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znam,tu sam valjda i skinula one njegove umotvorine,pa citala natenane.. icon_da.gif

I ja isto. icon_da.gif


povremeno se vrsi update, cim gosn. Varg izda nesto novo.


Uglavnom paganism.. icon_rockdevil.gif

Posted (edited)

Evo jednog teksta od od gosn. Varga.



Creeping And Crawling, Rustling And Fluttering



There are two natural lights in this world, the sun and the moon. The first distorts the appearance of the other, often until it is unrecognizable. The sun gives us colour, warmth and clarity, while the moon gives us no colour, coldness and unclarity. We live in the sunlight, and we make artificial sunlight, after Arvakr and Alsvinnr, send by Sol, have drawn down the sun in sea in the West, because we like colour, warmth and clarity. The starting-point of our reality lies in this light; when Naglfaris' wife, Night, comes, our world disappears in a certain way. She is illuminated by a light, that we don't like, the colourless, cold and indistinct moonlight. Strange beings show themselves in the woods and the people draw back into their reliable, small houses. Out there, only the forces of darkness reign, yes, in the most true meaning of the word. The world becomes a total different one, for some the world becomes a place worth living. For those, who want to challenge these giants, who are brought to us by the moon in the shape of uncontrollable powers of nature, the world finally becomes a place really worth living in.



I jos jedan.





Twelve Men In The Woods



In the Norwegian woods a community of superior people, twelve of them, who were cast away by the people through deceit and because of their belief were made lawless. They travel around, accommodate the superior people from far away at the coast of Norway, and wait for the honour and pride of the people - their chief - to return. All the way at the horizon you can see them coming, jumping and frisking, to make the lower people human again. He saw a blaze in the Northern sky, a light so true as the deceit of the Christian people. All the way out on the Northern-Road there are some, in who's perceptibility he didn't disappear. We lighted a blaze in the Northern sky, strong enough, that they have seen them all. Thirteen Aegis gathered on the Plain of Ideas: Wotan and twelve of his sons - Forseti, Widar, Njord, Frey, Donar, Tyr, Heimdall, Bragi, Wali, Ull, Hoenir and Loki. They lead and reign well.



Edited by Varg
Posted (edited)

Jedna od mojih omiljenih Vargovih prica:



Mouse Town



Together with the spiritual pestilence of the South, something also came, that killed courage and honour. The light, how the pestilence was called, troubled countless men and women, forced them, to die in their beds, not seldom of death by age. Men, who could have won fame and honour by a meaningful death on the battlefield, often had to die of weakness of age. The forces of darkness were therefore to be exterminated, war was a sin and no man dares to kill another. There was peace, but no true peace, because this peace cost the people more energy than every war could have. An eternal peace is no peace, it is the differences which create energy. The light didn't warm them, it burned them; the light didn't let them see, it blinded them; the light sucked all energy out of them and they died after a long, honourless life in bed. The light brought them peace, god's peace, pure hell! (Written sometime in the future)

Edited by Varg

Za sve koji misle da je Vikernes glupi ubica itd. evo jednog teksta iz Paganism,dela koje je nastalo od strane Varga Vikernesa.Bar se potrudite da procitate pre nego sto mu sudite na osnovu lazi.


Ovo je poslednji update:




On The Overgrown Paths



There are many ways we can follow through life, but a vast majority chooses to follow the herd on the wide and easily passable tarmac road that only leads to spiritual mediocrity and stagnation. At the end of the road they leave no trace of their existence behind and simply pass into oblivion. Like cattle they follow the individual in front of them, with little thought to what they are doing, and they walk straight into the nothingness. They choose this path because it offers them the least resistance and the most comfortable life.


There are other ways, though, other paths that man can follow through life. Naturally the paths our forefathers followed are overgrown today. Nobody has walked on these paths for a very long time, and the wild nature has reclaimed most of them. We have to search carefully to even find out they exist. However, these paths are not easy ways. Those who follow the overgrown paths will, on their way, stumble over mossy rocks and roots in dark forests, they will frequently slip and fall in the mud, get stuck in bogs and have to swim through dangerous currents. Apart from the occasional wanderer one might encounter out there, in the wilderness, it is also a very lonely path to follow. You mostly walk alone.


When the overgrown paths cross the tarmac road of the herd, the lone traveler - filthy, often messy and dressed in rags - will be met by a hail of abusive language; mockery, scorn, fear and even hatred. The cattle are used to obediently follow the individual in front of them with no intrusions. An individual traveling in another direction, or crossing the road, will always cause confusion and uncertainty in their featherbrained ranks.


The herd finds no mysterious secrets, no spiritual enlightenment or ancient lore on the tarmac road. The runes and golden pieces of the gods can only be found in the green grass or under the moss, on the overgrown paths. The enlightenment will only be achieved by the individual who leaves the footsteps of the person in front of him or her and looks up towards the sky, for a change. The ancient lore will only be learned by those who walk where the ancients once walked, and do like our forefathers did.


It is not easy to find the exit roads leading to the overgrown paths from the highway. Most people just rush by them, not even knowing they are there. You have to look for them, often in the most unlikely places, and even you might fail to find them. Others are more lucky, in the sense that they are given the directions by others. Destiny is perhaps all that matters, and those who are predetermined to find the overgrown paths will in any case eventually find them. Whether they like or not.


