badass Posted August 24, 2013 Report Posted August 24, 2013 Četvrtak, 26. septembar – Beograd @ Gun Club | 21:30 | gosti: GO!ZILLA (Firenze, ITALY) Petak, 27. septembar – Pirot @ Omladinski kulturni centar Subota, 28. septembar – Paraćin @ Galerija Nedelja, 29. septembar – Zagreb @ Močvara (gosti: My Buddy Moose) Two Cow Garage formirao je Micah Schnabel pre dvanaest godina u Kolambusu, Ohajo. Talentovani mladi dođoš iz malog grada ubrzo je privukao pažnju nekolicine lokalnih rokenrol zaljubljenika, ali presudno je bilo poznantsvo sa Chrisom Flintom, gitaristom i advokatom, koji je već u ranoj fazi razvitka benda primetio Schnabelov dar za pisanje pesama i muzike i koji se još tada ponudio da pomogne kao menadžer i povremeni drugi gitarista ovog trija. Two Cow Garage objavili su šest albuma. Najpre „Please Turn The Gas Back On“, 2002. Zatim 2004. „The Wall Against Our Back“, a „Three“ iz 2007. pokupio je samo pozitivne kritike i većina recenzenata je složna u jednom – da Micah Schnabel poseduje raskošan talenat koji umnogome podseća na Paula Westerberga, predvodnika The Replacements. Uticaj The Replacements vidan je i na preostale tri dugosvirajuće ploče: „Speaking In Cursive“ (2008.), „Sweet Saint Me“ (2010.) i „The Death Of The Self Preservation Society“ čije se objavljivanje očekuje 10. septembra ove godine. Inače, budžet za poslednji album skupili su obožavaoci benda i tih 17000 dolara dovoljno govori o podršci koju su Two Cow Garage obezbedili dvanaestogodišnjom karijerom i iskrenim nastupima širom SAD i Evrope. Može se reći da se Two Cow Garage kreću u vodama alt-country rocka. Ipak u obzir uzmite i punk-rock prošlost Micaha Schnabela, te nikako ne zaboravite i na poslednju reč u imenu grupe koja ni najmanje slučajno nije tu gde jeste, makar sam izraz benda nemao previše dodirnih tačaka sa garage punkom. Jednostavno, Two Cow Garage na energičan, znojav i glasan način prenose svoju, u suštini, country rock priču. Mnogo više slični bendovima poput Marah ili Drive-By Truckers, pa čak i Bruceu Springsteenu, nego The Gories ili The Oblivians. Svejedno, Schnabelov polupromukli vokal i odvrnuta pojačala iz kojih trešti glasna gitarska muzika privlačni su i ljubiteljima prljavijeg rokenrola kao i jasan poziv da ne propuste nastupe ovog američkog sastava. Za ovo koncertno predstavljanje najbolja preporuka je činjenica da se radi o bendu koji je u samo dve godine po objavljivanju prvog albuma kombijem „pregazio“ više od 332000 milja. Valjda dovoljno govori o njihovom sviračkom iskustvu, kvalitetu koncerata, a svakako je i sjajan background za jednog rokenrol pesnika kakav je Micah Schnabel oduvek hteo da bude. Delić živih nastupa zabeležen je i na oficijelnom DVD izdanju pod nazivom „The Long Way Around: One Badass Year With Two Cow Garage“. Od tada je prošlo skoro deset godina, a Two Cow Garage su odavno prešli i milionitu milju jureći za svojim snom s jedne na drugu obalu SAD i uzduž i popreko evropskog kontinenta. Posle pet i po godina Two Cow Garage ponovo praše po Srbiji i okolini! Beogradski koncert tempiran je za četvrtak, 26. septembar, a mesto održavanja je Gun Club (Miloša Pocerca 10) s početkom od 21:30. Kao gosti, pre Two Cow Garage nastupiće psychedelic garage blues duo – GO!ZILLA, bend koji nastavlja tradiciju kvalitetnih garažnih grupa iz Italije (od The Mojomatics, preko Movie Star Junkies do Wildmen). Karte po promotivnoj ceni od 700 dinara @ Pinball Wizard Records (TC EUROCENTAR, Makedonska 30, lokal br. 15) i to od 26. avgusta do 7. septembra. Od 9. Do 26. septembra na istom mestu karta će biti 900 dinara, a na ulazu u klub, u četvrtak, 26. septembra – 1000 dinara. GO!ZILLA: GO!ZILLA su eksplozivni psychedelic garage blues duo formiran u Firenci, Italija januara 2012. pod velikim uticajem West Coast zvuka i garažnih singlova 60-tih. Debi EP „GO!ZILLA“ objavljen je u septembru 2012. za Santa Valvola Records, a ubrzo sledi i prvi singl „I'm Bleeding“ na Surfin Ki Records etiketi. „Go!Zilla Surf“ potom je uvrštena na kompilaciji povodom dvadesete godišnjice SHIVER magazina. Bend je imao već četiri evropske turneje, preko 100 koncerata po zapadnoj Evropi i svirao je sa imenima poput: Thee Oh Sees, Night Beats, Shannon & The Clams, Bud Spencer Blues Explosion, Aucan... Prvu dugosvirajuću ploču izdaće u oktobru ove godine za Black Candy Records u Italiji, Rough Trade u Velikoj Britaniji i Nemačkoj i Warner Bros (kao distributer za Italiju i Veliku Britaniju). Par citata: „..I’d call this six-track EP, an