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Ma Nile su ispali pickice. Jes, oni su nasli da pricaju kako je laganje lose. Kad sam procitao ono "lying is bad" odmah sam se setio onog direktora skole iz South Parka i chuvene recenice "Drugs are bad,m'ok?" icon_smile.gif


nadjite najl sajt i na forumu, na prvom topicu cete moci videti diskusiju oko ovog intervjua! Karl licno je odgovarao na prozivku u par navrata, lik je arogantan da vonja do neba. Verujem da ce vi biti zanimljivo.

Hail Satan. pukeface.gif


ne zanima me ko je zafrknuo radnju... ali, mogao je taj napad na karla sofisticiranije da se izvede... ovako je ispalo kao da je neki napaljeni klinac iskalio svoj bes...

  Heavy jerk said:
Ma Nile su ispali pickice. Jes, oni su nasli da pricaju kako je laganje lose. Kad sam procitao ono "lying is bad" odmah sam se setio onog direktora skole iz South Parka i chuvene recenice "Drugs are bad,m'ok?" icon_smile.gif


  • 1 month later...

e... da su se prošli put neki ljudi ponašali normalno, sada bi oni osećali obavezu da dođu, i došli bi sigurno.


ovako... šanse da ikada dođu ovde su negde između 0% i 1% sa tendencijom opadanja.

  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

Odlicno poznajem coveka koji je zapoceo tu temu na NILE forumu i pritom "napao" Karl-a i mogu odmah da vam kazem da nije u pitanju nikakav klinac niti diletant, vec izuzetno prijatna, ljubazna i nadasve razumna osoba! Karl je taj koji je ovde nastupio krajnje agresivno i zauzeo je stav "napad je najbolja odbrana", a pritom se tu, naravno, nasao pun kurac dupelizucih klinaca, sto je ocekivano, koji su jedva docekali priliku da pokazu svim clanovima NILE-a koliko su im lojalni i koliko je u stvari jaka njihova zelja za pusenjem njihovih kurceva.


  Krang said:
posle cele diskusije, moram da kažem da je karl ipak u pravu.


Hm, verovatno nam se percepcija nekih istih stvari razlikuje, ali bih bas voleo da vidim gde i u cemu je Karl bio upravu?


  Kent said:
ne zanima me ko je zafrknuo radnju... ali, mogao je taj napad na karla sofisticiranije da se izvede... ovako je ispalo kao da je neki napaljeni klinac iskalio svoj bes...


Prva njegova poruka je bila krajnje uljudna i kulturna. Nije bilo uvreda niti bespotrebnog kenjanja. Covek je izneo suve cinjenice i dokaze i pritom na fin nacin izrazio gorcinu koju je osecao, i to je njegovo pravo. Potom je Karl njega PRVI izvredjao, napao bez osnova i kao slag na tortu nazvao ga "Markusom". U fazonu "mali 'aj pali". Jel' to u redu? Naravno da nije, a jos mi je gore kada pomislim da taj Karl ima najmanje 35 godina.


  Krang said:
samo je uspeo nas da diskredituje.


Kod koga je uspeo da nas diskredituje? Kod one decurlije koja se iskuplja na NILE forumu i udeljuje svoje zutare za jedan Karl-ov post? Mozda kod Karl-a koji je ispao kranje bezobrazna picketina i bez ikakvog osnova i osnovnog postovanja poceo da vredja i napada coveka? Posmatram gosn. Karl-a vec neko vreme i pazljivo osmatram ono sto prica. Koliko je taj covek naduvan dokazuje i jedan citat iz BV intervjua (ne mogu 100% da citiram je broj nije kod mene, ali uglavnom ovako se krece razgovor):


BV: Jesi li cuo novi ORIGIN?

Karl: Nisam, iako mi je promo ovde.

BV: U batice, pod obavezno ga preslusaj, ubija!

Karl: <smeh>Wow, mora da je tako cim ga pominjemo u NILE intervju.


