Vlaja Buraz Posted October 12, 2005 Report Posted October 12, 2005 J0N B0N J0\/1 said: ja sam nabavio divx Starkers In Tokyo, 1997. Jbg, kad nam je propala ona akcija za DVD E, Neđo, Neđo... Stigle godine. Ali dobro, to je ionako bzvz koncert, odnosno, samo sam se razočarao kad sam vidio na šta to liči. Vizuelna komponenta mi nije bila potrebna. Što se WS snimaka tiče, najbolji dosad dostupan je DVD Donington 1983. Mnogo bolji od ovog iz Japan 1984. Quote
Mr. Horrible Gelatinous Blob Posted October 12, 2005 Report Posted October 12, 2005 WHITESNAKE have changed the title of their upcoming live DVD to "In the Still of the Night" from the previously announced "The Rock & Roll, Rhythm & Blues Show". The set, which was recorded with 13 cameras in October 2004 at the Hammersmith Apollo in London, was supposed to come out in time for the band's summer's U.S. tour, but was pushed back to later in the year because the producer suffered a heart attack. "The guy who's been coordinating everything has just had a heart attack," WHITESNAKE frontman David Coverdale told Launch. "I said, 'Was it that good?' I'm gonna put on the, the thing a disclaimer for, 'WHITESNAKE are not responsible for speeding tickets or damage to home furnishings.' You know, evidently now, we're gonna have to be, 'or cardiac arrest!'" Due on November 25 via AFM Records/Soulfood/CHS, "In the Still of the Night" will feature the following track listing: 01. Burn 02. Bad Boys 03. Love Ain't No Stranger 04. Ready An' Willing 05. Is This Love 06. Give Me All Your Love 07. Judgement Day 08. Snake Dance 09. Crying In the Rain 10. Ain't No Love 11. Don't Break My Heart Again 12. Fool For Your Loving 13. Here I Go Again 14. Take Me With You 15. Still of the Night view cover here: http://www.blabbermouth.net/whitesnake_dvd_final.jpg WHITESNAKE recently completed a South American tour with JUDAS PRIEST. Quote
Divlji Tigar Posted October 14, 2005 Report Posted October 14, 2005 Fenomenalan bend,najbolji album je "whitesnake 1987". Quote
Vangelis Posted October 14, 2005 Report Posted October 14, 2005 Stvarno? Mislim da je otprilike 99% ljubitelja Snake-a na ovom svetu to vec utvrdilo Mada je meni Slip of The Tongue JAKO JAKO blizu Snake-u iz 1987 jer je vrsan album. Quote
Archibald Reiss Posted October 14, 2005 Report Posted October 14, 2005 A "Slide it in" ... "Saints and sinners" ... stara garda. Quote
Archibald Reiss Posted November 14, 2005 Report Posted November 14, 2005 Quote ~~sailing ships~~ (coverdale/vandenberg) Do you remember Standing on the shore, Head in the clouds, Your pockets filled with dreams Bound for glory On the seven seas of life, But, the ocean is deeper than it seems The wind was with you When you left on the morning tide, You set your sail for an island in the sun, On the horizon, dark clouds up ahead, For the storm has just begun Take me with you, Take me far away, Lead me to the distant shore Sail your ship across the water, Spread your wings across the sky Take the time to see You’re the one who holds the key, Or sailing ships will pass you by You cry for mercy, When you think you’ve lost your way, You drift alone, if all your hope is gone So find the strength and you will see You control, your destiny, After all is said and done So take me with you, Take me far away, An’ lead me to the distant shore Sail your ship across the water, Spread