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Хаха тешко вама, сад има шабани да вам се приме на ремикс... icon_smile.gif

Поздрав за западну Србију pivopije.gif

Haha, u pakao sa njima, ali svi znamo da su na techno party-ima najbolje ladies icon_da.gif


Pozdrav i tebi pivopije.gif

Posted (edited)

,19. 4. 2006, 11:39] Pomenuta verzija (u nekom electro/tech fazonu) koja je pushtena na  rodjendanu Zoe, je samo jedan od RMX-a ( i meni najzabavniji koji sam pravio:lol: )

Podrška 4 remix!!! I ja se zajebavam sa nekim AD pesmama u electro 3pu, samo ne smem nikome od ludaka da ih pustim da me ne žrtvuju ritualno na probi...

Edited by SasaAmonDin
Posted (edited)

ali svi znamo da su na techno party-ima najbolje ladies icon_da.gif

Eh, da je barem bilo događanje te vrste nego dark night u Akademiji mhihi.gif






Read between the lines - išla sama ulicom i setila se ribe i smejala se sama sa sobom mhihi.gif

Edited by Aurora Calerva

Evo jedne extra recenzije The Force Within albuma iz teksaskog magazina Tex Vamp (hvala BP za promociju icon_wink.gif)




The Force Within

Rock Express Records, Serbia, 2004


The Force Within was indeed published back in 2004 (Rock Express Records/Serbia), but we decided to review it because this is the very first Serbian band that deserves a few lines in our respectable zine for its music and other relevant elements. By the way, do you know where is Serbia at all? Do you know what Serbia survived in the last 20 years or so? Do you know why Interfector actually is Serbian band although ¾ of the band’s members live in Bosnia and Herzegovina? Confusing? Indeed, but that’s just one more reason to listen to this great record, because the answers on these and many other questions are there, in the music as well as in the lyrics. Of course, it wouldn’t be bad if you put an additional effort to improve your knowledge about this small, but proud country from the Balkans whose wounds bleed even today. Nevertheless, it still manages to amaze us with its devotion to spite and to object the injustice, no matter if that exists at all. Anyway, with fast and decisive steps we evade history and moder politics lessons and with a great pleasure are getting ready for the opening song:

Mother Serbia – definitely a great selection for introduction of the album, because it makes even an indifferent listener to impatiently open up the booklet and pop-up the questions like “who the fuck are these guys?!”. A Serbian national music-instrument called “gusle” (or so I’ve been told), thunders (the sound of NATO airstrikes over Serbia in 1999??), church bells, fuckin’ gloomy backing-keyboards, warning sounds of the bass-guitar, galloping style of drummings that freezes the blood in enemy’s vains and calls for the Uprising, and creeping guitar riff are automatically intriguing and implying on something graded, but at the same time unexpected. Agressive, but yet extremely melodic folk metal is primary and thanks to interesting rhythm and singing riffs grabbs a point at the first listening. It is immediately clear that this is an interesting band, that these musicians are quite decent and that they are amazingly good lyric writers (of course, that one goes for the songs written in English). Beause of all said above, the information I got is not surprising at all – this very song is Interfector’s live hit-song. But still, we are sobered down thanks to:

Alienation – its dark intro fits the previous song perfectly, but at the same time deceives, for here are blast beats, melo black riffs that swiftly turn into melo death. A strange song because it appears as if quite a different band is in question. Of course, it doesn’t mean it is bad – on the contrary, it is a very energetic, a little bit deja vu melodic death quality, followed by:

‘The Dark One’ – and now some things become much more clear. Interfector belongs to a stream of metal bands that do not take into account whether they belong to a particular direction or not, which is not a bad thing anyway. As its name suggests, the song is dark, but full of different vocals, thus enabling us to get a more wider insight into the whole issue. Gollum-like recitations at the end of the song introduce us into a single weak side of this interesting story, and that is:

‘Temple of Desire’ – in which male clean vocals marred all that could be marred. Also, if we accept it as a kind of melo black balade, the presence of a female vocal seems quite logical, but it appears as if not exploited in a proper way. However, it pleases the band is ready for experimenting and resolved to demonstrate more sensible sides of their personalities, that are seen best within:

‘Buried Memories’ – that is in fact the first song where keyboards play a dominant role, for their wonderful color makes everybody wanting to dance. However, it also shows something else – completely undefined style of the band, which by itself should not necessarily be a bad thing, but at least is surprising and putting question about identifying and discovering fans in music. Guitar in fade out calls us to jump into:

‘S’ Druge Strane Svjetla’ – again we are impressed by dark metal impact, melodic keyboards, interesting rhythm, and drum playing style. The Serbian language intrigues us again (for the first time since one part of the ‘Mother Serbia’ lyrics), but at the same time female vocals get on our nerves. It appears to me the vocals are not worked out and necessary at all, because the song would be quite solid (in my opinion even better) without them. In any way, a slow dark pace starts to lull us a little bit when we get back to reality by:

‘The Lightbringer’ – that has a potential to become a proper black metal anthem of the Eastern Europe! Periodical blast beats, fantastic basic riff being somewhere in between Burzum and Satyricon styles, almost punk energy all come as a surprise and we finally realize the whole strength of the band. Excellent melody unfortunately comes to an end, but fortunately there is a ‘repeat’ button, which we skip over this time in order to honour the following:

‘Dark Saga’ – a song by Iced Earth (by the way, one of my favourite bands of all times), so I have to accentuate that I am not objective, because not a single version of my favourite bands songs suits me. Something that is really positive in the version of this Serbs is the fact that they are not trying to fit themselves into the Ices Earth sound, but to simply recall Iced Earth into their chambers. Few bands succeed in this and Interfector can play it with pride. But, let us devote the precious space to original songs for a real killer follows in:

‘Na Krilima Noci’ – my personal favourite, as we have an opportunity during full seven minutes to hear all that make Interfector an interesting band – melodic guitars, punk energy, folk impacts, various vocals, rhythm changes, blast beats, very catching keyboards, and finally – Serbian language. This is a composition that joins all influences into one point and represents in the best manner the band’s way of working, living, feeling, thinking. Only for this composition the whole text was written in Serbian (so, without a single word in English), and the fact should be especially appreciated. Unfortunately, I have no idea what the song is about, but I will learn it soon thanks to UG contacts (thanx BP!)

Conclusion: Due to the presence of different metal influences (black, death, folk, melo, progressive and tech, sympho, dark), the most sincere recommendation to all fans of hard, but exotic sound. As it is impossible to find Rock Express Records’ CDs in local shops, it would be best to contact the label on e-mail [email protected] or directly Interfector band on its official site www.interfector.net. After an excellent debut, we are eager for the story to continue!


Band members:

Carcass (vocals, bass), Invictus (guitars, vocals), Antares (keyboards), Apeiron(drums)

Origin: Banja Luka (Bosnia and Herzegovina/Republic of Srpska), Belgrade (Serbia and Montenegro)


Related links:

www.interfector.net (official page)

www.rockexpress.org (official page)

www.serbian-metal.org (fastest and bestest info page about Serbian metal scene)




Naravno. Davno su te stvari raspravljene na relaciji RS-Poljska. Nakon sto sam potegao argumente da ime posedujemo duze nego oni, momci su odgovorili pozivom na poljsku vodku i zajednicki koncert icon_wink.gif


that is in fact the first song where keyboards play a dominant role, for their wonderful color makes everybody wanting to dance.


haha a vi kao metal svirate?

that is in fact the first song where keyboards play a dominant role, for their wonderful color makes everybody wanting to dance.


haha a vi kao metal svirate?

Nista ne brini, videces kako cu ja plesati na Draconic koncertu uz tvoj odvratni zvuk basa icon_da.gif


teba svi da sklopimo neku tehno metal kompilaciju, evo moze i onaj ludacki Cons RMX da upadne u kombinaciju icon_smile.gif


disk ce se zati metalheads learn how to dance icon_smile.gif

that is in fact the first song where keyboards play a dominant role, for their wonderful color makes everybody wanting to dance.


haha a vi kao metal svirate?

Ipak vidi se da sam ubacio taj DJ/ Dancefloor uticaj! icon_da.gif


Everybody dance NOW! biggreens.gif




super je recenzija i slazem se sa kritikama pjesama, osim za zenske vokale u sa druge strane svjetla, meni je to bas mega dodatak, bila bi pjesma losija bez njih, definitivno


Pa da, i ja isto mislim. Ali ocigledno je da je u pitanju devojka koja vise voli extremniji metal. Zenski vokali nisu uopste napadni, vec su samo tu i tamo popunili stvar. Isto vazi i za muski clean, nema ga mnogo, ali uopste ne smeta. Ali misljenja se razlikuju, i njoj skidam kapu za recenziju, pogotovo sto je devojka iz USA, a recenzija je toliko dobra, realna (mislim po pitanju polozaja Srba ovuda pre svega) itd. itd.




neshto razmishljam (poshto i to ponekad radim!).... zar nije pravo vreme sad kad menjate chlana da konachno i ime promenite u interfactor pa da vishe ne bude zbunjivanja? icon_razz.gif



poz, ljudi!! :*********

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