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PA, prvih 5-6 pesama su iz G'n'R ere i njih sam poskidao... Ovo ostalo je kao sto si i sama rekla uzeto sa albuma... Ali, na ovom sajtu ima doooosta pesama za skidanje, steta sto se pesme sporo skidaju sa sajta... sad.gif


Uf, nemam pojma sta ti konkretno imas, ali ja imam sve one zvanicne albume (Alice in chains (ili Tripod), Dirt, Facelift, Jar of flies, Sap, Nothing safe, Unplugged) i jos neke raritete: Heaven & hell, A little bitter, Blood tears little girl (acoustic), Blue, Died, Lying season, i neke covere - Jeremy (PJ cover), Rape me (NIRVANA cover) i AIC ft. PJ - Alone (acoustic), pa ako ti treba nesto od toga, mogu ti narezati pa da ti dam kad dodjes...ako je i dalje u planu ono da svratite Scum i ti na onu svirku. icon_uhoh.gif


Da, na tom sajtu je i AIC pesma Foolish, sad je bas slusam i bas je... Cudna... icon_smile.gificon_smile.gificon_smile.gif Takodje ima i Teen spirit sa Peppersima, ali od Peppersa mislim da ucestvuje samo Flea jer jedino sto se cuje sa strane je ta truba... Nalazi se u RHCP direktorijumu...

  • 4 weeks later...

mozda ipak reunion.... icon_rockdevil.gif



Steve Hochman of The Los Angeles Times is reporting

that the surviving members of the popular Seattle

grunge-metal group ALICE IN CHAINS, whose singer Layne

Staley died of a drug overdose in 2002, are exploring

ways they might be able to perform again on a regular



The seeds were planted this past February when

guitarist Jerry Cantrell, bassist Mike Inez and

drummer Sean Kinney reunited at a benefit for victims

of the Indonesian tsunami. At that show, which took

place in Seattle, four vocalists — TOOL's Maynard

James Keenan, PUDDLE OF MUDD's Wes Scantlin,

DAMAGEPLAN's Pat Lachman and HEART's Ann Wilson —

stepped in for Staley.


"The guys had so much fun that they thought maybe

there's something else we want to do," Bill Siddons,

who co-manages the band with original manager Susan

Silver, tells The Los Angeles Times. "We'd love to

find a way to let these guys perform together and have

the fun they had and honor and respect what they

created in the past, as well as Layne's



What shape that might take is very uncertain at this

point, though Siddons insists there will be no reality

show to find a singer, à la "Rock Star".


"That's a perfect example of what happens when you

marry television and music badly," Siddons says. "It's

not what ALICE was ever about."


They may not even be looking for a lead singer, at

least not one full-time member, Siddons adds. While

they're open to the potential of something along the

lines of the current QUEEN tour (in which veteran

rocker Paul Rodgers is filling in for the late Freddie

Mercury), that's far from a given.


"We might do a date here or there if there are

opportunities to get a special guest to sing," Siddons

says. "That's been discussed. More likely at this

point we'll do benefits rather than paying gigs."


"Part of the enigma," Silver tells The Los Angeles

Times, "was they didn't play that much."


That, she said, was as much the case for the band as

for the fans, and the February show let the musicians

get a taste of what they'd missed.


"It was so terrific for them to play together," she

said. "But they're not ready to announce a new person,

make a new record and start the cycle over yet. They

want to just go have fun and give a tip of the hat to

Layne and the people who enjoyed the music."


AIC...Ne znam odakle da pocnem...


Moj nick govori sve icon_da.gificon_biggrin.gif ...To je moj omiljeni bend, koji obozavam!


Pocela sam da ih slusam posle osnovne, tacnije za vreme bombardovanja, kada sam bila 8. razred...Uzasno sam se emotivno vezala za AIC... icon_redface.gif ...

(imam ja svoje razloge icon_redface.gifmhihi.gif ...)


Ponosna sam na sebe sto sam sve vreme gimnazije insistirala na AIC-u,non-stop pricajuci o njima svima, tako da je na kraju celo moje odeljenje znalo za njih, a 90% ljudi je bilo u `splavovi-fazonu`...


Imam sve njihove albume na kasetama, koje obozavam orangelistening.gif ...Sem Unplugged-a(naravno CD).


Do dan-danas, nije mi palo na pamet da kupim, narezem or whatever diskove AIC-a, ali cu nabaviti mp3 najverovatnije...Toliko volim moje kasetice musik20.gif ...


E, da...Neko je na prethodnoj strani-dve pitao da li neko ima poster Layne-a ili AIC-a, ili neku njihovu fotku...E, pa ja imam njihov veliki poster na vratima sobe, koji stoji tu jedno pet godina , sigurno...Svi su mladjani , a Layne je sa dugackom kosom...


AIC zauzima veliki deo mog odrastanja( a sad sam kao mnogo matora laugh.gif ).

Kad pomislim na gimnaziju(najlepsi period mog dosadasnjeg zivota), prvo sto mi padne napamet jesu bas oni... icon_sad.gif


Nego, sto se tice reunion-a, mislim da bi to bila dobra ideja, iako, naravno(suvisno je i govoriti) niko nece biti kao Layne..


Uh, al` sam se raspisala icon_redface.gif ...

  • 2 months later...

uh..sta reci ....again and again..toliko sam pisala o njima vise stvarno ne mogu da se ponavljam..u svakom slucaju jako bitan deo nekih mojih tripova ,situacija i.t.d. jako bitan bend meni...volim ih od glave do pete,svaki njihov deo...i da,moze da zvuci kao klise,ali Layne mi je bio bash bitan lik u tako tim muzickim snovima...