your wings across the sky Take the time to see You’re the one who holds the key, Or sailing ships will pass, Sailing ships will pass you, Sailing ships will pass you by... Take me with you, Take me far away, We’ll ride the wind across the sky Spread your wings and you will see You control, your destiny, So sailing ships don’t pass you by So take me with you, Take me far away, We’ll ride the wind across the sky Spread your wings and you will see You control, your destiny, So sailing ships don’t pass, So sailing ships don’t pass you, So sailing ships don’t pass you by... Baby, baby, baby, baby, You’ll find that you’re the only one Can sail your ship across the sky Kako jaka pesma. Quote
shock! Posted December 14, 2005 Report Posted December 14, 2005 WHITESNAKE, MOTÖRHEAD In Talks To Play Bulgarian Festival by: Sofia News Agency - 2005-10-25 20:43:36 According to the Sofia News Agency, Bulgarian producers have invited a bunch of heavy metal/hard rock giants to stage gigs in the country next summer. MOTÖRHEAD, SOULFLY, JUDAS PRIEST, WHITESNAKE, DEF LEPPARD, FEAR FACTORY and MINISTRY are some of the bands that have so far shown interest, media say. The monsters of the heavy sound could take part in a music festival at Bulgaria's seaside, local MM television channel was cited as saying. The festival is expected to continue for four days of August 2006 Quote
Wild Rose Posted December 14, 2005 Report Posted December 14, 2005 Auuuuuuuuuuuuh!!!! Ako je ovo tachno.... Jaaaaooooo luuuudniiiceeee!!!! Zmija, Judasi, Motorhedi, Def Leppard, Fear Factory.... Josh se sve odrzava na moru.... Weee!!! Znaci mora se zaraditi neka kinta za ovo leto... Exit, Sziget, ovo.. Plus ce verovatno biti josh neki koncerti... Dea, koliko puta mozemo da iznajmljujemo tvog caleta? Nego, chini mi se da ce ovo bash biti tu negde oko Sziget-a.. Jer ako neki od tih bendova nastupaju i tamo, ili su na turneji onda ce mozda biti u ovom delu Evrope dan za danom, a onda su mozda i ti festivali blizu-datumski... Ma samo da je ovo tachno... Nego, ne kazu nigde koji je to festival, da li je i ranije odrzavan i sl... Quote
Shamandalie Posted December 14, 2005 Report Posted December 14, 2005 jaoj, jaoj, jaoj.... Izgleda da cu morati od sada da pocnem da dajem privatne casove i skupljam novac za sva ova dogadjanja ili da napravim neku media kombinaciju i dobijem akreditacije.... Jos na moru! Uh, sledece godine u avgustu sigurno uzimam godisnji odmor! Quote
:Dea Posted December 14, 2005 Report Posted December 14, 2005 Znaci sva sam se najezila! I to bas sad kada sam se zarekla da vise necu krociti u Bugarsku! Pretendress, vidim ja da cemo mi umesto u Egipat opet u Bugarsku na more? SVE ZA WHITESNAKE! Joj, jos kad bih ocistila godinu u julu... Ako budem i ws slusala u 2006. bice to najjaca godina ikad! Idem sad da barim caleta da nas sve vodi! Quote
:Dea Posted December 18, 2005 Report Posted December 18, 2005 Dakle potvrdjeno je za 5.8. Isti dan ce svirati i europe! Ne mogu da dockem ceo dan ih slusam! Quote
