moon_dust Posted September 27, 2003 Report Posted September 27, 2003 mrzime da citam sve...mozda je bilo ali nema veze...... ....nista protiv Varga i njegove muzike, naptotiv iako nisam neki veliki fan burzuma ipak imam par cd-a u kolekciji..... ali svi znate zbog cega je on u zatvoru i da je par miliona dolara duzan drzavi zbog onih spaljenih crkvi, i da je jedini razlog zasto mu je odobreno da dalje izdaje muziku je taj da sve pare(od prodaje cd-a, majica i.t.d.) ide direktno u obnovu upravo tih spaljenih crkvi.... to je cinjenica...... sto se mene tice mogo je on da spali jos par i da pobije jos par ljudi..... ali svako ko kupi bilo sta sa imenom buzuma ili varga podrzava bas ono po cemu burzum vec godinama pljuje..... a: a: a: Quote
Crnobog Posted September 27, 2003 Report Posted September 27, 2003 Mozda za prodano u Norveskoj u ostalim zemljama to nije tako.Pogledaj na o omotu CDa tko i gdje ga je izdao pa ces vidjeti da novac ne ide za nikakve obnove.Misantrophy Records iz Engleske-oni imaju od Varga ekskluzivno pravo da izdaju njegove CDe stavise bas zbog toga sta mu je prijetilo da vlada Norveske konfiscira sav novac od njegovih majica i cedea on je prebacio izdavanje svojih CDa u Englesku.Tako da je informacija koji si dao apsolutno lazna Quote
Hamsun Posted October 4, 2003 Report Posted October 4, 2003 Ne znam da li je raspravljano ranije o ovome, ali - da li je ko slusao Burzum/Mayhem remek djelo `From The Dark Past`??? Quote
Frankenchrist Posted October 5, 2003 Report Posted October 5, 2003 Mislis na one istrumentale?Odlican album!!! Znali smo da se skupimo kod ortaka odvalimo taj album i da "pevamo". Quote
Guest gore-m-milica Posted October 17, 2003 Report Posted October 17, 2003 el mislite na filosofem??? Quote
Frankenchrist Posted October 17, 2003 Report Posted October 17, 2003 Ne, vec From The dark Past, to je u stvari De Mysteriis Dom sathanas bez vokala....znaci ista postava, samo sto niko ne peva vec samo sviraju...odlican album. U stvari bootleg. Quote
fiction Posted October 26, 2003 Report Posted October 26, 2003 VARG VIKERNES POBJEGAO IZ ZATVORA 8O BURZUM Leader Fails To Return After Short Leave From Prison - Oct. 26, 2003 The Norwegian media is reporting that BURZUM mastermind Varg "Greven" Vikernes (a.k.a. Count Grishnack) failed to return after a short leave from his prison in Vestfold, Norway, where the black metal musician is serving a 21-year sentence for the August 1993 murder of MAYHEM guitarist Oystein Aarseth (a.k.a. Euronymous), the burning of three churches, and the resulting death of a fireman. Varg, 30, was supposed to return to the prison by midnight Saturday (October 25) after being granted a couple of days off, but failed to come back in time. The police have no information on his whereabouts. More information on Vikernes' "escape" from prison (in Norwegian) can be found at the following locations: NRK Dagbladet Bergensavisen Ringerikes Blad Dagsavisen Stavanger Avisen Nationen Tonsbergs Blad VG Avisa Nordhordland Finnmarken Aura Avis Glåmdalen Ostelndingen Sandefjords Blad Vikernes, commonly referred to as a Satanist, but more accurately described as a deeply anti-Christian and anti-Semite black metal musician who claims that he believes in Old Norse gods like Odin and Thor, gained notoriety in Norway for being responsible for one of the most brutal murders ever committed in the country (Aarseth was found dead outside his apartment in Oslo with 23 stab wounds — two to the head, five to the neck, and 16 to the back). In a 1998 interview with Björn Hallberg, Vikernes elaborated on his claim that he killed Aarseth (widely viewed as the founder of the Norwegian black metal movement) in self-defense, saying "[Oystein] wanted to kill me for several reasons. I dumped his label, and by doing that left him with a label with only bands that sold extremely bad (ABRUPTUM, and some other trash). I made him look like a complete fool several times — i.e. from making fun of him to disclosing his many lies to others. I started to spread racist propaganda to our milieu. But most importantly I managed to become more interesting for the media than he was. For some reason it was very important for him to be 'the center' of everything. This was of course because I did something, while he was just talking about these things — so after a while nobody took him serious, as they saw that he was just full of talk, and no action. He blamed me for this, since I was the person — he believed — responsible for making him look like a wimp (which he was, of course). "You must remember that [Aarseth] had been 'the center' of the [Norwegian black metal] movement a long time, he was 25 years old, while I was only 19 (and 20 when I killed him), and he took it very serious when people started listening to me instead of him. He was a Communist, and hated the fact that 'everybody' was fully into my nationalist and racist views — that is, after a while of course. In short he didn't like the development, and wanted to put and end to it by killing me. First he tried to find proof against me for several crimes he 'knew' I had committed, but he failed to do so. "The reason