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Steven Spielberg-produced sci-fi television series Terra Nova.Terra Nova is an American science fiction drama television series that is scheduled to air on Fox on Monday nights. It is scheduled to begin on September 26, 2011, starting with a two-hour premiere.


Opet Steva producent


Plot :


The show begins in the year 2149, a time when all life on planet Earth is threatened with extinction (suggested in trailers to be due to dwindling worldwide air quality and overpopulation). In an effort to save the human race, scientists develop a time machine allowing people to travel 85 million years back in time to prehistoric Earth. The Shannon family (father Jim, his wife Elisabeth, and their three children Josh, Maddy and Zoe) join the tenth pilgrimage of settlers to Terra Nova, the first human colony on the other side of the temporal doorway. However, they are unaware that the colony is in the middle of a group of carnivorous dinosaurs




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Pričao sam za "Falling Skies" da ima gadnih trenutaka, ovo mi je još ljigavije. Toliko klišea i provaljenih dijaloga odavno nisam sreo u sat i po vremena. Sumnjam da ću nastaviti da gledam, ima mnogo boljih serija.


Iznenadio sam se lošim kvalitetom animacije, skroz je u stilu kasnih devedesetih.


Prva polovina filma mi je dobra , druga polovina mi je onako.


Smesno je to kad se malo zapitate Ko je kriv sto je planeta tako zagusena ? covek


Ko je kriv sto oni klinci otisli van kampa i sto je pola njih pobijeno ? covek


i trece , tek dosli u kamp vec ima rebela , tj Sixersi :D


Uzas , covek sam sebi pravi probleme ;)


i nije mi neshto, kao neko putovanje kroz vreme, dal je isti vremenski sled ili nije, bla bla, al mladji buraz cje skidati svejedno da gleda, pa cju ipak gledati i ja, chisto da vidim razradu zapleta sa siksersima.. a pomenu lu gore foling skajz, e to je serija.


Ceo fazon me neodoljivo podseća na par Aftershock misija iz igrice Champions Online. Meni je ok za prvu (duplu) epizodu iako je gluma bledunjava. Sviđa mi se što je sve jasnije da sa relativno malim budžetom može da se napravi CGI koji može da pije vodu u šarolikim SF/fantasy scenarijima.

Posted (edited)

Prva emitovana je zapravo prve dve epizode u ukupnom trajanju od skoro sat i po vremena. Epizode inače traju oko 45 minuta.

Edited by Lou

Što sam i rekao nakon prve epizode, a juče sam na Wiki video da je serija naišla na pozitivne reakcije i da je pogotovo hvaljena animacija dinosaurusa. :haha: Koga plaćaju da im piše takve hvalospeve...


The Los Angeles Times wrote: "Easily the most exciting show of the fall season, Fox's "Terra Nova" has such obvious, instant and demographically diverse appeal."[49] The New York Post calls it "Good family fun".[50], while USA Today says "What matters are the dinosaurs, who — particularly in the first hour — are as convincing and startling as TV has ever offered, roaming a gorgeous, CGI-enhanced terrain."[51] The Wall Street Journal writes "'Terra Nova' leaves ye olde cheap-set series in the dust with production values that make each episode look cinematic."[52]. The Washington Post writes "Literally the biggest thing on TV this fall, “Terra Nova” has it all: time travel, misguided utopianism, “Swiss Family Robinson”-style cohesion and lots of hungry dinosaurs. It’s all pretty dazzling."[53]

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