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1000 Funerals - Teheran, Iran, funeral doom, biser undergrounda, nema stranicu na metal arhivama, preporuku sam dobio od ortaka iz Kaira. Bend se raspao 2007., ali bar je stigao da snimi demo, poprilično dugačak.






Svih 5 pesama možete preslušati na MySpace stranici.




1. Igneous Lips

2. Final Wish

3. Your Fancy

4. Moon's Heart

5. Portrait of a Dream

Hotfile link za album (192kbps):


1000 Funerals - Portrait Of A Dream (2005)


Recenzija sa sputnikmusic

Edited by Stolet

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Da jbt, eto šta je diktatura i 'islamska revolucija' kako je iranski moćnici zovu. Btw tako je i u Egiptu, metal muzika je zabranjena, a možeš zamisliti kako tek ljudi gledaju na dugokose metalce, a naši se metalheadsi kao žale nešto. Svaka čast onima koji pored svega toga istraju pivopije.gif


Jedan od najglupljih razloga za raspad benda ikada. Da je odavde žena, pitali bi se zašto se uopšte udaje za nekog idiota koji misli da može da joj uskrati stvaralaštvo, ali čisto sumnjam da u Iranu to ide kao ovde, tj. da je ženama dozvoljeno da biraju šta će sa svojim životom no.gif

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Horse Latitudes - Gathering 2011





Horse Latitudes are from Helsinki in Finland. The band is rather young as it started in 2009. The line-up comprises a drummer-vocalist, Harri, and two bassists, Heidi and Vellu.


The band class themselves as a Doom/Sludge band but the vocals are very much in the Doom style as there is not much in the way of typical angry Sludge Metal vocals but musically the band is over all the place.

Part Trad Doom, Sludge, Stoner Doom, Psychedelic and with hints of Drone, the band can and will appeal to everyone from fans of Electric Wizard, Burning Witch, Saturnalia Temple to Sunn O))).


One great thing about the six tracks spanning 50 or so minutes is each track is an monumental piece of work and this album flows remarkably well so there is no real tracks to highlight because the album

can be judged as an whole concept rather than just a collection of songs. Starting with the 9 minute "Hornblas" and ending with "Decayment", this moves with the force of a thousand rhinos stampeding

their way across your skull. The band plays Sabbathian riffs but on the bass so the bottom end attack is lethal and severely damaging to the senses. Evo jos neki review, album je odličan.




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Deadbird - Twilight Ritual (MP3@320Kbps)


Možda baš deluje kao generic doom sludge ali sasvim solidan ovaj Deadbird, vokali dobri baš.




Eagle Twin - The Unkindness Of Strangers (MP3@320Kbps) + Scans


Neki sludge doom pozeraj sa Southern Lorda, nije loše, pevaju o nekim ptičurinama. Kapiram Stolet će da svrši.

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