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cool. a sad je neki lik postavio one 3 tool pesme smixane u jednu. .. i to na 2 načina:



[11:13] 1. Tool - Wings For Marie (Pt 1)/Viginti Tres & 10,000 Days (Wings Pt 2) [ Separate Channels ]

[11:13] 2. Tool - Wings For Marie (Pt 1)/Viginti Tres & 10,000 Days (Wings Pt 2) [ Mixed ]

  Angele said:
ok, otje neko retji na shta to lichi?

Smixah ja sam ovo, do jaja zvuči. Prvi deo je pesme je ok.. Ali drugi deo.. Konfuzno kad udare one distorzije..

  KRANG said:
isis live 4



1. Gentle Time (WMBR/Boston, MA 2 ( 8:54)

2. Glisten (The Troubadour/LA, CA ( 6:57)

3. CFT (CBGB's/NY, NY 08/2001) ( 8:02)

4. Celestial (CBGB's/NY, NY 08/20 (10:49)

5. Improv 1 / Endless Nameless (T ( 8:01)

6. False Light (The Middle East U ( 8:30)

7. Weight (The Troubadour/LA, CA (12:25)



sad su ga prošarali malo.. a danilko?

valja li?




btw, novi callisto - noir je fe-no-me-na-lan


New album "Noir" by Finnish space-metallers Callisto which hits the streets on May 10th through Fullsteam Records (yet in Finland only) is to my mind their best release to date. Combining their hardcore roots heard on the first effort Callisto - Ordeal Of The Century with the magestic spacy sound of Callisto - True Nature Unfolds (though reminiscent of Callisto's major influences such as Isis and Neurosis) Callisto continues to explore the depths of beauty and low end. Pleasantly to notice that this time their artistic potential let the musicians create far more originnally sounding and epic pieces of music however not forgetting to drop head-blowing heavy passages here and there. Besides, the arrangements this time are more deeply thought and to me sound almost perfect with ambient soundscapes, sax and flutes on the background.

Track Listing:
01 - Wormwood 07:14
02 - Latterday Saints 07:29
03 - The Fugitive 08:04
04 - Backwoods 01:07
05 - A Close Encounter 05:58
06 - Pathos 06:00
07 - Folkslave 08:09
08 - Woven Hands 09:46

Posted (edited)

haha da.-


mislim da je to najljigavija promo fotka ikad

user posted image

i šta mu je ovo u ruci?

mobilni telefon?




ozbiljno.. bolji album od "true nature..".. jebeno su me oduševili.

callisto >= col ove godine.

Edited by KRANG

da...ima i labrie-a pored konja icon_smile.gif


inace nemanja (cons) se odusevio sa Star One...gleda live nadrogiran i do jaja mu je.


najbolji je onaj basista sto ima 70 godina na tom lajvu.


65daysofstatic - Unreleased Unreleasable 3: The Kids Have Eyes


65daysofstatic is one of the UK's most impressive bands to spring out the last few years. Specializing in a brand of instrumental guitar music with a kitcshy, glitchy approach, these lads create some of the most innovative and interesting music.


The files include:


unreleased music videos

unreleased remix videos

tour diary




Size - 1.68 GB


Ima na indietorrents..

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