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to je razvijena porno industrija..


ovo odma ide u klasike kao što su: "Shaving Ryan's privates", "Brokedick Mountain", "Edward Penishands", "Million Dollar Booty ", "Whore of the Rings/Lord of the Cock Rings/Lord of The G-String", "Glad He Ate Her", "Good Will Humping", "Forest Hump", "Poke-a-hot-ass", "Missionary Impossible", "King Dong", gay klasik: "Men in Black Men", i naravno "matrixxx reload me"


aa. skidam i ja sad upravo..


pazi recenziju..


From Drowned in Sound:

Whether it be psycho-dream-pop or unadulterated prog-metal, Glasgow's Aereogramme are truly a band who know no boundaries. For that alone, they should surely be praised.

For any other band, the epic 'Sleep & Release' would have been a tough act to follow, being as it was such a full, vibrant, and down right dark record. Only one band, however, can switch from an unashamedly grandiose pop song ('Inkwell') to a sprawling, epic, 10 minutes of chaotic bliss (aptly titled 'The Unravelling'), which reinvents itself at least 3 times during the track's duration. Only one band could have such a strong-willed belief in their own work as to release a record with a final track comprising of a sole musical score dedicated to, and inspired by, Japanese horror directors. You'd be hard pushed to find another record that encompasses such impossible beauty, soul-destroying metal, and ethereal grandiosity in just over a single 30 minutes.


That record is 'Seclusion'. That band is Aereogramme.

Posted (edited)

ovo je bilo već izdato 2004.. pomešao sam nešto, i pomislio da je ipak novi album..


kad će novi album, i kako se zove?

ono sa isisom izlazi u septembru

Edited by KRANG

ajde sad kad sam krenuo već..


sa aereogramme foruma, regaring in the fishtank isis kolaboracija..



Pretty hard to describe, not that I would particularly want to. I will tell you what we have so far. 3 songs: 2x10 minute epics 1x shorter scarier one.


It is pretty hard to be objective about, I guess it probably isn't quite what you would expect to hear by putting the 2 bands in the studio together for 2 days. Maybe it is, I don't know.


We are all pretty happy with it though. The producer Zlaya was amazing and just let things happen in a really positive and encouraging way. His mixes have really brought out the emotion and darkness in the material.


Hope you like it!"


okačiću za jedno sat vremena direktan http link za


Red Sparowes & Grails - Split 12" [2006/Robotic Empire/MP3/192 (VBR)]


01 Red Sparrowes - As The Black Wind Withers 14:47

02 Grails - Stray Dog 06:29

03 Grails - Bad Bhang Recipe 03:19

04 Grails - Black Tar Prophecy 08:18


konačno novi materjal!


biće .rar fajl sa šifrovanim passwordom.


šta god da je, mislio sam da je sa novog albuma.

ali je totalno govno, i zato nisam ni okačio..


jebeno me nerviraju, imali su 15 izdanja u zadnjih godinu dana.. sve sranja..


Evo od mene pred put: SRECAN RODJENDAN NAJDRAZI NAM FORUMUASU user posted image !!!


Javljam se sa Roskideta... Ako prezivim Raunchy #3 alkos.gif


OOT: 11:59 am it is!

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