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The Walking Dead (2010- )

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Ne verujem da ce joj se ista desiti, jer je jos uvek ziva u stripu, za razliku od mnogih...

Pa i Sofija je i dalje ziva u stripu, a u seriji nije ni do farme dogurala.


Cini mi se da se u sledecoj epizodi Rik vraca u grad u kojem je ziveo, verovatno po oruzje iz policijske stanice.


ovo 11. serija je bezveze andrea dokazala da je droljetina , moram priznati da su neke tamo crnkinje , Mišon i ona što je sada u Vudberiju dosta medene , Mišon telo a ova druga lice .

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Meni Mison najzanimljiviji lik, a Morgan ako se pojavi osecam da ce biti petosekundna Rikova halucinacija.


Za Morgana-

u stripu se vraca, tako da nece biti halucinacija sigurno.



Jedna od boljih "dosadnijih" epizoda, Mison mi je sve gotivnija, Andrea smarac teski, jedva cekam sledecu epizodu.

Posted (edited)

Andrea has this very particular condition called Andrea Syndrome (also known as being an annoying dick), which makes her rudely disagree with whomever she's standing next to.


That's right - Whoever Andrea is with, she will always find reasons to disagree with said person and will always find a way to be incredibly annoying about it. You know, giving the stink eye. Then she will storm out and find someone else, only to disagree with that individual as well.



Edited by Srlandand
  • Upvote 3

VELIKI spoileri za preostale epizode 3. sezone:


Poslednje upozorenje:

Episode 10 – “Home” will air on Feb. 17:

The group is preparing their next step. Rick asks Daryl and Merle whether the right choices are being made. The Governor is planning an attack against the people responsible for the recent chaos.


Episode 11 – “I Ain’t a Judas” will air on Feb. 24:

Rick and the group will have to make a choice, now no longer guaranteed their safety. Andrea feels uncomfortable with the Governor now that Woodbury has become a police state.


Episode 12 – “Good as Dead” note: this episode has also been rumored to be titled “Clear” this episode will air on March 3:

Rick has found his lost friend (other spoilers reveal this friend to be Morgan, read more about that below) and is forced to make a decision that could change his life. Andrea grows suspicious of the Governor’s plans.


Episode 13 – “Aftermath” note: this episode has also been rumored to be titled “Arrow on the Doorpost” this episode will air on March 10:

After making a tough decision, Rick has arrived back at the prison and someone in the group is missing. He Governor is on his way to attack the prison.


Episode 14 – “Prey” will air on March 17:

The Governor attacks the prison, a big battle starts. Rick is seriously injured. Daryl is forced to make a decision.


Episode 15 – “This Sorrowful Life” will air on March 24:

Rick is betrayed. Andrea and Michonne are once again reunited. The Governor confronts Rick and Glenn to them where Andrea is.


Episode 16 – “Welcome to the Tombs” will air on March 31 as the finale of season 3:

Rick has escaped with Martinez and figures out that someone in the group has been tricking them. Someone in the group commits suicide and Rick blames Tyreese for the cause.




Nisam mogao da odolim, ko ce docekati :D Na imdb bordovima se uvek pojavi ceo sinopsis sledece epizode nedelju dana ranije, za one koji su nestrpljivi. :) Inace, slepci su iz ove poslednje epizode bili izbacili scenu kad Kerol i Merl r

azgovaraju, i Kerol mu kaze da ce mu preseci grkljan na spavanju ako se bude zajebavao s bratovim umom. Bitno da smo opet gledali Bet kako peva.

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Mišon se nasmejala, serija se obustavlja posle ove epizode. Ne preterano zanimljiva epizoda, inače.


Nije losa epizoda, Mison postaje gotivniji lik i lepo je sto vise nije onako mutava. Nadam se da ce biti jos Morgana, u stripu

njegov sin je zombi ali ga ovaj drzi u 'zivotu' slicno ko Governor cerku, i Rik poprica s njim, ovaj konacno odlucuje da ubije zombi sina i polazi s njima.

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