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Nile je jedan od prvih onih brutal ded metal bendova , i moja karta za malo ekstramniji metal. Zadivio sma se kvalitetom guitarworksa. Sanders Karl je stvarno kvalitetan gitarista, koj zna svoj posao. Mada onaj njegov Saurian Meditation mi je njah, nemoze da se slusa na duzi period. Jednostanvo nisam u tom egipcanskom fazonu nit me to interesuje, jedino sto volim kod Nileovih tekstova je konstantno referiranje na HP Lovercrafta i Cthulhue.


Meni licno najbolji album je Annihilation of the Wicked , nijedan momenatalbuma nije mi dosadan ili losh. I mnoooogo mi se svidja ending solo od Cast down the Heretic.


Pa onda kao i vecini ljudi sto voli Nile drugi po redu mi je In their Darkened Shrines.


Mada ovaj novi album je dosta lackedown , nije losh kao Death metal album , ali nije to vrhunski kvalitet Nilea.



  • 1 month later...

Mene je na novom albumu odusevio "singl" Papyrus... i zadnja pesma Even The Gods Must Die... Mnogo bi voleo da je cujem uzivo mada cisto sumnjam da je sviraju..


Nile setlista 8. mart 2008. koncert u St. Petersburgu, Florida:


St. Petersburg, FL


What May Safely Be Written

Sacrifice Unto Sebek

The Blessed Dead

Papyrus Containing the Spell...

Eat of the Dead

Cast Down the Heretic


Excreation Text

The Black Flame


Laying Fire Upon Apep

Ramses Bringer of War

Lashed to the Slave Stick

The Essential Salts

Annihilation of the Wicked

Black Seeds of Vengeance

Unas Slayer of the Gods


Ako nadjem nesto novije postovacu...

  FILIP St. said:
Nile setlista 8. mart 2008. koncert u St. Petersburgu, Florida:


St. Petersburg, FL


What May Safely Be Written

Sacrifice Unto Sebek

The Blessed Dead

Papyrus Containing the Spell...

Eat of the Dead

Cast Down the Heretic


Excreation Text

The Black Flame


Laying Fire Upon Apep

Ramses Bringer of War

Lashed to the Slave Stick

The Essential Salts

Annihilation of the Wicked

Black Seeds of Vengeance

Unas Slayer of the Gods


Ako nadjem nesto novije postovacu...


Uhhh, mnogo dobra lista :rockdevil: ali fali "The Burning Pits Of The Duat", da cujem taj "zglobosjebavajuci" rif uzivo... :D


Evo sta je odgovorio gospodin Kollias (pretpostavljam da znate ko je to) na moje pitanje koja je set lista:

  George Kollias said:
It's almost impossible to tell you NOW,but i am pretty sure it's going to be somewhere around 2 hours like we did on the beginning of our last US Tour.So,i think Unas Slayer OF The Gods will be in there again,and almost all Ithyphallic album plus A LOT more.....


  FILIP St. said:
Nile setlista 8. mart 2008. koncert u St. Petersburgu, Florida:


St. Petersburg, FL


What May Safely Be Written

Sacrifice Unto Sebek

The Blessed Dead

Papyrus Containing the Spell...

Eat of the Dead

Cast Down the Heretic


Excreation Text

The Black Flame


Laying Fire Upon Apep

Ramses Bringer of War

Lashed to the Slave Stick

The Essential Salts

Annihilation of the Wicked

Black Seeds of Vengeance

Unas Slayer of the Gods


Ako nadjem nesto novije postovacu...


Dobro bre, pa majku mu, milion pesama, a nema "Wind Of Horus"! Osim toga, do jaja lista : )

Posted (edited)

even the gods must die je genijalna stvar


Behemoth may have fought with Satan by their side, but Nile were able to invoke the power of Set, Anubis and Osiris and send those face-painted Poles back from whence they came. That doesn’t mean readers didn’t still feel a lot of love for Nergal & Co. In fact, most of the comments we received emphasized what a “tough choice” it was and that Behemoth was a “brutal band” as well. However, practically everyone who weighted in for our latest “Who Rocks Harder?” contest favored Nile.


Live In Metalfest 268 mb





Edited by Josif Visarionovič
Posted (edited)

Prochitao sam da su karte u prodaji od 16. juna, koliko moze da stane u SKC-u? Ili da prevedem, do kad cu moci da kupim karte i postoji li neki drugi nachin osim vucanja do BG x2, jednom po karte i drugi put na koncert?


I koliko su karte? :P

Edited by Ukyo

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