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*sarcasm* Da, jesam isao i lepo sam se proveo. Slikao sam se sa Sanders-om i on mi je dao onu njegovu novu gitaru zauzvrat.

user posted image


Zelim je. violent.gif

You were supposed to review their album, not to lick their balls. icon_smile.gif

icon_smile.gif ups...meni se vishe svidjala ta opcija...

but i'll review album when i finish licking... laugh.gificon_smile.gificon_smile.gificon_smile.gif



  • 5 weeks later...

kvalitetan bend,...ali najveca fora je sto meni zvuce do jaja kad ih slusam,keva su,medjutim skoro da ni jedne pesme ne mogu da se setim...ustvari ni jedne...mnogo su haoticni,mada ni to nije lose...


*Twiggy, picHko jel se ide

gdije si zaglavila, zivota ti

cujem da Vam dolaze +NILE+

sad u subotu, aaaaaa!


OCU I JA-za ye8enih 37 dojcHi!

ps: OCEKUJEM SLIKEEEEEEEE!!!! icon_rockdevil.gif

  • 1 month later...

Tartarean Desire: I noticed that you were accused of cancelling your show in Belgrade for no reason, what really happened there?


Karl Sanders: "We couldn't get across the border. I think that is a pretty good reason, if you can't get there then you can't play the fucking show. They said we had too much gear, it was worth too much money, so the promoter told us to lie. If we would lie we would get across the border but lying is bad. They already knew what we had. If we tried to tell the guy next to him that we had something different, you know, that's fucking stupid. The promoter that's been badmouthing us, saying that we cancelled for no reason, he's a fucking liar. He's a fucking cocksucker."



Cc..pogani jezici prema nashim milim organizerima.

Posted (edited)

Ma nek jedu govna....

Laganje je lose hahaha kako da ne. Meni bi bitniji bili fanovi, nego to sto cu slagati granicare jebene, mislim manje bi me grizla savest. A to oko laganja za opremu ne znam ni ja sam koji to jos bend donosi opremu vrednu 50.000$ pa ni Megadeth ni Stevie Vai nisu imali opremu te vrednosti aman. Ali dobro i onako su debili postali, pa nista nije cudno....


Edited by Frubi666

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