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Bend Macabrum jeosnovan od strane G.D iz Vukovara i A.S. iz Banja Luke, sa ciljem da se stvoribend koji će svirati depresivni i melanholični black metal. Bend je počeo sa radom u novembru 2010.godine. Svu muziku i aranžmane radi G.D., a sve tekstove i vokalne dionice A.S.Bend trenutno radi na promotivnom EP izdanju koje će biti gotovo ubrzo, a to EPizdanje pratiće puni album. Teme koje bend obrađuje u svojim tekstovima i pjesmamasu: samoća, poslednje sekunde prije smrti… Na oficijalnoj myspace stranicibenda, koja glasi: www.myspace.com/macabrumband , možete poslušati semplovеpjesama (semplovi na MS profilu nisu prošli kroz proces miksanja i produciranja,finalni zvuk će biti mnogo bolji), trenutno nema vokala na tim pjesmama, alioni će biti postavljeni kroz par dana.




Evo tracklista za album sto ce bit pocetkom 2011. gotov :


1. Intro

2. Corruption of Flesh and Soul

3. Inner Shape

4. Devouring from Inside

5. Cold Sight

6. Epoch

7. Sacrifice the Source of Life

8. Outro

Bonus Track:

9. God of Forbidden Light (Dissection Cover)


Ako, ako, samo radite. Drago mi je da black metal iz Banjaluke konacno zvuci ozbiljnije i pristonije u odnosu na dosadasnje radove lokalnih black metal ratnika :meshuggah:


Album ce uskoro biti gotov. Bice to nesto jos bolje od EP izdanja.


Evo i trackliste za album koji dolazi:

1. Intro

2. Corruption of Flesh and Soul

3. Inner Shape

4. Devouring from Inside

5. Cold Sight

6. Epoch

7. Sacrifice the Source of Life

8. Outro

Bonus Track:

9. God of Forbidden Light (Dissection Cover)



Black metal iz Banja Luke je uvijek bio ozbiljan i nepristojan.



Bonus Track:

9. God of Forbidden Light (Dissection Cover)[/b]



Haha, ne verujem! Bas sam/smo danas zavrsili snimanje iste pesme za neku kompilaciju sto izlazi sl. godine. Aj javite kad zavrsite, zanima me da cujem kako ste obradili pesmu.


Inace, sad sam tek usao da vidim o cemu se radi, skida se EP trenutno, pa cu preslusati.


Hej brate,


Preslusah, do duse samo jednom. Malo je rano da dam bilo kakvu kritiku ali posto putujem sutra, nece me biti 10-tak dana, pa bolje sad da kazem. Dakle ovako, najiskrenije:


Materijal sam po sebi nije los, stvarno je slusljiva muzika. Nista originalno, ali relano danas je to gotovo nemoguce dostici, tako da necemo o tome.


Produkcija je sasvim korektna za ovakak zanr, ali iskreno realizacija sa tehnicke strane (koknkretno mislim na gitaru) je, po mom misljenju, morala biti malo bolje odsvirana. Znaci ne ideje - one su OK, ali bas na nacin kako je odsvirana.


Vokali su mozda i najjaca tacka, jer su raznovrsni, i zadrzavaju paznju, sto je izuzetno bitno pogotovo kod ovakvog podzanra gde su pesme 5+ minuta.


Sve u svemu, s`obzirom da je prvi EP u nekom zanru gde je, opet, gotovo nemoguce biti originalan, sve je na svom mestu manje/vise. Stvarno je slusljiv materijal, i komotno mislim da bih mogao (i hocu) ponovo da ga preslusam, jer je zaista dobro.


Jedino u sta stvarno nisam siguran, jeste da li vam odgovara da se tako "label-ujete" kao Depressive Black Metal? Iskreno, kada sam to procitao, ocekivao sam mnogo atmosfericniji i sporiji materijal, sa "krs" produkcijom. Medjutim stvarno nije tako ispalo - riffovi i atmosfera je generalno bas "zivahna", nije stvarno samo zvuk koji ide u pozadini vec se zaista moze preslusati, i ponovo pustiti jer stvarno ima sta da se cuje.


