Џрк Posted May 22, 2009 Report Posted May 22, 2009 (edited) Теша Тешановић said: a venom realno nikada nisu zaradili nikave pare od icega eee, svasta Edited May 22, 2009 by H.J Quote
Andrija Smith Posted May 22, 2009 Report Posted May 22, 2009 azal said: http://invisibleoranges.com/images/detail-...ets-purrzum.gif Hahahaha! Quote
Vozd Jovan Pogani Posted May 22, 2009 Report Posted May 22, 2009 Uvijek Venom... Nikad Lepa Brena... Koja je to seljanka... A uzimala je pare budalama... Samo RAW... Quote
Guest Pit Posted May 23, 2009 Report Posted May 23, 2009 Posto je Varg od juce konacno slobodan covek, sad moze licno da spreci snimanje filma, ako mu je ostalo jos dinamita u steku za crne dane! Quote
oʞɾoƃ Posted May 23, 2009 Report Posted May 23, 2009 http://www.roadrunnerrecords.com/blabbermo...wsitemID=120605 Varg Vikernes (a.k.a. Count Grishnackh), the former BURZUM mastermind who was convicted of murdering MAYHEM guitarist Oystein Aarseth (a.k.a. Euronymous) in August 1993 and setting fire to three churches, is a free man. "I can confirm that I have been released from prison," Vikernes told Norway's Dagbladet. Although his parole application was denied four times — most recently in September 2008 — Vikernes received word in February that he would be released after serving almost 16 years in prison. He was finally allowed to leave a couple of weeks ago, according to Dagbladet. "I will have to report [to the parole officer] for one year — initially every two weeks, and then once a month," Vikernes said. Quote
militant Posted May 23, 2009 Report Posted May 23, 2009 bolje da se saceka info iz prve ruke sa burzum.orga, ovo mi nesto traljavo izgleda. Quote
oʞɾoƃ Posted May 23, 2009 Report Posted May 23, 2009 (edited) Dagbladet su među najvećim norveškim novinama, ako one kažu da je izašao, izašao je. Sad zamišljam koliko je samo dobrog black metala izašlo otkad je on u zatvoru Edited May 23, 2009 by Gojk O))) Quote
Svart Posted May 23, 2009 Report Posted May 23, 2009 Gojk O))) said: Sad zamišljam koliko je samo dobrog black metala izašlo otkad je on u zatvoru Pa skoro sav Quote
oʞɾoƃ Posted May 23, 2009 Report Posted May 23, 2009 (edited) Zamisli koju će tonu stvari on morati da poskida sa neta Ono, intervju posle 2 nedelje: "Šta mislite o Satyriconu?" "Šta ti je to?" Edited May 23, 2009 by Gojk O))) Quote
Talvi Posted May 23, 2009 Report Posted May 23, 2009 Ako ga uopste bude zanimalo. Mozda ce poslusati bendove u kojima su mu svirali ortaci, tipa Emperor zbog Samoth-a, ali mi se inace cini da bi mogao da bude i Quorthon-ovski tip u smislu da ce ga boleti dupe za sve to... Quote
militant Posted May 23, 2009 Report Posted May 23, 2009 ma gde bre ljudi, koliko sam ja skapirao iz sve te price njega metal zanima ko ekonomija drzave Kongo. Quote
BLAGOJE Posted May 23, 2009 Report Posted May 23, 2009 (edited) njega sad zanima picka bolan,da ste bili u budjari,znali bi o cemu on sad razmislja. Edited May 23, 2009 by umart Quote
Теша Тешановић Posted May 23, 2009 Report Posted May 23, 2009 Gojk O))) said: Zamisli koju će tonu stvari on morati da poskida sa neta Ono, intervju posle 2 nedelje: "Šta mislite o Satyriconu?" "Šta ti je to?" Talvi said: Ako ga uopste bude zanimalo. Mozda ce poslusati bendove u kojima su mu svirali ortaci, tipa Emperor zbog Samoth-a, ali mi se inace cini da bi mogao da bude i Quorthon-ovski tip u smislu da ce ga boleti dupe za sve to... ljudi ne verujem da ce on slusati metal uopste sada.zalio se u zatvoru zbog toga sto ne moze da slusa muziku.jos tamo negde 98 je rekao da ga metal i ne zanima ali da bi slusao klasicnu muziku,ruske i nemacke vojne marsheve,folk muziku,ambijentalnu muziku Quote
