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A inače ih je bilo brojnih :)


Ja sam ziveo uubedjenju da je sad dostigao nek uslavu , sigurno je vishe poznatiji nego pre sto je otisao u zatvor. PA sam mislio da ce da sastavi neku ekipu nekih muzikcara da napravi novi album i da pici sa Burzumom da promovishe uzivo materijal svetskoj publici. :)


ma 'de bre, kad je otisao u zatvor bio je manje-vise medijska zvezda, zbog ubistva, paljenja itd..

spominjao je on u nekoliko navrata da ce nastaviti rad na burzumu kad izadje, a isto tako je spominjao da nece, ne znam.. covek je genije i voleo bih kad bi izdao jos koji album !

Posted (edited)

Fenriz živi u Oslu, možda Nokturno...


Često mijenja priču oko izdavanja novog albuma... meni se čini da ipak neće moći da odoli, i da nas očekuje nešto novo od Burzuma kad se konačno sazna gdje je taj čovjek uopšte...

Edited by [kinetic]

pa njemu se o glavu olupalo svo to black metal ludilo, jedino ako je totalni imbecil, a mislim da nije, ponovo ce se pojaviti.. na kraju krajeva da je iza njega ostao samo Det Som Engang Var ili Filosofem bilo bi i više nego dovoljno da njegovo ime postane simbol black metala.


evo vam odgovora:


Varg Vikernes (a.k.a. Count Grishnackh) — the former BURZUM mastermind who is currently serving a 21-year Norwegian prison term for the August 1993 murder of MAYHEM guitarist Oystein Aarseth (a.k.a. Euronymous) — has been denied parole by the Norwegian Ministry of Justice after it was determined that he was "too dangerous" to be released into the general public. According to the Norwegian newspaper VG, Varg's case workers fear that he won't be able to handle life outside prison and they want better measures to insure that he will be able to cope with normal living conditions once he's released.


"I don't understand this," the 35-year-old Varg Vikernes told VG. "They want me to have an arrangement with NVA (The Norwegian Labour and Welfare Service) so they can sort everything out for me, but I don't need that. Do I have to become a welfare case to be released? I have a house, a job and a family that awaits me."


Vikernes — who is married, with one daughter (aged 15) and a son (aged nine months) — has served two-thirds of his sentence. His third application for parole has just been denied. The message from the authorities is clear: Varg Vikernes should not be released from prison. In denying his parole, the Ministry of Justice pointed to the fact that Vikernes escaped from prison in 2003 and has ties to neo-Nazi groups.


"I haven't had any contact with those groups in a very long time. The Norwegian Police Security Service (PST) is well aware of this," claims Vikernes.


Varg is free to apply for parole again within a year.


Rjesenje za ovakve debile je metak u celo...samo sramote metal i to je to...

Da nije palio crkve i ubio covjeka,vrijednost njgovih albuma u ocima blekera bi bila 0...ovako ga svi dizu u nebesa...

Rjesenje za ovakve debile je metak u celo...samo sramote metal i to je to...

Da nije palio crkve i ubio covjeka,vrijednost njgovih albuma u ocima blekera bi bila 0...ovako ga svi dizu u nebesa...


Sto se tice albuma Burzuma(od prvog demo snimka pa do Filosofema), njihova vrijednost je u okvirima BM-a neprocjenjiva. Vidim da si ti kralju popljuvao i Mayhem, sto me dovodi do zakljucka da black metal definitivno nije muzika za tebe. Iskuliraj malo, idi slusaj nesto drugo


Jes. Ne pljuj po muzici koju ne shvatas. Moras da shvatis ideologiju i da shvatis da Vargu bas i nije do black metala sada. Ima zenu, dvoje dece i mora njih da izdrzava. Mislis da on sada razmislja kako ce zapaliti jos koju crkvu ili ubiti jos koga. Idi bre!

  • 2 weeks later...

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