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Pa sad koliko je pametan to ne znam....,ali se povlaci!!! Meni na zalost biggrin.gif

Nadao sam se kad ispadne iz zatvora da ce zajashiti gitaru i ponovo dici Burzum na sam vrh underground raw, pure, old school, norway, black metal scene!!!!!!


pa ako mu nedaju gitare, kako mu onda daju klavijature :?

stvarno steta sto nije nastavio (i nije mogao da nastavi) sa Blackom...

jebiga - takav je zivot...


jel zna neko neki sajt gde mogu da nadjem nesto vise o tome izmedju njega i Euronymous-a o Inner Circle i tako to...


Heehehe!!! Ne znam site - zaboravi sam, ali evo ti 2price kako je ubio Euronymous-a!!!




Euronymous ran a label called Deathlike Silence Productions. In the early days, releases were few and far between. The first DSP product was Merciless’ debut album ‘The Awakening’. Other releases included a revised edition of Mayhem’s 1987 mini-album ‘Deathcrush’ and two Burzum records, the self-titled debut album and ‘Aske’ mini-LP. Euronymous was full of praise for the strange, talented youngster known as Count Grishnackh (Varg Vikernes), so much so that he asked him to joined Mayhem when Necrobutcher left. (Vikernes laid down the bass tracks on the ‘De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas’ album, but quit the band in early ’93.) Parallel to the label, Euronymous owned a record store in Oslo named Helvete (Norwegian for Hell). The shop had long been the focal point for the Norwegian Black Metal scene, and it was here that the Inner Circle was born.


The Inner Circle was a small, clandestine group of Satanists led by Euronymous. It comprised of an elite core of individuals, most of whom played in Black Metal bands, and a number of drone-like hangers-on. The Black Council’s aim, said members at the time, was to make Norway as close to Hell as possible. Churches were burned and graveyards desecrated, and that was just the beginning according to Euronymous. Far more sinister plans were hatched, yet none of these were ultimately carried out. Vikernes soon became a prominent member of the group. He was one of the first suspects arrested following arson attacks on several churches around southern Norway, but was freed when police evidence proved inconclusive. However, relations between him and Euronymous became increasingly strained in the months following his release. It was clear that a bitter—yet largely unspoken—rivalry was developing. Vikernes especially enjoyed the media attention that his arrest had attracted, and it seems likely that he wanted to be seen as the figurehead for the Inner Circle. He also desired more support from within the organization itself than he was at that point getting; clearly, Euronymous was still the boss. He was in the way, and something had to be done about it.


On the night of August 10th 1993, Vikernes and Snorre Ruch (better known as Blackthorne) from the band Thorns, who had also played in Mayhem, drove from their native Bergen to Oslo. They went to Euronymous’ block of flats, and Blackthorne waited behind while Vikernes buzzed Euronymous’ apartment. Euronymous answered the door in his underwear. Naturally, he was surprised to see Varg at that time of night and was probably also somewhat suspicious. Vikernes claimed that he had come to discuss Burzum’s record contract, and Euronymous eventually let him in. Once inside, an argument ensued, and as Euronymous turned to walk back into his flat Vikernes stabbed him several times in the back and the neck. Euronymous screamed and ran out into the landing, where he was stabbed again and fell to the floor. Vikernes and Blackthorne then returned to Bergen, stopping off along the way to dispose of the murder weapon. But Vikernes had fucked up. Big time. He had forgotten to wear gloves. Not only that, but he had left the contract in Euronymous’ flat, signed and dated and covered in his own bloody fingerprints. It did not take the police long to piece the evidence together, and the rest, as they say, is history: Vikernes was charged and convicted of the murder, as well as found guilty on several counts of arson, and sentenced to 21 years in prison (the maximum sentence in Norway).


Vikernes has justified the murder by claiming that it was in self-defence. This could well be true: shortly before he was killed, Euronymous learned from a psychic that Varg was to be jailed for murder. Putting two and two together, Euronymous assumed that he was going to be the victim and thus decided to kill Vikernes before the prophecy could be fulfilled. But obviously (and some say tragically), Varg got to him first. According to Hellhammer, it was only a matter of time until the situation came to a head:


