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au jebote

nije mi dobro stvarno a ni nemam epilepsiju

muti mi se pred ocima i boli me glava jebote a nisam ni 3 sekunde gledao u ono

kad se ono sranje pojavilo morao sam da ugasim monitor nisam mogao da gledam u ekran


a kad smo kod battle of mice-a.. onaj zadnji deo pesme (počinje od 4:38) sleep and dream... podseća me na nešto... ta ista melodija.

ali ne znam šta.



cim sam cuo instant me podsjetilo na nesto sto sam cuo na tv-u, nekakav mallcore, mislim, nem'rem se sjetit'



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nikad mi se nije desilo da mi je neka melodija toliko poznata a da ni posle 3 meseca nemam poma odakle..


može biti neko domaće sranje?











kad god sam bio u nekom manastiru, imao sam osećaj da se veoma čudne stvari tu dešavaju kad se zatvore kapije i ugase svetla..

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aaa.. pojavio se flac.


sad će i v0 za koji minut, taj 320k je loše ripovan, ali je promo pravi.



edit: eto, sad su se pojavila dva V0.. :)

jedan će obrisati.. sad opet moram da čekam, da ne obrišu u pola skidanja.. :no:

Edited by KRANG

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samo zapovedi. :lol:


naći ću gazpacho, naravno.. čekirao sam request već. samo čekam da se pojavi.



najbolja varijanta za ripovanje mp3:


(ovo je tutorial za pretvaranje flac u mp3, ali isto tako je i sa cdovima)

pastujem ovo da bi dobijao normalne ripove, a ne neke mp4 128kbps abominacije..



Download foobar2000 from http://foobar2000.com


Next download lame.exe from http://www.rarewares.org/dancer/dancer.php?f=109

Unzip lame.exe to the foobar2000 component directory (C:\Program Files\foobar2000\components\)


Now select the files you want to convert in foobar2000 with Shift+Click. Right+Click the selection and choose Convert. You can now choose to convert the files to the same directory by choosing Convert to Same Directory or you can convert the files to a different directory by choosing Convert to....


Now you should be at the Converter Setup window. In the encoding preset dropdown choose MP3 (LAME). If you want a different range of vbr choose the ... button. You can now choose among the V presets. They go as follows:


V0 ~245 kbps around 80 kbps less than (alt-preset-extreme)

V1 ~225 kbps

V2 ~190 kbps (alt-preset-standard)

V3 ~175 kbps

V4 ~165 kbps

V5 ~130 kbps

V6 ~115 kbps

V7 ~100 kbps

V8 ~85 kbps

V9 ~65 kbps


On OiNK your VBR mp3s can't go below 170 kbps. Because of this you should encode in V0 or V1. Since V0 sounds better and is more recognizable, I reccomend it. Another bonus of V0 is that no matter what formats or bitrates are already uploaded for a torrent, a V0 rip is always allowed. Be sure to select Fast mode (--vbr-new). Now click OK. Click OK in the Converter Setup window. Foobar will now ask you for the location of lame.exe. Since you saved it in the foobar2000 components directory, it should be in C:\Program Files\foobar2000\components\. In the future the Converter will remember the location of lame.exe. Be sure to update it as final versions of LAME are released.

Edited by KRANG

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