I disrespected him was simply because he was completely incompetent and incapable of running his label efficiently. He was full of big words and never did anything as he promised to do. He was obsessed with this 'Satanist' thing, while I wanted to spread Odinism in the scene (and he hated me for that as well). He was disgusting, watching dirty movies all the time, and we even suspected him for being bisexual or homosexual! I did not want anything to do with him, and did nothing to my contempt for him to anybody! He was a pig, and I told that to 'everybody'! "I was a bit pissed because I had wasted so much time, belief and energy on his label, and everything was a waste! I was young, alright, but still was a fool to believe in his label in the first place. "To put it short there were a lot of reasons for me to hate him, and because of my respectable way of handling this he had a reason to hate me as well — I told the truth about him, and for sure the truth is very often uncomfortable for many! "I meant — and still mean — that I killed him in self-defense, simply because it was he who attacked me, and not the other way around, when I showed up in his apartment that evening to tell him to 'fuck off' (to put it that way). He intended to torture me to death, filming it and selling it as a 'snuff' movie to others — and I knew this because a friend of his told me about it. He attacked me and he tried to kill me (with a knife). He failed miserably, alright, but I knew that if I did not end 'the show' there I would only give him a second chance, and of course I saw no point in doing that. Maybe he was more successful (for a change…) the second time? That is why I mean it was in self-defense. In beginning it was self-defense, even legally, but when he started to flee it was no longer legally, and I then call the killing a 'preventative action', 'preventative self-defense'." Quote
kasapin Posted October 26, 2003 Report Posted October 26, 2003 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O svaka mu cast! a: a: a: Quote
Nazzgul Posted October 26, 2003 Report Posted October 26, 2003 AHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!! NAPOKON JEDNA VRH VEST!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!! VECERAS CU DA SE NAPIJEM!!!!!!!!! AHAHAHHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! VAAAAAAAAAAAARG!!!!!!!!!!! VOLIM TE!!!!!!!!!!! VOLIM TE!!!!!! KRALJUUUUUUU!!!!!!! AHAHAHAHHHAHAH!!!!!! LOL!!!!!! HAIL VARG!!! HAIL BURZUM!!! KILL THE POLICE!!!!!!!!!!!! [18:59] <Nazzgul|happy|> ____ _ _ ____ _____ _ _ __ __ [18:59] <Nazzgul|happy|> | __ ) | | | | | _ |__ / | | | | | / | [18:59] <Nazzgul|happy|> | _ | | | | | |_) | / / | | | | | |/| | [18:59] <Nazzgul|happy|> | |_) | | |_| | | _ < / /_ | |_| | | | | | [18:59] <Nazzgul|happy|> |____/ ___/ |_| _ /____| ___/ |_| |_| ____ _ _ ____ _____ _ _ __ __ [18:59] <Nazzgul|happy|> | __ ) | | | | | _ |__ / | | | | | / | [18:59] <Nazzgul|happy|> | _ | | | | | |_) | / / | | | | | |/| | [18:59] <Nazzgul|happy|> | |_) | | |_| | | _ < / /_ | |_| | | | | | [18:59] <Nazzgul|happy|> |____/ ___/ |_| _ /____| ___/ |_| |_| ____ | __ ) | _ | |_) | |___/ _ _ | | | | | | | | | |_| | ___/ ____ | _ | |_) | | _ < |_| _ _____ |__ / / / / /_ /____| _ _ | | | | | | | | | |_| | ___/ __ __ | / | | |/| | | | | | |_| |_| Quote
Frankenchrist Posted October 26, 2003 Report Posted October 26, 2003 Sta se lozis sarane , kad je Burzum prestao sa radom??? se NAS tice, mi i nemamo neku korist od toga.... Quote
kasapin Posted October 26, 2003 Report Posted October 26, 2003 ma bitno je da je on pobegao a: a: a: Quote
dark angel84 Posted October 26, 2003 Report Posted October 26, 2003 najbolja vest koju sam danas cula...hehehhehehehh bravo za njega Quote
Ravendark Posted October 27, 2003 Report Posted October 27, 2003 E uhvatise ga...sto nije pobegao preko granice? Quote
Nazzgul Posted October 27, 2003 Report Posted October 27, 2003 Ne seri da su ga uhvatili? Aoooooooo!!!! Quote
Predator Posted October 27, 2003 Report Posted October 27, 2003 Quote E uhvatise ga...sto nije pobegao preko granice? Trebao je da zapali u Srbiju...koliko ima fanova sigurno bi se nasao neko da se zabode kod njega. Quote
Tormentor Posted October 27, 2003 Report Posted October 27, 2003 Ovaj intervju sto je Therapsid prekopirao je smjesan. Quote
Frankenchrist Posted October 27, 2003 Report Posted October 27, 2003 Bas to sam sad hteo da kazem.Toliko se iskenjao protiv Euronymousa, da je to strasno... Quote
Pagan Saviour Posted October 27, 2003 Report Posted October 27, 2003 Shit uhvatise coveka :x :x :x Ima li neko neku noviju Vargovu sliku Quote
Nazzgul Posted October 28, 2003 Report Posted October 28, 2003 Hoce li mu produziti kaznu? Tamo neki na burzum forumu govore da ce mu je produziti 12 godina....ili to je verovatno koliko mu je josh ostalo da odlezi.... Niko nema tachnu informaciju...... Quote
Guest gore-m-milica Posted October 28, 2003 Report Posted October 28, 2003 juhuuuuuuuuu....vljda je tachno Quote
Nazzgul Posted October 28, 2003 Report Posted October 28, 2003 ????? Shta je to tachno? Nisam shvatio..... Quote
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