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pa sviraju sigurice u sigurnim vremenskim razlikama tako da tu i za diskove nece toliko propasti kao sto bi za siri merch. a inace je to tacno, nema sta XD

Posted (edited)

^ti mislis samo na svirke u bg-u. imali su u poslednje vreme 3-4 cesca nastupa po raznim drugim manjim gradovima tipa apatin, smederevo

Edited by ^TK^

svirka u apatinu nije jos uvek prosla,ona je tek u oktobru... mada nacuo sam od apatinaca da oni u apatin ne dolaze za bas neke male pare,a sad da li je to istina....


^ aham... moguce. ne pamtim datume koji nisu vezani za moje okruzenje.

realno... ne moraju biti ni milioni u pitanju sustina je da imaju istoriju iza sebe i da automatski treba otpisatii foru da sviraju samo za prevoz i pice. nekad bilo sad se pripoveda :haha:.normalno je da ljudi skromno naplate svoj dugogodisnji trud. problem nastaje kad to pojedini bendovi cine na pogresan nacin (svi znamo o kome se radi )


Imam viška primerak LPja "Ledena krv" u crvenoj boji (tiraž 100 kom.), ako je neko zainteresovan neka se javi preko poruke. Živeli. :pivopije:

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GROM Records - Tribute to BOMBARDER project continues!


After long silence and many delays, troubles we were faced with, here are some great news for all of you maniacs!


# First, legendary HORROR PIKNIK joined the conspiracy and this is just a short segment of masterpiece cover version those old goats created.

All thanx and respect goes to Mr. Bandar and his hell-crew \m/


# Second, one more division decided to join us in this grim project and until the end of 2012 we will announce their name and present you piece of their creation.


Until then, just to remind you with the full list of our crime partners that contributed for the project:



MAD GOYA - Serbia

KUGA - Serbia


INFEST - Serbia

NADIMAC - Serbia



ABONOS - Serbia

EDAIN - Czech Republic

AVENGER - Czech Republic




BOMBARDER with exclusive re-recording of one of their old songs!



All works and preparations are in the process and release is planed to be out around March 2013 as exclusive CD package in several different versions!

There are some plans for vinyl version as well + some extras but, regarding all this...later...


More info soon, stay tuned!


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