“The thing that I think pissed Count Grishnackh off was Euronymous’ egoistic thinking. I was kind of in the middle of it. I heard things from Varg saying ‘Ah, this sucker…’ and I heard things from Euronymous saying ‘I really need to kill this idiot’ and stuff like that. So I just thought, if they want to fight, let them fight. Because I knew it was coming to that. As for what really happened, most of the things that were in the papers are true. I talked to Blackthorne afterwards and he confirmed a lot of it. The plan was to have him show them something on the computer and then smash a big axe into the back of his head, get him from behind. But that would have been too obvious. What I think happened was that they just panicked. Blackthorne was shit-scared. I called him the day after. I knew that Euronymous had been killed, but I didn't know who had done it. This Blackthorne guy started to cry, and I said ‘Hey! What the fuck is this?’ I asked if Count Grishnackh was home and he said no. It was hopeless talking to him, so I just hung up. The next day, I was talking to Grishnackh and he told me that Blackthorne was lying on the couch and that he couldn’t eat, he couldn’t talk or anything. He was in a very traumatic state of mind. Naturally, I started to ask myself why. But at that time there was a battle between bands from Norway, Sweden and Finland, so I and a lot of other people thought that it must have been some of those guys. It really came as a surprise to me when I heard that both Grishnackh and Blackthorne were involved.”




On August 9th, 1993 The Count, a man by the name of Snorre (who at one point was a member of Mayhem for a short time), and Andreas Nagelsett drove to Oslo with one intent: Grishnackh would kill Eurnymous in cold blood. On their way Varg dropped off Nagelsett at his place to make a lot of noise such as typing and playing loud music. Varg wanted it to look like he was home the whole time. When the three men arrived at Togen, The Count knew that Euronymous would not answer the door for him, that's why he took Snorre along. Snorre buzzed the intercom at the apartment complex where Euronymous lived. Euronymous answered the call and when the buzzer sounded Grishnackh slipped through the door and walked his way to the apartment. Euronymous had just woken up and he was surprised to see Varg while standing in his underwear. The Count waived a pieve a paper at Euronymous, that piece a paper was the record contract. Varg claimed that he wanted to discuss the contract and Euronymous let him in. An arguement took place about the Circle, the record contract, and also about a young girl named Ilsa. Varg claimed that Euronymous has stolen the sixteen year old girl from him. Euronymous went to the kitchen and Varg pulled out a knife. In an extremely cowardly manner The Count stabbed Euro in the back, and he fell instantly and began to crawl back up to his feet in an attempt to talk Varg out of it. Euro pushed the Count aside after being stabbed for the second time and ran towards the door to get help. Varg followed him as if he was Jason from the Friday thr 13th horror flicks and stabbed him again.


On the morning of August 10th Euronymous' neighbors found him dead in a pool of blood stabbed a total of tweenty-three times; sixteen in the back and seven to the head and neck. When the body was found Varg and Snorre were long gone.


An investigation instantly began and on August 20th Varg Vikernes was arrested for the murder of Euronymous. Varg was founded guilty and was sentenced to twenty-one years in prison, the maximum penalty in Norway.


Jedino shta mi je cudno u ovim pricama je to kako se Euro nije branio....??? Nije uopshte ni pokusao...samo je bezao i vrishtao kao picka neka...Kad se covek ne brani od pishtolja - to je normalno, ali od noza se mozesh lako odbraniti...Ovu pricu je mogao jednio Varg da isprica, kad su ga uhapsili, ali ipak nije lagao....jer da se Euro branio bilo bi i uboda s preda biggrin.gif Ovako (poshto je samo bezao) popio je ubode sa ledja....23 covece - bash mu je jebo kevu...Mislim da se Varg previshe nalozio na Jason-a iz filma "Petak 13i" biggrin.gif Ma i ja volim taj film, ali nikad nebi mogao nekog ovako brutalno da zakoljem!!! Varg je ludak, ali ipak ga vishe voli od Eura(ikao je Euro bolji muzicar)!!!

Toliko od mene...meni treba malo opshirnija prica o tome zashto je Varg ubio Eura, pa ako neko to ima nek poslaje.....


Mozda je Euronymus nesto gadno naljutio Varga pa je ovaj toliko truda ulozio u njegovo ubistvo. :roll: :roll: :roll: Ko zna sta se tu jos krije.Mada se meni Ded najvise svidjao i zao mi je sto se ubio. :ne: :ne: sad.gifsad.gif To sto se Euronymus nije branio je i meni zanimljivo.Volela bih da mogu da gvirnem u taj trenutak i otkrijem sta se stvarno desilo i izbog cega biggrin.gifa:


Ma sve je to meni sumljivo...

i oni su sami rekli da njima sve to odgovara jer im je to brguralo bend, znate ono i los publicitet je dobar...

ne znam ali necu lako u sve to da poverujem, mozda se nesto vise krije iza te price...