Toliko od mene, samo napred, cujemo se kada se vrnem!












Prvi EP “Epoch” bendaMacabrum će biti izdan u diy-tape formatu od strane benda, u vrlo ograničenomtiražu; sa pro-print kasetnim omotom. Cijena kasete će biti: 4KM (RS/ bih),20KUNA (Hrvatska), 200RSD (Srbija), 2€ (Evropa). Razmjene su DOBRO DOŠLE. Kasete ćebiti dostupne za prodaju/razmjenu 4.1.2011. godine. Sve informacija o kaseti inarudžba iste na: [email protected]





  • 1 month later...

Opa, emisiji... Pa to nam je drago za cut... Hvala! ;)

Ma nema na čemu. Kamo sreće da se što više bendova javlja i promoviše svoje snimke. U mom potpisu imaš link ka temi o emisiji na ovom forumu gdje možeš naći podatke.


Nemas brige brate... dobices kopije... sacuvacemo ti. :meshuggah:


Jos cekamo odgovor jednog kopileta u vezi izdavanja prvog EP-a na profesionalnom disku. Pa se nadamo da ce i od toga nesto biti.

  • 3 weeks later...





i prevod:


Here we discover the scene of Balkan Black Metal must say that this promo with the Macabrum, Black Metal band coming from the East, send us all the atmosphere of black metal, suggestivissime at most, is the simple classic black metal, hard , melodic, and when you need that also involves non-fans of the genre. Despite being a promo of 2010 we find the sounds of old school black metal actually feel a lot of the influences of darkthrone, burzum and only recognize the melodic riff similar to the dissection, we speak of a mixture of influences that lead to an optimal outcome for our ears, the only thing that we find the modern in this promo are the parts of piano / keyboard, but which, however, mix well with the rest of the songs. To be a promo really deserves the last track there is a change in "closer to Dimmu Borgir but that does not leave for nothing to be desired. I hope I have satisfied your curiosity, if you are not sure heard and supported the Balkan scene!!


Recenzija sa metal-archives.com



Above me is the ground, but I am chained - 85%

Written by extremesymphony on March 11th, 2011


This little EP is what would happen if ever there was to be a band with Andre Olbrich on guitars and Abbath on vocals. The music is very melodic and simple especially due to the heavy use of pianos. But did I say that it is bad thing? Not at all. This EP represents what best can be described as melodic black metal. The highlight is the high caliber composition and songwriting .The songs are highly simple yet they are tremendously effective. The pianos also add to the music and create an excellent atmosphere.


The guitar work is simple yet quite good. The guitar melodies used mostly belong to power metal. The vocal work is standard black metal vocal work. The drum work is again quite good. The pianos are played well and they play their part efficiently. The production is amazing. The guitars are mixed superbly and so are the pianos. The pianos do not interfere with the actual heaviness of the songs.


So moving on to the individual songs;


1. Corruption Of Flesh And Soul: We start with excellent catchy riffs. The song picks up pace rather quickly. The guitar melodies used are just wonderful. At the one minute mark we have a fine interlude. Around the #:35 mark the pace changes dramatically which very nicely done.


2. Cold Sight: This one starts with a good piano intro which takes us straight into heavy and rough guitar melodies. The pace changes in the song are good, and despite being over seven minutes in length it does not get boring. Around the 5th minute mark we have another fine interlude.


3.Sacrifice The Source Of Life: The song opens with an amazing piano solo, which goes for about one and a half minutes . The riifs are once again excellent and so are the guitar melodies. The pianos also create an excellent epic effect. The song is basically midpaced but doesn't get boring. At the seventh minute mark the pace increases several notches, though for a short time. The song ends as it started with the piano solo.


Though the music may be highly melodic for gentlemen listening to regular black metal, but this EP is excellently crafted. The music is highly enjoyable and that is it's greatest strength. So this EP is not only recommended to fans of black metal music, but for all every other guy who listens heavy metal.


  • 2 weeks later...

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