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Posted (edited)

Hvala hvala, nije loše.


Seća se neko ovog benda?



secam se ja, kacio bio na randomu. onaj poslednji album iz 2009 okrecem isto redovno, jedan od omiljenih bendova mogu slobodno reci

### ako ti se svidja gornja stvar sad idemo jednu hip stepenicu vise da vidimo da li si dovoljno musko za jedan totalno dominantan rani post-rok sa vokalima:

Edited by Нормалан и Природан

Grobodane, svaka čast za Autumnblaze! Baš ovih dana vrtim "Dammer Elben Tragodie" i hvata me nostalgija. Jedan od prvih metal bendova koje sam čuo još davno, davno. Pesma Emerald Widower je nestvarno dobra.


Lakše ljudi, jedva stižem da preslušam sve što postujete. :lol:


Sreto, svaka čast za Apollo Ra. US power!


U meso, baš lepa stvar. Koja je to vrsta muzike uopšte?


Za ljubitelje US power-a:


(malo pojačajte pošto je slabija produkcija)




Nemojte da vas mrzi, čitajte i tekst:


Rats at my feet

They eat better than me

I'll tell ya how my life has been

Right from the start it's been all torn apart

God i just can't seem to win


Finally the end - better off dead


I sit in my cell - it reminds me of hell

The food here it gives me the bends

Living now sucks since my life's been corrupted

By losers that i call my friends

Thrown in a pit where my life don't mean a shit

Fighting just to survive

Wasting away just to get through

The day - i wonder that i'm still alive


Finally the end - better off dead


Listen to me i've got something to say

Words are all that i have left

The fear is all gone 'cause i've done

Nothing wrong - betrayed - i await death

God please have mercy on my soul tonight

Vengeance is yours for the rest

Of all those bastards who left

Me to die - that is my final request


Finally the end - better off dead


Inače, pevač/tekstopisac je izvršio samoubistvo samo nekoliko dana po završetku snimanja albuma.


R.I.P. Joel Finna

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