Happy for fellow NJ-er Mark Tornillo for kicking ass & taking names in Udo’s spot.


2. Dio, Live At Donnington – We lost one of the greatest voices in rock this year. Luckily there are two discs of amazing live music from the man himself. He will live on forever.


3. Fireball Ministry, Fireball Ministry – Ok, seriously, genius.


4. Stone Sour, Audio Secrecy/ Murderdolls, Women & Children Last – Great side projects from Corey & Joey from Slipknot. Sad that we lost Paul Gray, but in the meantime, great music from the driving forces of that band.


5. Danko Jones, Below The Belt – Always loved this band. If Cheap Trick had a threesome with AC/DC & Thin Lizzy and the condom broke, this band would be born! Look for me in the video for “Had Enough” with Ralph Macchio & Lemmy!


6. Zodiac Mindwarp, We Are Volsung – Mainly picked this cuz I really like it, but also cuz I doubt anyone else will have this on their list. Long live the Tatooed Beat Messiah!


7. Overkill, Ironbound – If you wanna talk about thrash bands still making great music after 25 years, look no further than Blitz & the boys still laying down the metal better than ever!


8. Exodus, Exhibit B: The Human Condition – Ditto above, but for West Coast thrash!


9. Kingdom of Sorrow, Behind The Blackest Tears – Put the groovy sludge of Kirk Windstein’s Crowbar & the powerful vocals of Jamie Jasta’s Hatebreed in a blender with a bottle of Jack and you have one of the heaviest albums of 2010.


10. Don Jamieson & Jim Florentine, Terrorizing Telemarketers Vol. 5 – The hilarious prank call cd from myself & Jim available on iTunes, Amazon.com & Best Buy. Hey, I hadda do it!


Honorable Mentions:


Avenged Sevenfold, Nightmare – congrats on a #1 album, Portnoy!


Black Label Society, Order Of The Black – best disc since Mafia!


Hellyeah, Stampede – Always love the groove that VP lays down!


John 5, The Art Of Malice – An instrumental album that makes you HAPPY there’s no singer!


Scorpions, Sting In The Tail – A great going away present from a legendary band!

Edited by Grobodan
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Dobro, zabo je dva odlična albuma - Terror i Sick Of It All. :D

bolji su i cbk i cruel hand od ta dva.


ima i dobrih pesama na novom soia albumu, ali pola su suvi prosek. kad se na to josh doda losha produkcija, dobije se jedan prosechan album. nije bash razocharenje, ali moglo je puno bolje.

terror nije losh, ali nikad nisam bio fan.

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Svidja mi se sto je Triptykon nasao svoje mesto u jednoj od listi. Ali staviti Sahg u listu, a ne staviti The Sword, cista besmislica. Kao sto rekoh na nekoj doom temi, moze Sahg da snima albume koliko hoce, ali The Sword ih pokopa svakim sledecim svojim izdanjem musik19.gif

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Divno,lista s koje dva albuma slusam.Meni nije jasna ova fama oko najboljih albuma godine,kakve ovo bendove uvrstavate,sta je ovo?Vise od polovine necete pustiti 10 puta u godini,a kamoli svake sedmice.Puno novih bendova,puno albuma,puno vise losih albuma,ali album godine cu znati za 5 godina,kad taj i taj album budem drzao u rukama i slusao ga i dalje.


Jedini album koji je izasao ove godine,za koji sa sigurnoscu mogu reci,da cu ga slusati narednih x godina je Ironbound,ostalo ne garantujem.

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2. Chimpspanner, At the Dream’s Edge — A real journey of an album. incredible (bedroom) production, great riffing, highly intelligent musical composition and the most tasteful cheese you’ve ever heard


8. Proghma-C, Bar-do Travel — Awesome prog/post metal from poland. Reminiscent of Tool and Mastodon, but with their own weird edge. Very cool.


Jesu svi čuli ove albume tek ove godine? :haha:

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Divno,lista s koje dva albuma slusam.Meni nije jasna ova fama oko najboljih albuma godine,kakve ovo bendove uvrstavate,sta je ovo?Vise od polovine necete pustiti 10 puta u godini,a kamoli svake sedmice.Puno novih bendova,puno albuma,puno vise losih albuma,ali album godine cu znati za 5 godina,kad taj i taj album budem drzao u rukama i slusao ga i dalje.


Jedini album koji je izasao ove godine,za koji sa sigurnoscu mogu reci,da cu ga slusati narednih x godina je Ironbound,ostalo ne garantujem.

pravo u srz! :pivopije:

takodje se slazem i za ironbound. :da:

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Ne znam koji problem imate sa tim, pa normalno je da se na kraju godine sve sumira i da se prave liste. Ako za 5 godina budem i dalje slušao neki album on će ići u listu najboljih u 5 godina, ne samo u ovoj godini.

Ako si već cele godine skidao nove albume, preslušavao, neke zaboravio a neki su ti postali favoriti - što da se ne napravi lista?

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