Теша Тешановић Posted May 23, 2009 Report Posted May 23, 2009 (edited) evo sta je varg rekao u intervju 97 Quote Do you still enjoy metal music, and guitar-based music in general nowadays or not? If you are given the opportunity to record another metal album (guitars, bass, drums, etc.) what will your choice be? "If I could listen to music, I would listen to old marches, folk music, classical and some electronic music only. I will most likely never record any "metal" records." izvor http://www.burzum.com/burzum/library/inter..._hammer_hellas/ sto znaci da je jos tada rekao da vishe ne zeli da slusa metal a evo i drugom intervju Quote If You are allowed to listen to music now, what kind of music do You usually listen to? If I could listen to music now I would have listened to Das Ich ("Die Propheten"), Tchaikovskij (especially "The Nutcracker" and "The Swan Lake") and other classical music, Dead Can Dance ("Within The Realm Of A Dying Sun"), The Uppsala Jesters (that is; "Juculatores Uppsaliensis" or something like that), Goethes Erben, different house- and rave music, Jean Michelle Jarre, Vangelis, Kraftwerk, Russian folk music, old German and Soviet marches, some opera and possibly some metal music that I have an "emotional time" to - like Paradise Lost (some songs on "Lost Paradise" and their demo tape from 1989 or 1990) and Burzum. http://www.burzum.com/burzum/library/interviews/doomish/ usput varg ima jako dobar izbor muzike Edited May 23, 2009 by Теша Тешановић Quote
oʞɾoƃ Posted May 23, 2009 Report Posted May 23, 2009 (edited) To je rekao 1997, a evo šta je rekao 2005: Quote Can people expect you to release any more music after you are released? Probably. The future albums, if I ever record anything, will as far as I can tell sound much like the old albums, whether I like it or not, because I am incapable of making music that doesn't sound rather "burzumic". I fear it might not be too original or different from old Burzum, as I wanted it to be, but I guess there are people who think that is just fine too. And on the other hand it is not very surprising that I still make music that sounds much like my own music... http://www.burzum.org/eng/library/interview02.shtml Jedan od jedina dva zvanično odobrena intervjua iz zatvorskog perioda. Ostali su možda tačni, možda izmišljeni. Edited May 23, 2009 by Gojk O))) Quote
Теша Тешановић Posted May 23, 2009 Report Posted May 23, 2009 Gojk O))) said: To je rekao 1997, a evo šta je rekao 2005: http://www.burzum.org/eng/library/interview02.shtml Jedan od jedina dva zvanično odobrena intervjua iz zatvorskog perioda. Ostali su možda tačni, možda izmišljeni. gojko on je to rekao u jednom od ta dva zvanivna intervjua.mislim neznam sta ocekujes sada da on izadje iz zatvora i da krene da slusa sve one bendove za koje blek metalci misle da su kultni.verujem da posle svega njega metal vise i ne zanima Quote Question by Karlis from Ventspils, Latvia: If You are allowed to listen to music now, what kind of music do You usually listen to? If I could listen to music now I would have listened to Das Ich ("Die Propheten"), Tchaikovskij (especially "The Nutcracker" and "The Swan Lake") and other classical music, Dead Can Dance ("Within The Realm Of A Dying Sun"), The Uppsala Jesters (that is; "Juculatores Uppsaliensis" or something like that), Goethes Erben, different house- and rave music, Jean Michelle Jarre, Vangelis, Kraftwerk, Russian folk music, old German and Soviet marches, some opera and possibly some metal music that I have an "emotional time" to - like Paradise Lost (some songs on "Lost Paradise" and their demo tape from 1989 or 1990) and Burzum. izvor http://www.burzum.org/eng/library/interview01.shtml Quote
Теша Тешановић Posted May 23, 2009 Report Posted May 23, 2009 (edited) vojni marsevi su najbolja muzika,ja jako volim da ih slusam.mnogo bolja muzika od rok djubreta Edited May 23, 2009 by Теша Тешановић Quote
oʞɾoƃ Posted May 23, 2009 Report Posted May 23, 2009 Теша Тешановић said: vojni marsevi su najbolja muzika,ja jako volim da ih slusam.mnogo bolja muzika od rok djubreta Istina. Quote
Маузер Posted May 23, 2009 Report Posted May 23, 2009 Dajte neke linkove od marseva. Ja ne mogu da nadjem. Quote
oʞɾoƃ Posted May 23, 2009 Report Posted May 23, 2009 To si pročitao na blabberu, siso! A i našli su gitaristu Quote
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