Down in a Hole...one and only






e,jel neko cuo za obradu bowia,Ziggy Stardust?pretty much ludooo...

  • 2 weeks later...

Suffragete city (1989 demo)

Bleed the freak (1989 demo)

Social parasite (1989 demo)

We die young (1989 demo)

Chemical addiction

Sunshine (1989 demo)

King of the kats (1989 demo)

The real thing (1989 demo)

Killing yourself (1989 demo)

Sea of sorrow (1989 demo)

I can't remember (1989 demo)

Queen of the rodeo (1989 demo) - nezaobilazna

Heroin (1989 demo)

  • 1 month later...

Naravno da nije prostacko tumacenje. Ja sam je odavno shvatila kao takvu. Pored toga imam i jednu drugu, "normalnu", asocijaciju, ali definitivno moze da se protumaci onako kako si je ti video...

Bury me softly in this womb

I give this part of me for you


Down in a hole

Losing control



Jeremy (PJ cover), Rape me (NIRVANA cover) i AIC ft. PJ - Alone (acoustic)

samo da te uputim, posto mislim da se varash sto se tice ove dve stvari...

"AliceInChains - Jeremy" je ako se ne varam na net zakacen audio snimak iz gluve sobe, na kojem se u pozadini cuje Live Pearl Jam, a neka dva lika (koja mislim da nisu Jerry i Layne) pevaju u dvoglasu a-capella.

Sto se tice "AiC i Pearl Jam - Alone"...taj duet (AiC i PJ) ne postoji! Pesma "Alone" je duet druga dva benda - u pitanju su CREED i TOOL, tacnije CREED i Maynard James Keenan (Tool, A Perfect Circle). Samo ne znam ko je to na net okaco kao PJ i AiC!

  • 3 weeks later...

Hm...odakle ti to? Izaslo je 1990. a i neki nazivi asociraju, to je tacno. Ne znam koliko su bili bliski... no.gif

We die young

Ali opet...iako je izasao 1990. ne mora da znaci, jer su pesme verovatno nastale ranije... icon_uhoh.gif

@ CTPAX - poslala sam Scumu one diskove, pa mu se javi za AIC.

  • 2 weeks later...

ja ne smem da pochnem da pishem o alice in chains-u...

ne smem , plashim se da cje me izbaciti sa foruma... biggrin.gif


imam jedno pitanje koje bi mi mnoooogo pomoglo:


jel neko zna shta kazhe layne pre pochetka pesme "bleed the freak" na live izvodjenju na turneji "them bones" (ja mislim)


kazhe neshto shto ne razumem, 3 rechi (to me interesuje) pa onda neko i publike vikne "take it away" pa onda layne kazhe "do some def lepard for you" i onda krene pesma!!


please ako neko zna, mnogo mi je vazhno,jer u subotu na svirci sviramo "bleed the freak" pa ocju da kazhem isto to jer cool zvuchi a ne mogu da izvalim shta kazhe!!


  • 4 weeks later...

It's Official: ALICE IN CHAINS Is Back!


ALICE IN CHAINS guitarist Jerry Cantrell's official web site administrator, who goes by the name of "ceojc", has confirmed that the band will be reuniting for an appearance at the Nova Rock festival in Austria in mid-June (http://novarock.at), with "a lot more" concert dates yet to be announced.


"I hate to keep on saying this, but as most of you have heard, ALICE will be performing at Nova Rock in Austria," "ceojc" writes on Cantrell's official message board. "This is true. ALICE is back.


"Europe is a long way to go for just one show, so I feel that we are going to have a lot more to do.


"Because this is Europe and a big festival, don't count on any special ALICE tickets but you never know what the future brings.


"Let me explain why things went down the way they went down. It was not the way we wanted it to happen. The festival promoter secured a bunch of really big bands like METALLICA, GUNS N' ROSES and ALICE. The promoter decided to have a big press conference on Monday [Feb. 20]. We had not finished securing the 'business side' of the show by the time Monday rolled around. Because Monday was President's Day, our office was closed and we could not make a decission regarding releasing the info to you guys. Our European agent, because our office was closed, made an executive decision to release the show info. We fully support his choice but could not say anything untill we spoke to him to get the full stroy and due to the time difference and travel we could not make the announcement untill just now.


"Guys, please remember that nothing is official unless it comes from our office. We like to surprise you but sometimes that is not always possible.


"Jerry, Mike [inez, bass], Sean [Kinney, drums] and the managment team are doing our best to keep you guys informed. You mean a lot to the guys and they want you to know that."


ALICE IN CHAINS frontman Layne Staley died on April 5, 2002 from a mixture of heroin and cocaine. Staley was found dead two weeks later, surrounded by intravenous drug paraphernalia in his Seattle apartment. The death certificate reads Staley's death resulted from "an acute intoxication due to the combined effects of opiate (heroin) and cocaine." The death was classified as "accidental."


As previously reported, COMES WITH THE FALL vocalist/guitarist and member of Jerry Cantrell's touring band William DuVall has been tapped to sing lead vocals with ALICE IN CHAINS at the taping of an episode of VH1 Classic's "Decades Rock Live!", a tribute to HEART that will take place March 10 at the Trump Taj Mahal in Atlantic City. It is not presently clear if DuVall will be joining the group on any of the other dates that are currently being scheduled.

Guest porcelina

Ljudi, pozdrav za sve!!


Nova sam ovde, volela bih da znam da li neko poseduje koncerte AIC i da li je raspolozen za razmenu? Ako ste zainteresovani i darezljivi, javite se!





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