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  ZmYchE said:


Bend je izgledao ovako krajem osamdesetih:










I omiljeni nam pevac benda Flemming Rönsdorf:



Vise o njima + slicke:






Ovo moze da ide na sajt o posledicama politoksikomanije- pre i posle :)


Legende! Super shto su se vratili! Jos ako padne neki novi album..

  • 3 weeks later...


Novi frontmen Artillery-ja (umesto Flemming Rönsdorf -a) je:

Søren Adamsen


Više o njemu na http://www.nico.dk/


Na njihovoj myspace strani su ubacili nove fotke i tako...




Ako neko ima njihov LIVE sa Wackena 2000, nek mi baci pm :D

(tipa youtube:



Trenutno imaju silne neke probe, glupiraju se i fotkaju:


image_40.JPG - svi članovi i bivši i trenutni...



Hm još nisam čula vokal, ali ako je neko sranje...baš će mi bude nikad grdji bedak!

Svaki rad do sad im je bio RESPECT!!! Ali ovo... šta znam...videćemo...


A realno boli me k* (:D) kako izgledaju, ako je svirka :rockdevil:


Ma mene ne zanima ko im je novi vokal...moze da bude i Kiske pa opet necu da ih priznajem (OK, jeste glup primer, ali ipak..) bez onog choveka, onog glasa! Sto nisu nastavili da se raspadaju...


Danish thrashers ARTILLERY check in with the following update:


"We can now confirm that singer Søren Adamsen (CRYSTAL EYES, STARRATS) will be in the new lineup. The lineup therefore consists of the following: Michael Stützer (lead guitar), Morten Stützer (lead guitar), Peter Thorslund (bass), Carsten N. Nielsen (drums), Søren Adamsen (vocals).


We can also confirm that a live DVD is under serious consideration. If this becomes reality, it will be shot in Poland in co-operation with Metal Mind Productions.


Prva dva pevača su im bila genijalna, koji im je trebala promena? :(

(Prvi - Carsten Lohmann, Drugi - Flemming Rönsdorf)


i nova slička sa novim pevačem:



I već sam postovala sliku na kojoj su svi - na kojoj su prvi i drugi vokal...


Još nisam čula ovog novog...hah




Uopshte ne izgledaju kao neko k'o moze da otprashi "Kohmaniac", "Bombfood", "Cybermind" i da to zvuchi ljudski..ali, recimo da izgled vara..cheka se na jutuba il sl neki snimak : )

  Angelystor said:
Nije vishe to to...jebesh artiljeri bez onog vokala!!!

A ti bi da se ponovo ''visoko'' zaori Teror Skvuauauauaaaad ?!?



  lemmy sixx said:
Ovi su bas propali...nasta lice! Ovaj basista isti Tudjman. Pogotovo na ovoj donjoj slici,sa tim nakrivljenim ustima.



Potpuno ispravno zapažanje & konstatacija!


  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

Poland's Metal Mind Productions will release the first DVD from reactivated Danish thrashers ARTILLERY, entitled "One Foot in the Grave, The Other One in the Trash", on June 16 in Europe and August 5 in the USA (via MVD). According to a press release, the DVD features "a fantastic gig the thrash veterans gave at Metalmania Festival 2008. The outstanding guitar play of brothers Stützer, charismatic Carsten Nielsen's powerful drums and the uncompromising thrash energy of Søren Adamsen's voice ruthlessly hammered their way into the hearts of the headbangers assambled on that occasion. ARTILLERY launched a veritable blitz, bombarding their fans with a skull-breaking selection of some of the best songs from their entire discography, including great thrash metal masterpieces like 'By Inheritence' and 'Khomaniac'!" The DVD will also include many great bonus features, such as extra video material: "Allergic to Knowledge" (video clip), "Terror Squad" (video clip), "The Almighty" (bootlegged at The Rock, Copenhagen, 2008), MISSING LINK – "Lobotomized" (video clip), plus interview with Michael Stützer, interview with Morten Stützer and Carsten Nielsen and more. The release will also be available in a limited edition — including a CD with songs recorded at the Metalmania Festival.


"One Foot in the Grave, The Other One in the Trash" track listing:




01. Deeds of Darkness

02. Into the Universe

03. The Almighty

04. Cybermind

05. The Challenge

06. By Inheritance

07. The Eternal War

08. Beneath the Clay (R.I.P.)

09. Time Has Come

10. At War with Science

11. Out of the Sky

12. Khomaniac

13. Terror Squad


CD (limited edition DVD+CD only):


01. Deeds of Darkness

02. Into the Universe

03. The Almighty

04. Cybermind

05. The Challenge

06. By Inheritance

07. The Eternal War

08. Beneath the Clay (R.I.P.)

09. Time Has Come

10. At War with Science

11. Out of the Sky

12. Khomaniac

13. Terror Squad


The cover artwork was designed by Graal, who has previously worked with VITAL REMANS, SINISTER, SOLITUDE AETURNUS and BULLDOZER, among others. Graal was also responsible for the cover artwork of ARTILLERY's "Through The Years" box set.




U jbt kol'ko pesama sa prvog albuma...meni lichno tu fale "At War With Science" i pre svega moja omiljena stvar "Bombfood", ali zanimljiva lista anyway, zanima me pre svega kako taj novajlija zvuchi..

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