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nije bolji od Alive.. slazem se, ali je odlican...nije mi jasno kako nekom ko voli ranije KsE radove(posebno The End Of Heartache) ovaj album moze da bude losh.


ma care ajde studijski albumi do jaja... nemam zamerke....stvarno nemam...ali kad onog hauarda cujem kako peva stare stvari dodje mi da ugasim koncert....Bas se vidi razlika i koliko je jesse bolji....


Jessie je bio za MENE bog dok nisam chuo usrano-jebeni seemless koji nema veze sa zivotom,muzikom,njegovim stenjanjem i josh nekim smehotronichnim tripovima koje imaju na albumu.

Ne mogu da verujem na kakvo govno od benda je spao to nije normalno.


No, back to KsE :) Be One je za sada najbolja pesma sa As Daylight Dies (dodushe sa special edition-a).

Pesma je fakin' do yaya :)

Jessie je bio za MENE bog dok nisam chuo usrano-jebeni seemless koji nema veze sa zivotom,muzikom,njegovim stenjanjem i josh nekim smehotronichnim tripovima koje imaju na albumu.

Ne mogu da verujem na kakvo govno od benda je spao to nije normalno.



Pa ok za pochetak si mogao da napises kako to SEREM.

Verovatno imas dovoljno godina,mozga I razuma da osporish moje tvrdnje i da napises vishe od 2 rechi.

Za to I postoje forumi, a ne za prozivanje,podjebavanje drugih. Kao sto ti na fin nachin radis.

Sta mislis faca si sto si mi napisao gtfo ? :lol:

A ako ti je toliko teshko da osporish moje tvrdnje, onda qlturno recheno odjebi.


Pa ok za pochetak si mogao da napises kako to SEREM.

Verovatno imas dovoljno godina,mozga I razuma da osporish moje tvrdnje i da napises vishe od 2 rechi.

Za to I postoje forumi, a ne za prozivanje,podjebavanje drugih. Kao sto ti na fin nachin radis.

Sta mislis faca si sto si mi napisao gtfo ? :lol:

A ako ti je toliko teshko da osporish moje tvrdnje, onda qlturno recheno odjebi.


Brate, kad koristiš Microsoft Word da kucaš postove, bar isključi Auto Correct opciju jer ti je svuda slovo I veliko.

Pa ok za pochetak si mogao da napises kako to SEREM.

Seres po tastaturi... ne znam kako, ne zelim da znam

Verovatno imas dovoljno godina,mozga I razuma da osporish moje tvrdnje i da napises vishe od 2 rechi.

Za to I postoje forumi, a ne za prozivanje,podjebavanje drugih. Kao sto ti na fin nachin radis.

ne bas, nemam nameru da diskutujem sa tobom, da te ubedjujem ili tako nesto... respekt za tebe sto si poslusao Seemless, ali reci da su sranje bend je najvece sranje koje sam ja procitao ovde, na ovoj temi => seres... da si rekao da ti se ne svidja to cime se on trenutno bavi pa i ajde

Sta mislis faca si sto si mi napisao gtfo ? :lol:

ne, ne mislim da sam faca na internetu, a i da jesam, to nije nesto cime bih se ponosio



ne lozi se


Spot cast no shadow je uzas...

Pa ok,necu ni ja da se raspravljam.

Uostalom, ukusi su razlichiti I (:P) nemam nameru da nastavljam diskusiju o seemless-u.

Oni su davno zavrshili karijeru u mom winampu :)




  • 3 weeks later...

Bulletin Od Jesse-a Leacha od danas ako nekoga uopste zanima...



New music in the works, life in general.........

Body: I finally had the time to really listen to some of the new demo MP3s my brothers in Seemless sent to me down here in NY. Let me tell you this is roots blues rock n roll- I love it!

For the first time in a long while I am inspired. I am seeing visions of the open road & stories are creeping up on me. I have a feeling this is a fresh new direction for us & I am going to get working on this stuff. We are trying to plan some gigs in the near future before the summer so we can try out our new stuff & do what we love. check out our "new song" Deathrattle on www.myspace.com/seemless


PS it is a total joke so lighten up!


In the meantime I am working like a dog & doing my best to stay creative in the midst of a life of servitude to the almighty dollar & the real world of punch clocks & paying bills to survive.


On another note I am slowly puting together everything I need for my home studio. I hope to begin recording my solo syuff in the next month or so. I have been jamming with loop pedals to get a feel for what direction I want to go in & let me tell yah have written Reggae- Deathmetal - Hip Hop - Indy Rock - Blues - punk & just trippy melodic ambience so I am really unsure which direction I will go in, most likely all of them ha ha. I am thinking I will try to have a myspace up to put up mp3s of these various alter egos of me. Time will tell.


On the "Metal Project" front: demos are basically finished but is will be time consuming to get the album completed. Between schedule conflicts & driving to the studio etc. I hope to be finished before the summer... again time will tell & no we don't have a name yet.


Oneof You is now a four piece & I have Alex Nick & Andrew all great

musicians from our label : AngleSideSide www.anglesideside.com

working on some songs for me to sing over.




So on the whole life is very busy & I am doing my best to find a balance between working 55 hours a week & remaining a creative inspired individual. It is not easy, but I am up for the challenge.


Well take care of each other ONE LOVE

& God's Blessings to all

Thanks for still paying attention & caring about my music & art.



your brother in spirit


On the "Metal Project" front: demos are basically finished but is will be time consuming to get the album completed. Between schedule conflicts & driving to the studio etc. I hope to be finished before the summer... again time will tell & no we don't have a name yet.

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