I am walking on such an overgrown path, and perhaps that is the why it sometimes is hard for people to comprehend what I am saying, doing and thinking about, and why many react with disgust or fear no matter what I do or say. But so what? I know what really matters in life and I only really care about the "spiritual heroes and heroines", the Einherjers and Valkyries I occasionally meet out there in the wilderness, who have found their own exit from the tarmac road. I only really care about the strong individuals who are out looking for the runes, the gold of the gods, in the green grass. I only really respect the others who do like me and walk on overgrown paths. The mediocre masses matter no whit. Valhalla is not for the sheep.



Inace,imao sam tekst koji prati onaj cuveni instrumental-Tomhet(praznina).

Neverovatno je mocan i ko za inat ne mogu da ga nadjem ni u kompu ni na net-u.. wallbash.gif

imao si text za prazninu? laugh.gif


divno,aj nadji icon_cool.gif

Posted (edited)

imao si text za prazninu? laugh.gif


divno,aj nadji  icon_cool.gif

Stvarno ne razumem kako je odjednom nestao taj tekst..


Koliko se secam,Varg je govorio o nekim svetlima u noci..tekst je vrlo metaforican i dubok.


Nemoj da te cudi to sto ima tekstove za instrumentale..znas sigurno za tekstove za Daudi Balders i Hlidskjalf..?

Edited by Varg
Stvarno ne razumem kako je odjednom nestao taj tekst..


Koliko se secam,Varg je govorio o nekim svetlima u noci..tekst je vrlo metaforican i dubok.


Nemoj da te cudi to sto ima tekstove za instrumentale..znas sigurno za tekstove za Daudi Balders i Hlidskjalf..?

pa sta ti mislis da sam ja icon_cry.gif


imam za daudi i hlidskjalf,

imam i za hvis ali prve tri pesme,

ali nemam za tomhet..


ali ako text postoji,ima da se nadje.. icon_cool.gificon_da.gif


Ma znam da postoji..samo ne znam gde sam ga procitao..sad me mrzi da trazim.



Evo jedne vesti:Ukoliko Varg bude pusten u aprilu ove godine najverovatnije ce snimiti album u stilu ranog Burzuma!!!

Kako kaze,sposoban je da pravi jedino takvu muziku!




Ma znam da postoji..samo ne znam gde sam ga procitao..sad me mrzi da trazim.



Evo jedne vesti:Ukoliko Varg bude pusten u aprilu ove godine najverovatnije ce snimiti album u stilu ranog Burzuma!!!

Kako kaze,sposoban je da pravi jedino takvu muziku!




to sam znala icon_cool.gif

i nadam se da ce biti tako,varg nas nece valjda izneveriti..

nego,zar ne izlazi tek u avgustu?

to sam znala icon_cool.gif

i nadam se da ce biti tako,varg nas nece valjda izneveriti..

nego,zar ne izlazi tek u avgustu?

Ma valjda ce u aprilu..tako pise na jednom sajtu..


Posted (edited)


e to je neshto


a ovo


There are many ways we can follow through life, but a vast majority chooses to follow the herd on the wide and easily passable tarmac road that only leads to spiritual mediocrity and stagnation. At the end of the road they leave no trace of their existence behind and simply pass into oblivion. Like cattle they follow the individual in front of them, with little thought to what they are doing, and they walk straight into the nothingness. They choose this path because it offers them the least resistance and the most comfortable life.


pazi odgovora icon_wink.gif knjiga propovednikova 1. glava


2. Таштина над таштинама, вели проповједник, таштина над таштинама, све је таштина.

3. Кака је корист човјеку од свега труда његова, којим се труди под сунцем?

4. Нараштај један одлази и други долази, а земља стоји увијек.

5. Сунце излази и залази, и опет хити на мјесто своје одакле излази.

6. Вјетар иде на југ и обрће се, и у обртању свом враћа се.

7. Све ријеке теку у море, и море се не препуња; одакле теку ријеке, онамо се враћају да опет теку.

8. Све је мучно, да човјек не може исказати; око се не може нагледати, нити се ухо може наслушати.

9. Што је било то ће бити, што се чинило то ће се чинити, и нема ништа ново под сунцем.

10. Има ли што за што би ко рекао: види, то је ново? Већ је било за вијекова који су били прије нас.

11. Не помиње се што је прије било; ни оно што ће послије бити неће се помињати у онијех који ће послије настати.

bili krdo ili ne ne ostavljamo traga o svom postojanju icon_smile.gificon_smile.gificon_smile.gif


nije meni drugi citat argument, nego veoma lepo srochena sushtina

tashtina, brate moj na zaraslim stazama, sve je tashhtina... .. i muka duhu



sushtina celog teksta je sektashka




zashto su putevi napushteni, a? icon_cool.gif pa nisu bili ugodni, niti dovoljno zanimljivi





icon_smile.gificon_biggrin.gif Edited by bafomet
Zar se nije definitivno odrekao svojih ranih radova u korist ambijentala? musik20.gif

nije..u poslednjem intervjuu je izjavio da ce verovatno snimiti nesto u stilu ranog Burzuma.


@bafomet----Sta pokusavas da kazes uopste??

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