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zasad,dm godine ubjedljivo.jos jedan blasphemer-ov rifovski monument.jedino je malo promasio sa solazama,svo vrijeme sam logicno ocekivao trejovski slomivrat.odavno nisam cuo bolje odlupan bubanj na dm albumu.cista elita.

Posted (edited)

Je l' gospodin Nader Sadek napisao muziku? Kolko ja ovde vidim, nije svirao nista na albumu...


I ko je svirao bas na albumu?

Edited by Demon Seed
Posted (edited)

Evo zvanična biografija, dakle:


“In the Flesh” is the brainchild of Egyptian-born, New York-based conceptual artist Nader Sadek. Known for his impressively twisted sculptures, masks, and installations used for example by bands such as MAYHEM and SUNN O))), Sadek is now venturing into the realm of recorded music - including songwriting credits on this album! The band NADER SADEK emerges out of a collaboration between Sadek and some of extreme music’s most talented artists with its core made up out of songwriter/vocalist Steve Tucker (ex-MORBID ANGEL), CRYPTOPSY drummer Flo Mounier and Norwegian composer/guitarist Rune Eriksen (AVA INFERI, ex-MAYHEM). A host of guest-appearances lends additional weight to the musical impact of “In the Flesh” by leading artists such as Attila Csihar (MAYHEM), Travis Ryan (CATTLE DECAPITATION), Tony Norman (MONSTROSITY), Descructhor (MORBID ANGEL), and Nick McMaster (KRALLICE). Stylistically “In the Flesh” is firmly based on technically masterfully executed Floridian Death Metal with a pitch black twist – imagine “Domination” period MORBID ANGEL colliding with MAYHEM’s “Ordo ad Chao”. As conceptual art “In the Flesh” centers on the notion of humanity’s relationship with petroleum and how this exhumation of ancient life forms serves as a self-destructive fuel to society’s greed. The album was recorded in New York, produced by Nader Sadek, co-produced and mixed by Steve Tucker. Immerse yourself deeply in Earth’s black blood with this monumental aural sculpture!


Mislim da je Blasphemer svirao bas, ali nisam siguran.

Edited by Talvi
Posted (edited)

Pa Nader valjda. Ili on + ostali (Blasphemer :D ), ali pise gore Nader Sadek - songwriting credits...


A na zvanicnom sajtu pise written and performed by:


Flo Mounier

Steve Tucker

Rune Eriksen



Edited by Demon Seed



koliko sam ja skapirao,Sadek za pocetak sjedio blasphemeru za vrat i srao mu sta i kako.onda ovi ostali dosli i klasika,ovaj dio valja,ovaj ne,imam ja tu neki rif i tako dalje.na albumu je blasphemer snimio bas,sto me je zacudilo od tucker-a pa sam zapamtio dok sam kopao kad je album iscurio.



Posted (edited)

Čekajte, čiča je radio intervju sa gospodinom

I've heard the rumour that you played some bass on the album. Any truth behind this? And if so, why Necrobutcher didn't play all bass parts?

Yes, I do. Mainly because the music altered continuesly. When he came to the studio it was already a lot of changed tones etc (all to make it seriously unpleasant), and to save time, i did it. Not very dramatic really...Note that he plays on the album, i just did what we thought could save us time.


Jedan mi od dražih uradaka:




edit: actually ovo je prvi itntervju koji sam uradio za MS.

Edited by Grobodan

Nije ni meni jasno zasto nije Tucker svirao bas. Verovatno ista fora kao na Ordo, posto je pisao vecinu muzike, brze on da snimi nego da pokaze Tuckeru pa Tucker da snima.


ja bih moje pare stavio na to da je blasphemer jednostavno imao viziju kako to treba da zvuci posto generalno bas nije unis sa gitarom.to mu dodje isto sto si ti rekao samo malo drugacije. :)

Posted (edited)

Posto sam kreten, jos nisam preslusao album, ni Ordo ad Chao, ni In The Flesh, ali nisam ni zamisljao da je bass unis sa gitarom, cim pricate o tome kako je genijalan.


A uostalom, da je bass manje-vise isti kao gitara, jos bi lakse bilo da pokaze Tuckeru deonice i vozi, a posto ima svoje drugacije deonice, to dodatno objasnjava zasto ga je on snimao umesto da se mlati da daje instrukcije :D

Edited by Demon Seed

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