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zajebi ta sranja. iPod me totalno razocarao, za te pare mnogo je los. da ne pominjem politiku u vezi reklamiranja proizvoda i odnos prema musterijama. ne verujem da cu se ponovo obratiti apple-u kada su u pitanju mp3 playeri i sad taj iPhone. mac racunari excluded.

mada lepo izgleda. dizajn bilo kog njihovog proizvoda je stvarno jeben, tu nema sta.

Posted (edited)
zasto? sta uopste znaci "telefon" kada se radi o iphonu? pricanje i smsanje?

pa o tome ti i pričam kad već ima phone u nazivu moglo je nešto a ne quad band gsm + edge kome to više treba?

a i verovatno imaju problem sa 3g-om jer su 2 različita standarda u usa i evropi plus ameri pokušavaju da izguraju svoju varijantu 4g itd kako god iphone ništa od toga nije ispratio a verovatno i neće.


dobro zvuči ovaj bloc party glede zvuka bolje od onoga što se pre pojavilo

šteta što album smara


!!! - myth takes [2007,warp]


Edited by Haralampije
Posted (edited)
bloc party


šteta što album smara


meni je super album.


But A Weekend in the City is a record full of intriguing lyrics and scenarios. Two songs, 'I Still Remember' and 'Kreuzberg', seem to explicitly explore homosexuality. The former is about a crush between two schoolboys ('We left our trousers by the canal'). The latter is about gay promiscuity


A Weekend in the City is his unflinchingly honest depiction of a world of drugs, racism, religion, suicide, gay sex, violence, youth in hoodies and white vigilantes.



IPB ImageIPB Image





Edited by KRANG
Posted (edited)

Mamu im jebem, odlicnu su sliku zabili uz tekst. Pravu.

Obavezno skinite ovaj "V0", razlika u zvuku je.. vuuuu..

Meni je album skroz ok.

Mozda zato sto sam peder, ne znam.




marsukuhinju, vrh! :)

Edited by marcoman

Sad citam za ovu nasu reklamu na cnn-u, i :):):)


U spotu o promociji Srbije na CNN-u se vidi i crkva koja se nalazi na rumunskoj strani Dunava, piše Blic i objašnjava da je reč o crkvi koja se nalazi na ivici provalije pored reke, na rumunskoj strani Dunava, kao i da to nije "stara crkva, već novosagrađena".


Direktor Turističke organizacije Srbije Miodrag Popović potvrdio je da je u pitanju crkva koja se nalazi na rumunskoj strani i dodao da "nema ništa loše u tome što je stavljena u spot koji promoviše Srbiju".


"Crkva se nalazi na drugoj strani Dunava, a pola reke je naše. Šta je trebalo da uradimo, da zamaglimo crkvu? Jednostavno, prikazali smo Dunav na čijoj se drugoj strani nalazi crkva. To smo stavili jer je prizor sa tom crkvom prosto lep", rekao je Popović i dodao da mu je, i pored kritika, drago što je toliki broj ljudi reagovao na pomenuti spot.


super mi deluje za ove 4 pesme dokle sam stigao da preslušam.. (np)


malo su otišli u emo.. i zvuči skroz kul.

slušalice - a must (mnogo bogat zvuk :) )!


za sada - album godine lagano.


e, pazite ovo sranje..

može da bude dosta zanimljivo.. svakako ima neka opaka i impresivna imena.


ctrl+v ::: >>>>


Chemikal Underground will harness the cream of Scotland's music and literary worlds on a collaborative album due in March.


Dreamed up by Idlewild front man Roddy Womble, Ballads of the Book teams new and established musicians with Scotland's proven giants and up-and-comers. The concept is simple: The writer pens lyrics and the bands put them into action. The project harnessed the musical abilities of the likes of Idlewild, Sons and Daughters and Arab Strap's Aiden Moffat with original lyrics penned by writers such as Alasdair Gray, John Burnside and Edwin Morgan.


The effort's set to turn up in British music stores March 5. No American release date has been planned.


Ballads of the Book's track listing is:


Mike Heron and John Burnside - "Song For Irena"

De Rosa and Michel Faber - "Steam Comes Off Our House"

James Yorkston and Bill Duncan - "A Calvinist Narrowly Avoids Pleasure"

Foxface and Rody Gorman - "Dreamcatcher"

Lord Cut-Glass and Alasdair Gray - "A Sentimental Song"

Aidan Moffat and The Best Ofs and Ian Rankin - "The Sixth Stone"

Norman Blake and John Burnside - "Girl"

Karine Polwart and Edwin Morgan - "The Good Years"

Sons And Daughters and A. L. Kennedy - "War On The Love Song"

Alasdair Roberts and Robin Robertson - "The Leaving"

Strike The Colours and Rody Gorman - "Message In A Bottle"

Aereogramme and Hal Duncan - "If You Love Me You'd Destroy Me"

Malcolm Middleton and Alan Bissett - "The Rebel On His Own Tonight"

Trashcan Sinatras and Ali Smith - "Half An Apple"

Vashti Bunyan and Rodge Glass - "The Fire"

King Creosote and Laura Hird - "Where And When"

Emma Pollock and Louise Welsh - "Jesus On The Cross"

Idlewild and Edwin Morgan - "The Weight Of Years"



Posted (edited)

budaletina... imao dve mech lopte...

vodio 5:2 u trecem i izgubio set u taj breku....

sad ce ova dva ostala da prsne 6:0, 6:2 eventualno...



shta sam rekao?

evo ga, vec je 4:0 u chetvrtom...

dechko je mentol i tachka...







bogami, nece Tipsarevic ni ta dva da uzme...

Edited by Out Of Time

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