example of modern day acid punk... The EP kicks off with ‘I’m Bleeding’, the repetitious inclusion from its previous release completely justified by its windswept, howling drunken brilliance. The chorus contains a riff to die for. Elsewhere ‘No Man’s Land’ bludgeons your ears with discordant, windmilling sounds that has attitude almost pouring out of the speakers. It might be a bit frightening to the unprepared. ‘Get Me Out Of Here’ rumbles along, tremelo-ing your bowels into submission. Don’t look for melody here, ladies and gentlemen! Back To The Grave is starting to feel like a walk in the park compared to the contents here.... All in all these are decent and horrifying songs, well written and recorded for maximum punkadelic impact. Go, go-go, go-go-go Go!Zilla!“ (The Happening - Shindig magazine) „...A direct sound with no useless frills, who stuns at the first listen, 16 minutes of pure wrapping and fascinating rock'n'roll.“ ( „The florentian's plays a 60's garage, embittered in a "Mudhoney" way. I'm Bleeding is enough to understand their infected blues: a business card that many people would love to shows, a real sharp track written with red ink. Take it at your own risk“ (Shiver magazine)
badass Posted August 26, 2013 Author Report Posted August 26, 2013 kompilacija:
badass Posted August 26, 2013 Author Report Posted August 26, 2013 Karte danas u 16h @ Pinball Wizard Records po promo ceni od 700 din!!
badass Posted September 7, 2013 Author Report Posted September 7, 2013 Danas do 16h @ Pinball Wizard Records karta po promo ceni - 700 din. Od ponedeljka na istom mestu - 900 din!!
badass Posted September 11, 2013 Author Report Posted September 11, 2013
badass Posted September 12, 2013 Author Report Posted September 12, 2013
badass Posted September 13, 2013 Author Report Posted September 13, 2013
badass Posted September 14, 2013 Author Report Posted September 14, 2013
badass Posted September 15, 2013 Author Report Posted September 15, 2013 Žikica Simić o koncertu iz 2008. godine:
badass Posted September 16, 2013 Author Report Posted September 16, 2013 D. Vartabedijan o istom koncertu:
badass Posted September 17, 2013 Author Report Posted September 17, 2013 (edited) Edited September 17, 2013 by badass
badass Posted September 18, 2013 Author Report Posted September 18, 2013 prvi album Cleverly described as Uncle Tupelo's nephews, Two Cow Garage takes strong cues from Jay Farrar and Jeff Tweedy's punkier sides. Not easily pigeonholed, the band also digs deep into the honest country-rock of Slobberbone and Drive-By Truckers, but somehow still manage to maintain their own soulful sound. Young vocalist Micah Schnabel gives the impression that he's smoked a pack a day since elementary school with his gritty rasp, aptly fitting their songs of heartache and leavin'. Bassist Shane Sweeny's gently shouted backup vocals add depth to the tearful "Girl of My Dreams," while Dustin Harigle's drumming is the only thing that holds the manic "River" together. Every song on Please Turn the Gas Back On burns with the amber light of the heartland -- hungover and heart-wrenching, sweetly fumbling and furiously pounding, gritty as barn doors and sweaty as a backseat in August.
badass Posted September 18, 2013 Author Report Posted September 18, 2013
badass Posted September 19, 2013 Author Report Posted September 19, 2013 drugi album It's really a shame that the Bob Stinson edition of the Replacements never did much more than flirt with country music. If they had, the results would have sounded an awful lot like Two Cow Garage's The Wall Against Our Back, and that's intended as a compliment to both bands. Recorded in appropriately garage-like conditions by Slobberbone's Brent Best (who infuses the proceedings with the same ragged-but-right feel as his own band), the Columbus-based trio blasts out 13 songs that toy with grunge-era soft/LOUD dynamics at a thrashing pace. The relentless forward motion is broken once -- again, just like on a Replacements album -- by "Saturday Night," a solo acoustic ballad by singer Micah Schnabel that gives the otherwise Westerberg-hoarse singer a chance to be a bit more gentle to his vocal cords and the listener a chance to rest up a bit for the seething revved-up country two-step of "If This Is Home" and the flat-out punk fury of "Smell of Blood," which wouldn't sound out of place on a Hüsker Dü album. Cowpunk (as opposed to the more polite and rootsy alternative country) lives on in these grooves.
