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Former Burzum leader and convicted murderer and arsonist Varg Vikernes, who has served 12 years out of a 21-year jail sentence, will not be released from prison just yet. The Norwegian prison authorities have denied Vikernes' parole application, according to the newspaper Dagbladet. Varg's attorney John Christian Elden says Vikernes' release is long overdue. "He is disappointed by the decision because he feels he is ready to come back into the general community," says Elden.


Vikernes was convicted for the murder of MAYHEM frontman Øystein Aarseth and three counts of church burnings. He has served 12 years out of the 21-year jail sentence, and in accordance with the previous legislation, he is due for parole. But during the years Vikernes spent behind bars, the government passed laws to increase the number of years required in time served before one can be considered for parole to 14 years for 21-year sentences, which is the most severe time-based punishment in Norway. Elden says it is unreasonable that these new regulations are retroactive. "We are baffled the Department of Justice chooses to use laws that came into effect nine years after he stared serving his sentence," says Elden.

Guest Syrant

Nisam ni znao da je oženjen, a ne da ima ćerku. Znači izlazi sledeće godine...blah, ili će ga neka dilea ubiti, ili ono...možda će se skroz povući...da ga boli tuki za sve. musik20.gif


Ipak,imam kući snimak kad je pokušao da bega iz bajboka, kad je uleteo u pandurski auto, a onda se zakuca u maricu...mislim da nije ni upalio kola,samo je pustio kočnicu...ali smešno mi bilo, kako su murkani počeli da se bacaju po kolima i unaokolo... icon_smile.gif


Nije on ni ozenjen, ta devojka zivi kraj nekog frojda u norveskoj zabiti. icon_rockdevil.gif


A rekao je da ce po izlasku skroz da se povuce, da se ne cuje za njega vise.Jedino sto mozda izda album/knjigu...

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