Divlji Tigar Posted December 19, 2005 Report Posted December 19, 2005 Whitesnake su medju 10 najboljih bendova svih vremena. Whitesnake 1987 Najbolji Hard Rocl/Heavy Metal Album iz 80tih. Tawny Kitaen Najbolja zenska(prava Tigrica),Bila nekada i zato su imalo najbolje spotove. od DVD Imaju sledece 1983 Fourplay(spotovi) 1983 Donington 1984 super rock japan 1985 rock in rio 1987 trilogy(spotovi) 1997 strakers in tokio Najobolja postava Je ona Koja je snimal 1987: David Coverdale(v),John Sykes(g),Neil Murray(,Aynsley Dunbar(d)Mada bih radije vole da ih vidim u postavi:Coverdale,Sykes,Vandenberg,Sarzo,Aldridge. Ako neko zna neka navede sve postave WS(ja Znam tacno za 16 a ima ih 50. Tawny Kitaen je zesce sjebala Davida kad ga je ostavila covek je propio cak se i drogirao jednom recju puk'o(cuo sam da je hteo i da izvrsi samoubistvo izgleda da ju je mnogo voleo,e Tawny sta uradi coveku),Mada da mene ostavi onakva riba ja bi uralo na sav glas i kozna sta jos stvarno je bila extra riba,zbog nje i zagotiv WS kad sam je video u spotu Is This Love Sutradan sam kupio MP3. Koga zanima imam i Live album sa turneje 1987.Odlican snimak Quote
:Dea Posted December 19, 2005 Report Posted December 19, 2005 Evo sa metalserbie: 3 август: CLAWFINGER FEAR FACTORY H-BLOCKS SLIPKNOT SOULFLY CHILDREN OF BODOM 4 август MOTORHEAD SAXON JUDAS PRIEST 5 август WHITESNAKE EUROPE RUNNING WILD DEF LEPPARD Axel Rudi Pell 6 август MINISTRY DIMMU BORGIR IN FLAMES MORBID ANGEL SODOM Karte za jedan dan su 25 evra,za sva 4 dana 80 evra! Cheka se josh jedan bend za 4.avgust,a ako bude bilo srecje po rechima organizatora bicje i Nightwisha! Quote
Archibald Reiss Posted December 19, 2005 Report Posted December 19, 2005 uuuu 5. avgust otkida! WHITESNAKE EUROPE RUNNING WILD DEF LEPPARD Axel Rudi Pell ---- moze li bolje od ovoga? i to sve za 25 jevreja, brooka dobro. Quote
Wild Rose Posted December 20, 2005 Report Posted December 20, 2005 dea said: Evo sa metalserbie: 3 август: CLAWFINGER FEAR FACTORY H-BLOCKS SLIPKNOT SOULFLY CHILDREN OF BODOM 4 август MOTORHEAD SAXON JUDAS PRIEST 5 август WHITESNAKE EUROPE RUNNING WILD DEF LEPPARD Axel Rudi Pell 6 август MINISTRY DIMMU BORGIR IN FLAMES MORBID ANGEL SODOM Karte za jedan dan su 25 evra,za sva 4 dana 80 evra! Cheka se josh jedan bend za 4.avgust,a ako bude bilo srecje po rechima organizatora bicje i Nightwisha! Uuuuuuuuuuuuu jeeeeeeeeeeee.... Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaauuuuuu... Ja sam ostala bez teksta!!!!!! Ne mogu da verujem kako je dobar festival! Bukvalno svaki dan festivala bih skoro sve bendove gledala!!! Idem na sve dane-sigurno!!!!! Meni je ovo prosto nemoguce da je takav raspored i da je ta cena u pitanju... Kako??? Samo da sve ovo bude potpuno tachno... Jbt, toliko mojih omiljenih bendova u par dana.... Ajde ljudi dajte stvarno neki link koji je konkretno od organizatora dogadjaja... Videla sam na nekim sajtovima to samo kao vesti... Quote
LazaGNR Posted December 23, 2005 Report Posted December 23, 2005 dea said: 3 август: CLAWFINGER FEAR FACTORY H-BLOCKS SLIPKNOT SOULFLY CHILDREN OF BODOM 4 август MOTORHEAD SAXON JUDAS PRIEST 5 август WHITESNAKE EUROPE RUNNING WILD DEF LEPPARD Axel Rudi Pell 6 август MINISTRY DIMMU BORGIR IN FLAMES MORBID ANGEL SODOM Karte za jedan dan su 25 evra,za sva 4 dana 80 evra! Ako je ovo tacno i ako ne odem na ovu svirku nista nisam uradio Quote
Vangelis Posted December 29, 2005 Report Posted December 29, 2005 Da da da, inace pogledao sam Live in the Still of The Night. Maso, ko ovo nema, a zeli da nabavi, nek nabavi sto pre je moguce, jer je to NAJBOLJI JEBENI DVD KOJI SAM POGLEDAO U ZIVOTU! Znaci David peva kao zmaj, bolje nego ikada, psuje lepse nego ikada haha, Aldrich svira neprikosnoveno, atmosfera je predrkana i sviraju sve svoje najbolje pesme...Ma pogledajte uostalom, ja sam se prevrnuo! Quote
