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Ja sam vakcinisan pa nisam imao ni otok, a da ne pricam o nekim oziljcima.


Except in neonates, a tuberculin skin test should always be done before administering BCG. A reactive tuberculin skin test is a contraindication to BCG. Someone with a positive tuberculin reaction is not given BCG, because the risk of severe local inflammation and scarring is high, not because of the common misconception that tuberculin reactors "are already immune" and therefore do not need BCG. People found to have reactive tuberculin skin tests should be screened for active tuberculosis.

BCG is given as a single intradermal injection at the insertion of the deltoid. If BCG is accidentally given subcutaneously, then a local abscess may form (a "BCG-oma") that can sometimes ulcerate, and may require treatment with antibiotics immediately, otherwise without treatment it could spread the infection causing severe damage to vital organs. However, it is important to note an abscess is not always associated with incorrect administration, and it is one of the more common complications that can occur with the vaccination. Numerous medical studies on treatment of these abscesses with antibiotics have been done with varying results, but the consensus is once pus is aspirated and analysed, provided no unusual bacilli are present, the abscess will generally heal on its own in a matter of weeks.[12]

The characteristic raised scar BCG immunization leaves is often used as proof of prior immunization. This scar must be distinguished from that of small pox vaccination, which it may resemble.

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Realno tako je, kada bežiš bez dokumentacije, menjaš prebivalište i dokumenta. dom zdravlja može da šalje obaveštenje na adresu stanovanja koju si prijavio, ali kada je rat ljudi beže i menjaju mesta stanovanja, a podaci o vakcinaciji ostaju u DZ u njihovom registru.


Ovi tzv azilanti kao što već znamo su uglavnom iz zajednica koje se teško uklapaju u multikulturalan sistem (aka zatucani srbi, romi i muslimani) ali kod svakog normalnog čoveka koji je ušao u nemački sistem kako valja, nema problema.

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Anti-Vaxxers Fund Study That Finds Zero Link Between Vaccinations And Autism



"The scientists then studied the behavior of the macaques as they interacted in social situations, looking for “autistic-like” behaviors. They found nothing. Some people diagnosed with autism have been observed to have smaller hippocampal cells and lower numbers of cells in the amygdala. After euthanizing the monkeys, the scientists conducted post-mortems on the animals’ brains, looking for these changes. They found no differences between the groups, stating that: “Our data do not support a role for thimerosal-containing vaccines in the neuropathology of autism spectrum disorder.”


Jadni majmuni dali zivote uzalud. Zar nema dovoljno studija koje nisu nasle link vakcina i autizma?! Ja sam mislila da i ozbiljni anti vaxxeri ne veruju u vezu vakcina i autizma.


Baj d vej kod nas stroze kazne?


Zar nema dovoljno studija koje nisu nasle link vakcina i autizma?! Ja sam mislila da i ozbiljni anti vaxxeri ne veruju u vezu vakcina i autizma.


ima ali ova je finansirana (delimicno) od strane antivakcinasa :haha:

sve se vrti oko vakcina i autizma, ti koji ne veruju u to su neki beznacajni ofshoots


150 000. Treba to jos vise.


treba uvesti kaznene bodove i kad nakupis odredjen broj papa dete.

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