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Nastali 2009. godine, Electric Moon su ubrzo postali jedan od veoma zapaženih evropskih psihodeličnih rok aktova. Fraktalna psihodelija koju proizvode varira intenzitetom, atmosferom i dinamikom, od mirnih ambijentalnih pasaža i mantrične kraut rok repeticije do masivnih hevi rifova. Pretapajući se iz jednog podžanrovskog psihodeličnog miljea u drugi, Electric Moon uspevaju da ostanu autentični, prepoznatljivi i potpuno svoji.


Zamislite spoj matorog nemačkog kraut zvuka, britanske psihodelije 70tih i modernog spejs roka, razmazan esid pustinjskim temama i repeticijom, koja otvara čakre i rastapa boje.


Za ovako kratko vreme, ovaj trio je za sobom ostavio 15 zvaničnih vinilnih izdanja i bezbroj koncerata širom Evrope, koji su ga uspostavili kao jedan od najupečatljivijih psihodeličnih koncertnih bendova. Electric Moon ovom prilikom prvi put nastupaju u Srbiji.


Domaća podrška na koncertu su psihodelični spejs-rok četverac Temple of the Smoke i lokalni guru eksperimentalne, improviozacione psihodelije WoO. Koncert počinje u 22 časova.


Cena karte 400 dinara.



Edited by VoivodBG



Electric Moon - You Can See The Sound Of (2013)


01.The Inner Part

02.Your Own Truth

03.No Escape From Now



  • 2 weeks later...

ispalise Electric Moon za koncert.


Electric Moon su otkazali svoj nastup.... stvarno se izvinjavamo svima, nije nam jasno kako je došlo do toga ni o čemu su razmišljali i nismo u fazonu da smišljamo nikakve izgovore tako da vam pejstujem dole sms koji smo primili od njih pre pola sata pa procenite sami.


Večeras ćemo onda svirati samo mi i WoO. Koncert će početi u 22:30 kada WoO nastupa pa posle njega Temple of the Smoke. Cena karte je 200 dinara. Dođite ako se niste smorili.


Hi dusan-This is electric moon.We just had a little stop for a coffee and met some people coming from serbia, they told us they needed 12hours for driving to here. On our way to alba iulia it took us 9hours drive from the romanian border. We did not realize it would go that slow in romania so we are very sorry to tell you that we will actually not make it to beograd in time... Very sad but even if we would be there at 2,we could not play directly after 14hours of driving... Not wanna make you angry, its a shame not to be able to reach beograd!!! We would have needed 2days between alba iulia and beograd... But we hope you can save the night on ladja with your sounds and still have fun! Hope to come back and see you. Best from the moon.


Utisci i zapažanja:


1. "Brate, nemam kanap da ga vežem."

2. Ooo, momci, i vi volite Kraftwerk?

3. Nagarilli distorziju na kraju "Temple Of The Smoke", mislio sam da će nešto da pukne.

4. Basista je svirao sa povišenom temperaturom, rock'n'roll.



A što se tiče Electric Moon, Voivod je lepo rekao ono što je svima bilo jasno iz njihovog saopštenja: trebali su da budu iskreni i u duhu muzike lepo priznaju da su se uradili, napili i pozabadali po rumunskim budžacima.


Wo0 sam čuo samo spolja, neka hvala.




A što se tiče Electric Moon, Voivod je lepo rekao ono što je svima bilo jasno iz njihovog saopštenja: trebali su da budu iskreni i u duhu muzike lepo priznaju da su se uradili, napili i pozabadali po rumunskim budžacima.



verovatno nikad nisu putovali kroz rumuniju. deluje kao mala zemlja ali mi pricao zoki iz infesta da su putevi katastrofa i da ne mozes nigde da stignes bez 10 sati spore voznje. svakako cudno da to nisu znali kao nemci koji verovatno rade turneje cesto, ali eto.


Još uvek sam u fazonu da su SMS poslali u trenutku kada su se probudili. Tradicionalno efikasni Nemci. :mhihi:


Stavio je Boris iz Repetitora na fejsu neki sigurica put preko programa, tako da ni to sa njihovim suludim putevima ne drzi vodu. Pogotovo ako imas kakav gps, a danas ga moras imati, makar i na telefonu.

Temple bili bolji nego pre mesec dana. I redosled setliste je bio drugaciji, pa je koncert bio poprilicno dinamican, cak i sa dub momentima. :haha:


Javili se Electric Moon povodom cele ujdurme.



back from our trip to eastern europe.

First we want to thank everyone who was there and enjoyed the thing, giving us feedback, the power to make this sound for you, ... THANK YOU, Romania, thank you, Hungary, thank you, Croatia, thank you, Austria!!!!


We feel so bad about not being able to play those 2 shows FOR YOU!

It was not easy for us, to say no to CLUB NOIR - Szeged. We've been there!!!! But to those who could not believe: did you know, that mold allergie can kill you? I mean, seriously.

And INSTANTLY. And this has nothing to do with smoking.

If one cannot breath, he cannot play guitar for you, so please, understand. It was also sad for us, so we are with you.!

BEOGRAD - we feel very sorry that we did not manage to reach Serbia in TIME!!!! Alba Iulia was just too far away, we

were not informed about taking 12 hours to the border....

We do not have a extra driver and on that tour just ONE of us, Dave, was able to do that shit job. So even if we reached Beograd at one our two in the night - imagine, after 12 hours driving: carry all the stuff, jumping on stage and play guitar after 12 hours driving and possibly stress at the border? Call us pussies, we're also just humans - at least, yes, we are.


We totally understand everyone who is fucking disappointed!

We also understand everyone who is angry about. But sometimes things can not happen, and situations are just - FUCKED!


And, if rock'n'roll means to shit on your own life and die instead of thinking once, than we are no rock'n'roll people - indeed.


Love from the electric moon. We wish to come back and we will, even, if you do not want that

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