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  1. The best score in the gameweek is the lowest score. Aim for the zero!
  2. Even if player does not play a single minute in the game (for whatever reason) he will record a default amount of points in that gameweek. Default amount of points for 0 minutes played in a gameweek is 5
  3. If you your captain haven’t played a single minute he won’t be replaced and he’ll record twice the default amount of points.
  4. Try to spend most of your budget before each deadline. Every credit unspent in the budget will be added to your gameweek score!

  On 8/4/2016 at 11:55 PM, Demon Seed said:

Ti provaljuješ u čemu je fora u igri, da? :D


pošto sam stavio Lovrena očekivajući da će da iskida, doneće lik sam titulu L'pulu ove sezone


realno su svi rupčage


Dae jos u Sitiu cileanski Kiza - Fernandinjosi bi bili MVP-evi lige...tako neke tipove treba imati + one proverene dzokere, sto udzu sa klupe i ne urade nista


Jeste, ali ti igrači svi koštaju uglavnom 5-7 ovde, popuniš time ekipu i ostane ti mnogo viška u kasi.


Ne znam za koji fantasy teže da se sastavi ekipa :haha:

  On 8/5/2016 at 3:10 PM, Demon Seed said:

Hart je rupčaga, primiće najviše golova?


Ima još jedan hint al' neka te dobij poene u prvom kolu pa ćeš da skontaš :D :D


Hart je rupčaga, to je činjenica


jbg brt, ne obraćam baš pažnju ko je prvi golman tamo nekim burnemautima i barnlijima

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