Wild Rose Posted January 6, 2006 Report Posted January 6, 2006 Bilo je PREdivno... Ajde neka neko (shock i sl... ) sastavi listu shta su sve pushtali. Jeste da sam malo kasnije doshla, ali mi se chini da mnogo toga nije bilo, i pored fenomenalnih pushtenih pesama... Napishite chega se secate, pa taman da uporedim sa svojim secanjem... Quote
Wild Rose Posted January 6, 2006 Report Posted January 6, 2006 Lista (ne po redu)... Neshto mi to malo WS pesama... Jeste da su i druge bendove pushtali, ali ajde... Quote Ain't no Love in the Heart of the City, Is this Love, Sailing Ships, Too many Tears, Now you're gone, Here I go again, Don't break my Heart again, Still of the Night, Looking for Love Guilty Of Love Give Me All Your Love Tonight Crying In The Rain Love ain't no stranger Fool for your loving Znachi nishta od ovih nije mozda bilo sinoc pre nego shto sam ushla: The Deeper The Love, Restless Heart, Can`t Go On, Don`t fade Away, You're Gonna Break My Heart Again, Take Me Back Again, Don`t turn Away, All In The Name Of Love, Ain't Gonna Cry No More, Say You Love Me, Children Of The Night, itd. itd.? Dobro je, propustila sam onda mozda samo jednu-dve pesme... Pa shta su oni onda pushtali do 1 kad sam ja skoro sve od ovoga chula sinoc? U svakom sluchaju bile su super pesmice, chak i one koje nisu od WS-a... Sad cu da pravim listu u Winamp-u sa pesmicama koje su bile i koje nisam chula... Quote
-Abraxas- Posted January 23, 2006 Report Posted January 23, 2006 Ko je uopste ona riba sto je u svakom spotu od whitesnake-a? Quote
Vangelis Posted January 23, 2006 Report Posted January 23, 2006 Tawny Kitaen, glumica i model, devojak koja je bila udata za gospodina Coverdale-a od 1989-1991 a posle razvoda pricala kako gospodin ima mali penis i kako ne valja nista Quote
Layne_Staley Posted January 31, 2006 Report Posted January 31, 2006 hehe, coverdale i ja volim whitesnake, ne mogu da kazhem da sam neki "vatreni fan" ali ne znam, cool mi je kad negde chujem fool for your loving no more na primer Quote
Archibald Reiss Posted February 2, 2006 Report Posted February 2, 2006 ovo je fotka sa cuvenog nastupa 2003. kada je Coverdale zahtevao tacno 7 flasa mineralne vode na stolu, i kada bude on dosao na red da sedne za press conference sto, da ni jedan novinar ne sme da bude blize od 10m... Pa su ga posle prozivali "Princeza Coverdale" u fazonu promangupirao se i glumi neku facu i zvezdu pod stare dane.. . Quote
Vlaja Buraz Posted February 13, 2006 Report Posted February 13, 2006 Novi koncertni DVD je prejak. Nisam ni u snu sanjao... Ali je prejak. Odlična svirka, set lista bez zamjerke, postava dobra (Alridge prije svih), a i Coverdale za pohvalu. UH Svaka čast. Quote
Johny Posted February 18, 2006 Report Posted February 18, 2006 ContactMusic.com (www.contactmusic.com) has issued the following report: British rocker DAVID COVERDALE has confirmed the urban myth that his band WHITESNAKE was named after his penis. Many fans of the 1980s group presumed the story was nothing more than rumour - but Coverdale is happy to clear up any confusion. He says, "Totally. Probably if I was from Asia it would be a different colour. But being a Yorkshire lad and all..." Quote
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