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super album.. ovo sam baš dosta slušao pre godinu, dve (?)..

sad je remasterovan sa dodatnim pesmama.

super album.

skinite obavezno..


(da, ja nikad ne spavam, gadan oblik insomnije)

Edited by KRANG

hmmm.. pomešao sam ovo sa nečim. rtrd.


ovo je ono emo njesra.


mislio sam na bend redjetson pa sam se obradovao da je nešto novo od njih.. ne znam koji mi je kurac u zadnje vreme.

spavao sam 8 sati za 7 dana, nije ni čudo što mi se to dešava. :lol:


moždane ćelije su precenjene..

a i nemam drugove tamo.


nisam ni video da se pojavilo -> Great Lake Swimmers - Ongiara (Advance) [2007/MP3/192 (VBR)]

što je pozitivno iznenađenje za ovo prepodne..


Jel neko slusao Vanderveldea, moonstation house band?

Mnogo dobar album


ne znam koji mi je kurac u zadnje vreme.

spavao sam 8 sati za 7 dana, nije ni čudo što mi se to dešava. :lol:


Ok, digitalne droge uzimaju i prvu zrtvu :zeleni:


tačno jebote..

život mi je krenuo spiralom nadole od tog trenutka.


taj vandervelde, secretly canadian? to im jednino izdanje u 2007 za sada..

sad sam stvio da se skida.


drag city ima ova 3 za sada..


Alasdair Roberts - The Amber Gatherers [2007/Drag City/MP3/230 (VBR)]


Bill Callahan (Smog) - Woke On a Whaleheart [2007/Drag City/mp3/256 (VBR)]


Ghost - In Stormy Nights [2007/Drag City/MP3/APS (VBR)]


nisam stigao ni 1 da preslušam.. :frown:


Toronto's Mare has officially disbanded. The group released an EP with Hydra Head Records in 2004. Vocalist Tyler Semrick-Palmateer has released the following statement which you can find in the comments.



"We are officially done like dinner. We have been scheduled to write an album for a while now but nothing ever came of it. We (and I think that I speak for Caleb as well) have not been moved or inspired to write anything or put forth any real effort to maintain the Mare legacy. I'm sure that Caleb and I will be collaborating a bunch in the future as I feel that I have found a valuable peer, collaborator and source of inspiration in that tall drink of water. So look out for that.


So anyway, thanks for listening to our music. I'm pleased that some of you have derived a considerable amount of enjoyment from it. That's all we could have asked for. Occasionally we asked for beer tickets and we derived a considerable amount of enjoyment out of those.


Many thanks to everyone that has been in the band and to everyone that has supported us financially, TD Canada Trust, Hydra Head Industries, Dad and the rest of you."



ispit sutra, ništa od najta za mene..


a kad smo kod battle of mice-a.. onaj zadnji deo pesme (počinje od 4:38) sleep and dream... podseća me na nešto... ta ista melodija.

ali ne znam šta.


a kad smo kod battle of mice-a.. onaj zadnji deo pesme (počinje od 4:38) sleep and dream... podseća me na nešto... ta ista melodija.

ali ne znam šta.


Da, neverovatno. Prvo sam mislio da je barbra streisand ali bice da nece biti :icon_neutral:

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