Obratite paznju na taj poslednji odgovor koji je izrecen u starom dobrom "u sali pa privali" fazonu. Krajnje drsko i nadrkano. Takodje, nije samo to upitanju, vec sam citao i mnoge druge intervjue drugih (manjih) bendova koji su isli sa njima na turneje i koji su imali sve da kazu, samo ni jednu lepu rec na racun ponasanja clanova NILE-a. Sam Chief Spires je napustio bend zbog nepodnosljivog ponasanja Karl Sanders-a koje je pocelo da se pogorsava kada je bend krenu na svoju prvu samostalnu turneju po Americi posle BSOV. Nazalost, tog intervjua vise nema, ali evo procitajte sta Tony Laureno ima da kaze na racun gospode iz NILE-a:


What was the reason for the split with Nile and how do you rank the guys who came in after you? Preferebly pna scale from 1-10, where a 10 is top notch.


Well, it boils down to the fact that I was not happy with the politics within the band. There were too many things that I thought were totally craptastic and not fair for everyone in the band, and I just wasn’t happy being in that situation anymore. I have never really talked about it publicly before as I was honestly quite bent about it for a little bit after I quit, kind of feeling as if I had wasted 4 years of my life being in that band, but it’s been a few years now, so I don’t mind shedding a little light into the subject. Basically, what really started the downward spiral was an incident that took place in the spring of 2003. We didn’t have anything going on between March and June. The only thing that was a possibility of happening was a tour with Danzig called “Blackest of the Black” that our management was trying to get us on, but it wasn’t looking like it was going to happen, as management was expressing some doubts about it. At this point, Malevolent Creation, who were friends of mine, and were the first band that I ever toured with back in ‘95, were asking me to do a month and a half in Europe with them as they were having some drummer difficulties. I really didn’t want to take 3 months off, so I agreed to do their tour, but I told Nile that if the Danzig tour came up, that I would scrap the Malevolent Creation tour.


So about a week before I’m about to leave for Europe with Malevolent, Nile gets the Danzig thing, except now it’s no longer a tour, it’s only 2 shows. Before anything else, I’m figuring that we’ll fly to California, do the 2 shows, and come back. So rather than blowing out a whole tour for 2 shows, I come up with the sensible solution to do the Malevolent tour, and then skip about a week in the middle of it so I can fly back to the US and do the Danzig shows, and then fly back to Europe and finish the Malevolent tour. But I was told that the plan was for Nile to set up some quick dates in secondary and third markets so we could do shows to and from the West coast where the Danzig shows were going to be. First off, barring anything else, I thought it was a dumb idea to set up solo shows (as it only would be Nile and local acts) with only 30 days notice in markets that were already weak even when we rolled through with plenty of advance notice and a complete touring package. Knowing that the extra shows would be really weak, and if I didn’t go with Malevolent they would have to cancel the entire tour, I asked that the extra shows not be booked, and said that I would fly over from Europe at my own cost, and come to do the important shows.


While one member of the band whole-heartedly agreed with me, the other two guys and management shot down my proposal and started questioning my loyalty to Nile. That REALLY pissed me off because some time before that, another member of the band that shall remain nameless (but is still in the band today) decided that he didn’t want to go on a fully booked month long tour of Europe with Hate Eternal, Incantation, and Impaled, and cancelled the whole thing 2 weeks before the start of the tour without talking to anyone else in the band about it, and it was just swept under the carpet. Meanwhile, here I was asking to not do some minor shows that were not booked yet with credible reason,and I was getting crucified. So, anyway, for those shows they took another drummer who, according to the rest of the band, had a tough time with the material, and as I predicted, everything but the Danzig shows and the one other show I agreed to do were utter crap.


That incident totally opened my eyes and I saw all of the hypocricy that was going on, and that basically opened the flood gates for all sorts of other bullshit that had been simmering in the background to be brought to the forefront. I became really disillusioned, and I started thinking about leaving the band. At the insistence of our frontman Jon Vesano, I made a last ditch attempt to fix things. We had a meeting, and we talked about everything for hours, and I said that if things didn’t change and become fair for everyone, I would leave the band at the end of the touring cycle. I was told this would happen, but it never did. I even waited another 6 months, but it just never happened. So I left, and only then did I hear musings of how we could have worked things out. Too little, too late.


