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KEN mode is a Juno award winning noise rock influenced metallic hardcore band from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada that was formed in Sept, 1999. Formed by brothers Jesse (guitar/vocals) and Shane Matthewson (drums) and long-time friend Darryl Laxdal (bass), the group released several demos from 1999 to 2003, leading to the release of their debut full length Mongrel on Escape Artist Records.


Several tours followed with the likes of Relapse Records' The End ,Sulaco and American Heritage in addition to regional dates with Mastodon, Burnt By The Sun, Anodyne, Pelican, Harkonen, Breather Resist, The Dream is Dead, Psyopus,Daughters, and Buried Inside across the Midwestern and East Coast United States, and throughout Canada. In 2004 Laxdal left the band, only to rejoin in 2005 to finish the band's follow-up record Reprisal, released in 2006 on CD by Escape Artist Records, and on double-LP by No List Records. KEN mode went on to work with Jahmeel for the band's third full-length, Mennonite, which was released in July 2008 on CD by Jesse Matthewson's own label, Arctodus Records, and on 3x7" vinyl by No List Records. In 2010 the band announced that Profound Lore Records will release its fourth full length album, titled Venerable, to be recorded August 2010 with Kurt Ballou of Converge.


On March 31, 2012 Venerable won the inaugural Heavy Metal/Hard Music Album of the Year Juno Award in Canada.Venerable was also nominated for Rock Album of the Year by the Western Canadian Music Awards.


November 2012 saw the band sign a worldwide deal with Season of Mist Records to release its fifth album, who they spent September and October recording and mixing with Matt Bayles. Entrench was released in March 2013.In June 2013, the album was longlisted for the 2013 Polaris Music Prize.




Mislim da momci zasluzuju temu, postoje vec 15 godina, osvojili su cak Juno award za najbolji kanadski metal album sa albumom Venerable.



Reprezentativni spot:



Trenutno rade na 6 albumu koji ce se zvati Success koji izlazi na prolece 2015 preko Season of Mist.

  • Upvote 3

Bravo za temu :pivopije: . Kakvi su rani radovi, slušao sam samo poslednja dva? Entrench mi je sigurno u top 5 albuma prošle godine.

  • 3 weeks later...

Odlicno, javi utiske kada preslusas. Mislim da u poslednje vreme najvise slusam ovaj bend, dugo mi se nije desilo da me neki bend obori sa nogu ovako i da mi se svidi, poslednja 2 albuma ne vadim iz telefona.


Evo jedan live klip, na vokalima im gostuje Dave Davidson iz Revocation na 19;49, inace su bili na turneji sa Revocation u to vreme:



Poslednji spot:


  • 2 weeks later...

Ljudi, postoji verovatnoca da KEN mode dodju u Srbiju! Trenutno Resetor radi na tome, okacio je na svojoj fejsbuk stranici KEN mode link, na taj nacin opipava puls i moguci odziv ljudi, da vidi koliki hajp prati bend, zato je bitno da svi oni koji su fanovi benda da odu i da lajkuju taj link da bi ga ohrabrili da radi ovaj koncert! Radi se o paketu KEN mode / HARK i bice na evropskoj turneji u oktobru, tako da se tada moze ocekivati neki datum.



Posted (edited)

Bilo bi odlično kad bi ih doveli, samo ne znam koliko se isplati.


Jebote, samo 9 lajkova za sad. Pa vise ljudi sluša onaj Jaretov treš bend :bigblue:.

Edited by M-16

Ma ovde se nista ne isplati, tako je sa svakim koncertom koji se radi, gleda se da budes na nuli, tome tezis. Treba prosiriti rec o ovom bendu, posto uzivo jebu keve, idite na lastfm profil benda, svi pricaju kako unistavaju uzivo. Tek pre 2,3 godine su krenuli da se ozbiljno probijaju i da idu na turneje sa poznatijim bendovima, poslednju su radili sa Kylesa, pre toga sa Revocation, pa sa Today Is The Day.... treba ih sad uvatiti dok su u naletu.


Pa s obzirom na broj lajkova Resetor strane, srazmerno tome 9 lajkova je vrh, tako da to nije realni pokazatelj koliko ljudi slusa bend.


Pa kada im je album radio Kurt Ballou :) on je isto radio album od KEN mode - Venerable i gostovao na jednoj pesmi sa tog albuma Terrify The Animals, Josh Graham im je radio dizajn a Aaron Turner iz ISIS im je radio logo za taj album :)


Ipak nista od KEN mode u Srbiji nazalost. Resetor mi je javio da je slab odziv i da je njihov menadzer odlucio da ne mogu da uklope Beograd u turneju. Sad su postali big deal da kazes, pogotovom osvajanjem te Juno nagrade za najbolji kanadski metal bend, verovatno nece da sviraju za manje od 100 ljudi, a po nekoj mojoj skromnoj proceni ovde bi sakupili mozda 50 dusa, mozda nesto kao broj ljudi na Juciferu sto je bilo, pa malo vise. Polako, procuce se rec o njima, nadam se da ce biti prilike da nas posete ubuduce.


Pa verovatno, ne znam kako su drugacije radili procenu....Ma sjebo sam se skroz, spucala me realnost da ovde realno ne mogu da skupe ni 50 dusa, verovatno je varijanta neisplativa a i njima se ne cima do beograda, kapiram da ce raditi samo zapadnu evropu i mozda potkace tu negde bec ili budimpestu i to je to...

  • 2 months later...


Here's an embedded version of the video. Share this around please. It features our road dawg Dale as the star, and has guest vocals by our pal Dave who you might know from Botch and NARROWS.

  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

KEN mode have revealed the title of their next full-length during their ongoing European tour with label mates H A R K, which will go under the heading of 'Success'. The Canadian power-trio will record their new album with Steve Albini (HIGH ON FIRE, NEUROSIS, NIRVANA, HELMET). Albini and the band will convene on November 23rd at Winnipeg's Empire Recording to start the process. The album will be mastered by Bob Weston at Chicago Mastering Service.


'Success' will be graced with art by the band's longtime collaborator Randy Ortiz, and feature guest performances by Eugene Robinson (OXBOW) and members of FULL OF HELL. Some early song titles include: "Blessed", "Absolutely Not", "Failing at Fun Since 1981", "Dead Actors", "A Catalog of Small Disappointments", "Management Control", "A Passive Disaster", and "I Just Liked Fire". The band will debute a multitude of new material on their current European tour.


Frontman Jesse Matthewson describes his upcoming work as being "a decidedly stripped down northern noise rock apocalypse to be unleashed on the world. Time to take this back to our roots."


o boze, nisam jedini koji postuje na ovoj temi :haha:


jedva cekam novi album da me odnese u tri lepe, ova swans stvar blessed me razorila vec

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