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Dule, prijatelju, da li ja treba da se javljam ili ti je sve jasno? laugh.gif


SVAKI PUT kad cujem "Killer On The Loose" ODLEPIM!


Ja ih volim bas volim i ne bi bilo lepo kad bih poceo da nabrajam sve pesme koje volim jer bi to traaaaajaloooooo


pozdrav Blackmore-u


Auh obozavam ih. Stvarno. Spadaju u onu vrstu grupa ciji diskovi ne mogu da se izvade iz uredjaja, mozk hoce, ali usi nece. Svaka, ali SVAKA njihova pesma mi se svidja. biggrin.gif

  • 6 months later...
  • 6 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

...that jukebox in the corner blasting out my favorite song

The nights are getting warmer, it won't be long

Won't be long till summer comes

Now that the boys are here again


The boys are back in town

The boys are back in town

The boys are back in town

The boys are back in town

The boys are back in town

The boys are back in town

Spread the word around

The boys are back in town

The boys are back in town

The boy's are back, the boys are back



Perfecto. biggrin.gifa:


I am just a cowboy lonesome on the trail

A starry night, a campfire light

The coyote call, and the howling winds wail

So I'll ride out to the old sundown


I am just a cowboy lonesome on the trail

Lord, I'm just thinking about a certain female

The nights we spent together riding on the range

Looking back it seems so strange


Roll me over and turn me around

Let me keep spinning til I hit the ground

Roll me over and let me go

Ridng in the rodeo


I was took in Texas I did not know her name

Lord, all these southern girls seem the same

Down below the border in a town in Mexico

I got my job busting broncs for the rodeo


Roll me over and turn me around

Let me keep spinning til I hit the ground

Roll me over and let me go

Running free with the buffalo

Here I go


Roll me over and I'll turn around

And I'll move my fingers up and down

Up and down


It's ok amigo

Just let me go

Riding in the rodeo


Roll me over and turn me around

Let me keep spinning til i hit the ground

Roll me over and let me go

Riding in the rodeo

Roll me over and set me free

The cowboy's life is the life for me


Meni je ova glavna...


pegazus su odradili sjajnu stvar "the ballad of a thin man"


prikupili su naslove njegovih najjacih stvari i sve to sastavili u jednu pjesmu


zvuci odlicno

  • 1 month later...

Pa jedan od najiskrenijih bendova, uticali na mnoge,a imali su(i imaju josh uvijek) najvece majstore na gitarama,svi do jednog,mada se to nikada nije isticalo zbog jakih pjesama,josh jachih nastupa i lichnosti Lynott-a...

E to cenim...

  • 5 months later...

Chinatown se penje na mojoj listi.

'Sugar Blues', naslovna, i naravno 'We Will Be Strong'.


Inače na živom od Azre (Ravno do dna?) stoji i 'We Will Be Strong'. Vjerno do bola.


Cudi me da niko nije spomenuo Waiting For An Alibi icon_rockdevil.gif


Jailbreak je MNOGO MOCAN album. Ostali albumi mi se nisu toliko svideli (mada Chinatown skoro da nema losiju pesmu) tako da ili slusam ceo Jailbreak ili jos bolje sjajnu kompilaciju Vagabond Kings Warrior Angels - 302 minuta Lizzya : )


Lynott jeste cudo. Nikad necu zaboraviti kad sam u srednjoj skoli cekao sledecu smenu jer sam hteo da vidim idiota koji je precrtao ime Phil Lynotta koje sam napisao na klupi icon_biggrin.gif


  • 1 month later...

Ovo što je sada to je bedna kopija pravog T.Lizzy ja.

Bez uvrede ..jedino ko valja u toj grupi je John Sykes gitarista koji vredi nečemu da ne govorim još za vreme TYGERS OF PAN TANG a.. ili Whitesnake.


Pa zbog toga i ne rade studijske albume.

Jasno je da bez Lynotta to nije - to, ali, zar ne bi bilo dobro otići na koncert i dva sata uživati uz 'The Boys Are Back in Town', 'Waiting for an Alibi', 'Killer on the Loose' i ostale stvarčice na 25.000 W?

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