Sta im tu odgovara?Ubijen je lik koji je najvise uradio za BM scenu, a i za taj bend.To kao kad bi BruceD poginuo, i ostatak maidena da kaze, "Do jaja, ovo ce nam doneti jos vise para!".

Oko tih ubistava svako je scenirao kako se njemu svidja, da bi spasavalisvoje dupe, tako ni ovo nema odgovora.

Dead je izvrsio samoubistvo, a noz stoji na pusci umesto obrnuto.


Gitare imaju žice pa može da se objesi ili zadavi nekako zato mu daju samo klavijature u zatvoru, živa istina vam je ovo.

Nazzgul nemoj ga zvat Euro ispade ko

Ajdse ja tebe da ubodem u leđa pa ako se budeš branioo svaka ti čast! smile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gif Ma nema šanse, uinače Vargovi stavovi su mi draži iako je € ( :mrgreen: ) bolji muzičar. biggrin.gifa:

franeknchrist možda je kad je presjekao vene stavio nož u zube, pa onda probio glavu sačmarom, pa mu ostalo još malo života pa spustio šačmaricu pa onda stavio nož preko, da bude originalnije i čudnije:) smile.gifsmile.gif:mrgreen:


Nazzgul nemoj ga zvat Euro ispade ko €  

Ajdse ja tebe da ubodem u leđa pa ako se budeš branioo svaka ti čast! smile.gif  :)  :)  :)


Ma video sam na nekom sajtu da ga zovu Euro, pa se sad i ja navikao biggrin.gif lakse mi je nego da pishem Euronymous....


Ajde vazi, ali onda se bijemo do smrti...Samo to cemo uraditi dok se vasa grupa malo probije, pa da udjem u istoriju black metala biggrin.gif:mrgreen:biggrin.gif:mrgreen: Hehehe!!!

To shto Vargu ne daju da unese gitare - upravu si...sa zicom moze svashta da se uradi...Bash tako sam i ja razmiljao(samo ja sam mislio kako bi udavio nekog drugo,ne sebe biggrin.gif )


Dead-ovo ubistvo je isto masu cudno....kad je razneo pumparicom glavu, kako je pump ostala okrenuta prema nogama???? :? a ne prema glavi, i odkud noz na njoj???? Njega je mozda Euro ubio ili poshto ga je on prvi nashao namestio je pumpu i noz kako se njemu svidjalo da bi uzeo sliku za omot!!! Dead-ovo ubistvo ne mozes porediti sa Dicnisonom frankenchrist!!!! Bruce je sad masu popularan, a za Mayhem kad se Dead ubio je retko ko znao...Opet ponavljam pricu koju sam cuo, da je ta smrt iscenirana od Hellhammera i Eur-a kako bi probili Mayhem na vrh BM underground scene....

Ta oba ubistva su masu cudna....teshko je naci pravi odgovor i retko ce ko objaviti tacnu pricu na sajtu....Mozada se jedino u knjizi Lord Of Chaos moze naci neka priblizna istina.....


Ma sve je to meni sumljivo...

i oni su sami rekli da njima sve to odgovara jer im je to brguralo bend, znate ono i los publicitet je dobar...

ne znam ali necu lako u sve to da poverujem, mozda se nesto vise krije iza te price...


Sta im tu odgovara?Ubijen je lik koji je najvise uradio za BM scenu, a i za taj bend.To kao kad bi BruceD poginuo, i ostatak maidena da kaze, "Do jaja, ovo ce nam doneti jos vise para!".

Oko tih ubistava svako je scenirao kako se njemu svidja, da bi spasavalisvoje dupe, tako ni ovo nema odgovora.

Dead je izvrsio samoubistvo, a noz stoji na pusci umesto obrnuto.


pa covece oni su rekli u fazonu: e ovo sto se on ubio je super jer time je ucinio vise za nas bend nego bilo sta da uradi dok je ziv! pa vidis da su odmah lansirali pricu o ubistvu, pa su mu jos skupljali lobanju i jeli mozak, kao normalni ljudi ce to da rade bez veze!!! samo da bi ljudi pricali "wow kakvi ludaci e ja cu sad da ih slusam..."

