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2012.06.27-30. *Ušće, Beograd* BELGRADE CALLING 2012


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The Nervous Breakdown: So what's the deal with Ozzy? What are you doing with him [this summer]?


Zakk Wylde: It's the "Ozzy and Friends" thing. (Current Ozzy bandmembers) Gus G., Blasko and Tommy [Clufetos] are coming out and doing a bunch of tunes, then I come out with Blasko and Tommy and we end up doing a bunch of stuff from the era when I was with The Boss, from "No Rest For The Wicked" all the way through everything I've ever done with him. Then Geezer [butler, BLACK SABBATH bassist] comes out and we do a bunch of SABBATH stuff and at the end, Slash and everybody — Geezer, Slash, Gus — and we all play "Paranoid".

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The Nervous Breakdown: So what's the deal with Ozzy? What are you doing with him [this summer]?


Zakk Wylde: It's the "Ozzy and Friends" thing. (Current Ozzy bandmembers) Gus G., Blasko and Tommy [Clufetos] are coming out and doing a bunch of tunes, then I come out with Blasko and Tommy and we end up doing a bunch of stuff from the era when I was with The Boss, from "No Rest For The Wicked" all the way through everything I've ever done with him. Then Geezer [butler, BLACK SABBATH bassist] comes out and we do a bunch of SABBATH stuff and at the end, Slash and everybody — Geezer, Slash, Gus — and we all play "Paranoid".


Ovo ce izgleda biti prava pizdarija u pozitivnom smislu. :rockdevil: Kao Live Aid ili Live Earth, samo manje i zheshce.

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Sa sajta: 2990 za sektor P2, 3990 za P1 i 4500 za Fan Pit.


Aj samo mi razjasnite nešto - ako imam kartu za drugi dan doplaćujem za treći 1500 i to je to, je li?


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Mislim da nece biti otkazano, dovoljno su digli cene da im se u svakom slucaju isplati. Pretpostavljam da su racunali i na posetu publike iz okolnih zemalja, a sto se sajta Eventma tice, klasicno je laganje za preostali broj karata :pivopije:


Mozda je neko vec rekao, imate lep paket sa sve rezervacijom preko sajta: 2.dan fan pit+ karta 3.dan za 6080 din. Kazu da postoji ogranicen broj, proverite.Mislim da se to najvise isplati, s obzirom na broj i odabir izvodjaca.

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Jedno pitanje na brzaka. Da li postoji neka varijanta da se dobije karta za drugi i treci dan a da su deljive? sa popustom naravno:)? Kontam da ako odmah kupis za dva dana da nisu, da li postoji u tom slucaju varijanta da se kupi za drugi dan pa posle doplati, pa da se dobiju deljive karte? ako se uopste i tada dobijaju deljive karte? Bio bih zahvalan ako bi neko znao da odgovori:)

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