badass Posted September 20, 2013 Author Report Posted September 20, 2013 treći album The Columbus, OH trio's rather cheeky name flies in the face of songs that serially examine the concept of aging in a punky band like the one in which they play. It that sense and others, Two Cow Garage mirrors the Drive-By Truckers, whose intelligent lyrics likewise tackle serious subjects behind a humorous name. Little has changed in Garage's basic sound on their oddly unimaginatively titled third album III. Horns bolster one song, keyboards a few others, Slobberbone/Drams frontman Brent Best co-produces four tracks and adds guitar on one. It's a tough, tightly rocking sound that is less influenced by country than in the past, especially on the horn enhanced "Mediocre." The experimental tendencies of "Camaro," a song that starts and ends with the tuning of a radio (a sample of the Who's "Won't Get Fooled Again" is particularly startling), brings the ragged C&W back, as singer Micah Schnabel's torn voice rips into the ballad-like tone of Steve Earle after a rough night. The album kicks off with roaring, garagey rockers, but turns introspective, more tranquil, but no less incisive in its final third. The Replacements' comparisons are still valid, but this album shows an evolution and maturity, partly due to the members becoming older and wiser, but also because the songs take more chances as they shift through changes. Apparently the group considered disbanding before this recording, but the results show they took the correct course to write about their insecurities and keep the outfit going. The result is a keeper that demands multiple spins. "Postcards and Apologies," the album's finest and final track, soberly sums up Schnabel's doubts about his life and future. Like his band, he seems intent to soldier on despite reservations. Hopefully he doesn't have second thoughts about album number four.
badass Posted September 22, 2013 Author Report Posted September 22, 2013 poslednji: Nearly a decade after dropping their debut full- length, Please Turn the Gas Back On, Columbus, Ohio based Two Cow Garage are poised to release their sixth studio album, The Death of the Self Preservation Society to the world on September 10, 2013 in partnership with Last Chance Records. With a thick wall of thundering drums and exploding guitars propping up the band’s snarky style of storytelling, Two Cow Garage’s latest cut is set to shake the industry with the release. Recorded at HI/LO Studios, housed inside of a historic 100 year old barn in Eden, New York, The Death of the Self-Preservation Society showcases the unique mash-up of songwriting styles of both of the band’s front man Micah Schnabel and bassist Shane Sweeney.“We’ve recorded there a few times and we have just fallen in love with it,” Schnabel said of the studio. “We sleep in the old farm house and wake up every morning to go out and record all day and night. The studio is actually up in what would be the hay loft and it overlooks the farm. It’s just a great place to be locked away and not have the distractions of every day life.” The band launched into this recording with a brand new approach. When asked about the recording process, Schnabel explained, “We laid a drum track first and then laid the bass. After that, instead of piling on guitars, we laid the lead vocal. From there we only added parts that we thought the song needed. We really tried to let the songs breathe. We did each single song start to finish before moving on to the next. I really feel like it helped give each song its own identity and feel.” Several guests dropped by the studio to record with the trio, including members of Cheap Girls. “We got lucky and our good friends Cheap Girls were playing in Buffalo while we were recording. They stopped by and we had Ian Graham sing a verse on the song “Stars and Gutters” his brother Ben also ended up singing on the chorus,” Schnabel remarked of the appearances. Producing the album themselves, Two Cow Garage has managed to compose a near flawless collection of tracks possessing a near perfect balance of old, historic punk qualities and new radio friendly pop-punk attributes. For example, “Little Prince and Johnny Toxic,” the album’s opening track, propels the album into a full-tilt frenzy from the line “no one makes it out alive.” “My Friend Adam” and the album’s title track, “The Death of the Self-Preservation Society” follow suit, projecting the band’s raw and uncensored outlooks on the current state of society. With a jaded tone and a ‘take no prisoners’ snarl, the track kicks the door open to a straightforward and matter of fact album holding nothing back. Even the softest tones on the album, like “Mantle in ’56″ come connected to a sense of reality few bands are brave enough to ever approach. However, with Two Cow Garage, this tone is both
badass Posted September 24, 2013 Author Report Posted September 24, 2013 još dva dana:
badass Posted September 26, 2013 Author Report Posted September 26, 2013 Ušli u Srbiju oko pola 4. Uskoro klopa, tonska, ali najvažnije da koncert počinje na vreme. 21:00 - ulaz u klub 21:30 - Go!Zilla 22:00 - Two Cow Garage
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