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Ovaj me zvuk automatski vrati 7-8 godina unazad, kad sam se tripovao sa Burning witch. Cak me i naziv jedne pjesme (crippled wizard) podsjetio na B.W. (album im se zove crippled lucifer, zapamtio sam ga za vjek vjekova).


E to je albumcina.




Jednog dana ću da sednem za komp i neću ustati dok ne pronađem sve bendove i projekte Sunn O))) dvojca.


Jeste slusali Teeth Of Lions Rule The Divine - Rampton, ne preporucujem, samo pitam hehe, ekipa Lee Dorian, Greg Anderson, Stephen O’ Malley i Justin Greaves,

that is some crazy-ass shit, bas kako volim, nasli se tokom neke turneje i odradili taj album. Slusao sam sve te njegove projekte, meni to sve dobro, ne pitajte zasto, nemam pojma.


Teeth Of Lions je preteran. :D Čitao sam negde, ne znam da li beše vju sa Dorian-om ili O'Malley-jem, u BV-u valjda, kako su se napušili kao zmajevi i snimili to. :haha:


Sto bi rek'o Bill Hicks...and i quote


You see, I think drugs have done some good things for us. I really do. And if you don't believe drugs have done good things for us, do me a favor. Go home tonight. Take all your albums, all your tapes and all your CDs and burn them. 'Cause you know what, the musicians that made all that great music that's enhanced your lives throughout the years were rrreal fucking high on drugs.




Zanimljiva je fora sa Aphex Twin-om što se tiče toga, kaže da koristi sve i svašta, ali da je uvek čist i trezan kada stvara muziku. Pa vi vidite šta je u toj glavi. :haha:


Nesto ne verujem u to, al ajde.. :haha:


Dobra je i muzika nastala pod uticajm absinta, recimo Absinthe: La Folie Verte od Blood Axis i Les Joyaux De La Princesse, tu se vidi jasno da su radili pod uticajem absinta. :haha:

Posted (edited)

Kada uzmeš u obzir njegove početke, školovanje i muziku koju pravi, legnu sve kockice na mesto. ;) Čovek želi da njegovo stvaralaštvo bude samo njegovo, a ne narkotičko.


EDIT: A plašim se da pomislim na šta bi ličilo to što bi napisao pod uticajem. :ph34r:

Edited by Uncle Lu

Argus (USA) - Argus 2009 (Heavy/Doom Metal)  

Preslusao sam par puta album, prilicno dobro.




This debut full-length bleeds influence from a wealth of heavy metal's elite. Piles of melodic twin guitar attacks obviously hearken vintage Thin Lizzy and Iron Maiden,

so those currently pitching tent over Slough Feg or Brocas Helm should obviously take note. But where Feg and Helm choose to inject a healthy dose of tongue-and-cheek flavor

and pedal-to-the-metal rockin', Argus favor a more serious and dour delivery that's obviously magnified by the classic doom firmly imprinted on their metal foundation. Penance

will likely come to mind, not only because they share the same vocalist, but because both generally duck the great misconception of doom having to be "sloooooow" by maintaining

a solid mid-paced stride. There's also evidence of classic Trouble/Sabbath when things really hit a groove, and Candlemass/Aeturnus when things are rollickingly epic.





Evo vi što se ložite na okult fazon, ne znam da li je ovo neko bacio:


Vinum Sabbatum – Songs From The Convent [ep] (2010)





A evo ga i novi Warchetype (prvi je bio odličan, a i ovaj nije loš):


Warchetype – Ancestral Cult Of Divinity (2010)





BTW novi Cough je smrt u diskoteci!


E, nego, ja se sad setih nečega što bi moglo dobro leći ovdašnjoj gospodi:


Rondellus - Sabbatum (Medieval Tribute To Black Sabbath)








"Sabbatum" is a tribute album like no other - 12 Black Sabbath classic songs played by early music band Rondellus and sung in Latin language.


Can You imagine what Black Sabbath would have sounded like if Ozzy Osbourne, Tony Iommi, Geezer Butler and Bill Ward would have formed the band in the 14th century? Would "War Pigs" or "The Wizard" have been as powerful if played on medieval instruments like lute, fiddle and harp?


Curious? So was Rondellus, the renowned Estonian medieval music band. They took 12 Black Sabbath classics and turned them into something totally unheard.


You don't have to take history lessons to get the feeling. It's all on the new CD Rondellus recorded - "Sabbatum". An amazing collection of Black Sabbath tunes played on medieval instruments and sung in Latin language.



"Sabbatum" - the most unique sounding Black Sabbath tribute album.


You've probably heard all the Black Sabbath cover albums. Perhaps both "Nativity in Black" compilations are in Your CD box right now. Great records, aren't they?


But "Sabbatum" takes a closer look at all these classic Black Sabbath songs in a way it's never been done before. The angle is so differrent that You better prepare Yourself for a big surprise, a positively shocking one.


"Sabbatum" takes You on a trip. It acts like a time machine. In a single moment You will find Yourself attending a Black Sabbath show during the 14th century. You will be in a medieval cathedral where time stands still. Just You and thousands of fellow kings and queens, knights and ladies. And the tunes that made heavy metal - classic songs by Black Sabbath.


1-Verres Militares (War Pigs)

2-Oculi Filioli (Junior's Eyes)

3-Funambulus Domesticus (A National Acrobat)

4-Symptoma Mundi (Symptom Of The Universe)

5-Post Murum Somnii (Behind The Wall Of Sleep)

6-Post Aeternitatem (After Forever)

7-Magus (The Wizard)

8-Solitudo (Solitude)

9-Rotae Confusionis (Wheels Of Confusion)

10-Planetarum Vagatio (Planet Caravan)

11-Via Gravis (Hard Road)

12-Architectus Urbis Caelestis (Spiral Arcitect)





Posted (edited)

Nezaobilazno za fanove Candlemass i Solitude Aeturnus: Dark Covenant - epic doom bend iz kanade koji mnogo obecava :




Dark Covenant - Dark Covenant (Demo 2009)


Jedan od najmocnijih (i meni omiljenih) sludge/doom bendova koji je relativno nepoznat: Haarp iz USA. Prvi album (The Filth) im izlazi 23. novembra, a do tada evo ostatak diskografije:


Haarp - Demo (Demo 2007)



Haarp - Haarp (EP 2009)



Haarp - Reincarnation Prayer (Split with Thou 2009)

Edited by NullPointerException

Odlične preporuke, super demo za Dark Covenant, k'o voli epičnost, biće zadovoljen, mora da padne neki album ejsep. Danas sam baš i slušao nešto slično, podsetio se Concept Of God albuma, Argus, Isole, Place Of Skulls,

Wheel, prvi Warning i ne mogu da verujem da sam tek danas ozbiljno preslušao poslednji While Heaven Wept, odličan album, kad je izašao uopšte mi se nije svideo. Nisam očekivao da će Haarp tako da zvuči (skinuo sam onaj EP),

odličan vokal i prilično moćna svirka, Warchetype sam malo proleteo, isto obećava...

Posted (edited)

Warchetype odlican, skinuo sam i ostale albume, moracu podrobnije da se posvetim ovih dana(vrijedan paznje je i drugi bend istog pjevaca Great Coven). Takodje novi Cough je odlican sludge.


Kad smo vec kod sludge-a, bend koji me odusevio je Bongripper sa zadnjim albumom "Satan Worshipping Doom" izdat ove godine. U pitanju je instrumentalni sluge/doom

Edited by NullPointerException

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