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  Antichrist Hammer said:
Volite Burzum, a nevolite Varga.

Pomalo kontradiktrono, s obzirom da čovek sve radi u bendu - bolje rečeno on je bend.


ako ti je to jedini razlog po cemu smo kontradiktorni,preispitaj svoju logiku.do tad,batali pricu.

Posted (edited)
  umart said:
ja da odjebem?vidim,jako argumentovano raspravljas.aj bjezi budalo.ako imas problem,imas pp.


Nema agrumentiranja sa kretenima. :evotigana:

Ti jednostavno voliš da se prazniš nad tuđim mišljenima.

Edited by Antichrist Hammer
  Antichrist Hammer said:
Nema agrumentiranja sa kretenima. :evotigana:

Ti jednostavno voliš da se prazniš nad tuđim mišljenima.

i onda kazes da sam ja kreten?


nad misljenjima se ne praznim,na preseravanju i kompleksima nize vrijednosti uvijek i svugdje.opet ti kazem da ako vec zelis da se vrijedjas,imas pp,zajebi temu.




Posted (edited)



What is being said can basically be summed up as such.


- He refutes the murder of Euronymous like he've done in the articles on burzum.org - it was self-defence and nothing he had planned, and that he would've handled the situation different today, for example by calling the police beforehand based upon the assumptions that Euronymous was out to capture him and torture and there-after kill him.

- He've written a book while in jail himself relating to the early BM-scene in norway from his perspective to be released somtime in the future.

- A new Burzum-album will be released sometime next year, the material is already written and he just have to record it.

- Burzum and none of the bands within the early black metal-scene in Norway was ever Satanic, but rather in oposition to christiantiy and thus used Satanic-symbols as a tool for that.'

- He never burned any churches, but there was a youth in Norway who was lead upon that path by the people within the scene who thought they would be indoctrinated if they performed such a deed. The rest of the people that actually was related to Vikernes and within the circle was lead to believe he actually did burn churches by the propaganda by Euronymous, which was a fabricated lie to bring attention to their music for commercial purposes.

- That he is racist but doesn't hate anybody because of their race. Though he's concerned at the regressed lead that Norway is taking today, being lead upon the wrong path wheb it come to religion, culture aswell as genetics.

- The alter-alias "Count" was not anything he wished for himself within the media, it was simply something they picked up from his first album. All though, the media refuse this and says Vikernes wanted to become known nation wide himself and used this nickname as a tool for that purpose.

- That he doesn't regret the past and is proud of who he is today.

- Except working on a new Burzum-album and the aforementioend book, he is working on SF/Fantasy-literature aswell as a roleplaying-game.

- All his old friends abandoned him while in jail, but he's managing great with his wife, 1½ year old son and to-be-born baby.


Volite Burzum, a nevolite Varga.

Pomalo kontradiktrono, s obzirom da čovek sve radi u bendu - bolje rečeno on je bend.

au brate, koje si tocilo...

Edited by heavy jerk

kaki panjat,da te raspop mili sacuva.dva najaca momenta su ltd i rpg.cudo snorre nije se ufatio sa njim,varg ga nikad nije krivio,i uradio je sve da ovaj ne dobije minuta zatvora.nisam skont'o da je toliki cigan.

kako se ubacio u komercijalizaciju,jbg zena i dijete,zajebano.a on osudjenik.


Napisano 9 pesama, album iduće godine:


Varg Vikernes (a.k.a. Count Grishnackh), the BURZUM mastermind who was convicted of murdering MAYHEM guitarist Oystein Aarseth (a.k.a. Euronymous) in August 1993 and setting fire to three churches, has finished writing nine songs for BURZUM's new album, which he hopes to release next year. He tells Norway's Dagbladet that several record labels are interested in issuing the band's first LP in eleven years. "I want to take my time [with the album], so that I can get it the way I like it," Vikernes says. "It will be metal, and the fans can expect to hear some real BURZUM."




drago mi je sto se dosta promenio. bar se tako cini. a pouzdano je, pa ima slika njegova s gitarom! :)

evo sad slusam det som engag var u tu cast :D


ja ocekujem nesto slicno onom paganskom Bathory-ju, sa dosta sopstvenih modifikacija, eksperimentisanja, atmosfere.

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