Since then, I’ve just been doing various different things. I’m doing recordings with four different projects (Insidious Disease, Aurora Borealis, plus two other ones that don’t have names yet), and on occassion I do live shows with four or five other bands, so I’m keeping myself quite busy musically. I am really enjoying the freedom to do all that, and I am not in any rush to hook up with another band on a more permanent basis at this time.


As for my opinion on my replacement, I can’t say how he’s done in the band as I haven’t heard the new album or seen him play with them. I have seen some videos from his old band, and he was doing some cool shit there. But obviously the guy must be killer if they bothered bringing him over all the way from Greece.


Jos kada samo pomislim da je jedan od uslova za svirku u Srbiji bio porcelanski servis i mleko zagrejano na odredjenoj temperaturi me jos vise tera na povracanje. Momci, ako muziku svirate iskljucivo da bi ste zaradjivali pare i izdrkavali se kao ROLLING STONES ili MASSIVE ATTACK, onda ste izabrali pogresan pravac. U death metalu nema para!


  Krang said:
e... da su se prošli put neki ljudi ponašali normalno, sada bi oni osećali obavezu da dođu, i došli bi sigurno.


ovako... šanse da ikada dođu ovde su negde između 0% i 1% sa tendencijom opadanja.


DA SU MOMCI IZ NILE NORMALNI, imali bi grizu savest i osecali bi obavezu da dodju ovde i da u lice kazu tim silnim "fucking cocksuckers-ima" i "fucking liers-ima" time sto ce sami potraziti drugog organizatora (hvala bogu ima ih) i doci i svirati srpskim fanovima "prema kojima imaju veliko postovanje". Ni Marko niti bilo ko drugi ne treba da se izvinjava niti da se kaje zbog kolicine izrazenog gneva jer sve sto je izreceno je na mestu!


  Black Desire said:
LJudi vratite se da pricamo o NILE-u

OK, vazi, ja cu da pocnem. I posle svega i dalje slusam i OBOZAVAM NILE, kupovacu njihove albume (ako budu vredni toga) i imam ih sve (pa cak i Ramses Bringer of War i Festivals of Atonement, dva ultraretka izdanja), necu ih spaljivati niti njima brisati guzicu, a mozda cak i odem na koncert u Budimpestu, ali sve to samo zbog same muzike, ali Karl Sanders, kao osoba, u mojim ocima je jedva nesto vredniji od govneta i to samo zbog NILE-a.

Edited by Baja Car

annihilation of the wicked...remek djelo svih vremena...

svaka in cast...

trebao sam im bit predgrupa u zagrebu al su imali problema na granici ( icon_mad.gif ) tako da je propalo...

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  Leta said:
annihilation of the wicked...remek djelo svih vremena...

svaka in cast...

trebao sam im bit predgrupa u zagrebu al su imali problema na granici ( icon_mad.gif ) tako da je propalo...

Cula sam potpuno istu verziju price od organizatora - Elem, problem je bio na granici, a ne u porcelanima, kristalu "Zajecar", pticijem mleku il' necem tretjem. Usrali su im oko viza, te je ceo Balkan odjeban, a ljudi direktno iz Italije zapalili u Grcku. Sve to nije razlog da se na NILE gleda drugim ocima, dovoljno je koristiti ushi. icon_da.giforangelistening.gif

  ~Abigail~ said:
Nile melodicnost? (da, znam da si napisao/la 'uklopljeno s brutalnoscu')

Onda je Deicde old school Throwerski dm.

NapisaLA, hvala...


A Nile je itekako melodican, mozda ti imas nenaviknute usi... mhihi.gifmhihi.gifmhihi.gif

Poslusaj "Nas Akhu Khan She En Asbiu", "To Dream of Ur", "Invocation of the Gate of Aat-Ankh-Es-En-Amenti", "Wrought", "The Howling of the Jinn"... i uveri se.


Da..inace nikada nisam slusala te pjesme.

..niti ista drugo od brutale. To je za mene nepoznanica icon_rolleyes.gif


Ja bih prije uopotrijebila rijec 'muzikalno', nego 'melodicno'. 'Melodic' asocira ne bendove drugacijeg zanra ;]

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