Ne znam, po meni je tako... a i oni su sami tako rekli


Rasplamsala se diskusija o MUZICI Burzuma ,vidim ja smile.gif ....znate, meni se vishe svidjaju oni njegovi ambijentali , njegova genijalnost da od chetiri tona napravi TAKO dobru stvar...mada varim i agrasivnije pesme ,svidja mi se njegova verzija mraka i haosa...


svako koga je bar imalo zanimala Norway scena,mogao je

da zakljuci ZASTO je varg ubio Rystena Aarsetha.

ta prica sto je bila,BLAGO receno,je samo jedna strana cijele

price.a to da je varg kreten...



pazite ovo sta sam nasao:


Satanist (?) Uses the Black Speech


Some years ago, several old Norwegian churches of great cultural importance were put on fire. The man finally brought to trial for arson was Varg Vikernes (1973-), commonly referred to as a Satanist, but more accurately described as a deeply anti- Christian and anti-Semite Black Metal musician who claims that he believes in Old Norse gods like Odin and Thor. Though it is generally assumed that he was guilty as hell, there was not enough evidence to have him convicted. Only days later he was arrested again, this time for one of the most brutal murders ever committed in Norway. The court did not buy his story that he had to stab the poor guy scores of times in self-defense, and he was convicted to twenty-one years in prison. He laughed when the sentence was being read. His motive for committing the murder remains unclear; some think that he simply loved to see his face in the papers.


What is interesting to us is that he presented himself as Count Grishnáckh (sic) in court, for which reason he is commonly known as Greven (The Count) in Norway. His one-man Black Metal band was called Burzum, this being the Black Speech word for "darkness", taken from the inscription on the Ring: ...agh burzum-ishi krimpatul, "and in the darkness bind them".


The Count's own comprehensive treatise of his philosophy, Vargsmål, has been published on the net (found here, if you read Norwegian - but some want to have this fascist outburst removed from the net [added: and now they seem to have succeeded!]). His book shows that though he is by common standards a fanatic, he is not stupid. Like Mein Kampf, Vargsmål is unfortunately well written. The Count's philosophy is extreme, based on ideals very far from the ones that are presently endorsed in our society, but his thoughts do form a coherent whole. Basically, he is a Neo-Nazi looking back to a "golden age" in the Viking Era, hoping to restore it in the future. Vikernes loves all things "Nordic" and is proud to call himself a racist. The Aryans are the only race capable of organizing higher cultures, he asserts. Vikernes knows some Old Norse and wants to re-establish the Runes as the Scandinavian alphabet (when the Russians and the Arabs have their own script, he argues, why can't we?) Concerning the names Grishnákh and Burzum, he writes (my translation): "Grishnáckh is a name taken from a book, The Lord of the Rings... Grishnákh (my name has a C added to make it a little unlike the original name) was one of Sauron's warriors. Sauron may be interpreted as Odin, the One Ring as Draupne (the ring of Odin), Trolls as Berserks, Orcs/Uruk-hai as Einherjers, Wargs as Ulfhednes, Barad-Dur ('the dark tower', Sauron's tower and throne) as Hlidskjolf...'the Gate-Tower', the throne of Odin... and much more." I wonder if Vikernes was terribly disappointed when Sauron was actually defeated? Or perhaps he skipped the final chapters?


He continues: "The name Burzum, that I use as a name of the music I have published...is the plural of Burz, meaning night or darkness. Here in the sense of 'darkness and night for the Judeo-Christians, and light and day for the real Germanians!' In the Norse language the ending -um is an ending signifying indefinite plural in all genders. For this simple reason I have used names from this book. It was a way in which to 'camouflage' the heathendom, by using names that had to be interpreted before their connection to heathendom was revealed. This was done to make everything as cryptic and esoteric as possible. Only the most knowledgeable would understand what it was all about."


I can't really see what Old Norse has to do with this, for burzum is 100 % Black Speech, meaning "Darkness". Perhaps I am not among "the most knowledgeable". Vikernes evidently sees Burzum as a kind of bilingual pun, somewhat like Tolkien's own Orthanc = both Sindarin "Mount Fang" and Old English "Cunning Mind".


Vikernes' compositions sometimes have titles like One Ring to Rule and The Crying Orc. A review of the fruits of the "Burzum Project" (as he called it) may be found here. But Tolkien reviewed and described all Black Metal "poetry" before it was ever heard of: "Much of the same sort of talk [as that of the Orcs] can still be heard among the orc-minded; dreary and repetitive with hatred and contempt, too long removed from good to retain even verbal vigour, save in the ears of those to whom only the squalid sounds strong." (LotR Appendix F)


p.s. skinite: http://users.yubc.net/~emperor/varg_mayhem...liff_richard.ra biggrin.gif

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