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A Shoreline Dream - A Shoreline Dream


misliš na: a shoreline dream - avoiding the consequences (2006)


skinuo sam, preslušao, pročitao i par recenzija i našao među njima jednu zanimljivu:


Slug-slow shoegaze augmented by Black Tambourine-esque vocals fighting through mighty cobwebs of reverb. This album would like to be some sort of meditation-class fractal-soundscape study, and is being marketed as such — from the CD cover to Latenight's press blurbs ("a visual" blah blah blah "translated into an aural" blah blah blah). But the end product is a largely instrumental set of altie prayers mumbled at the lotus feet of Interpol, rarely deviating from 4/4 time into the legitimately abstract, and evoking clear imagery not of seascapes, hopes, or dreams but of pimpled art-clucks subjecting their chicks to never-ending private performances built on their unnerving obsessions with stillborn arpeggios. Sure, it's experimental, but their cubicle-mates at work must have dreaded taking turns at the slimy Walkman to "scope out our latest, man."



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Bear Colony's first CD, "WE CAME HERE TO DIE" is one of the most progressive albums from an even more progressive band I've seen come out of Arkansas in the last five years. This new collective includes members who are used to being in professional bands. Their past endeavors include and are not limited to: lovedrug, pedro the lion, snailhuntr, and Unwed Sailor.  I have my favorites for sure, but Bear Colony is winning over the spot for number one. Vince Griffin sings with a haunting tone in his voice that works well with the crazy beeps and beats of the album.  They have a very complete sound to their band. Track one starts off with an up tempo song that leads into an appropriately placed track two," Hospital Rooms".   If Radiohead was a new up and coming band, this is what their music would sound like. The most captivating of all their songs is track number 10 called "The Boy with Broken Arms". It's definitely the hit on the CD. The song is so powerful and strong sounding. Reminds me some mafia movie where the good guy is walking away from some big murder scene. He's looking blankly into the distance but he's got a destination on his mind.   The whole album has a pop like rhythm to most of the tracks, but overall is dark and romantic feeling.  The lyrics are upbeat and melodic for the most part, but also slightly melancholy. Bear Colony are in a genre all their own, but  Bear Colony could easily be put into this new kind of power pop craze taking over the  music scene right now. The album has balance.  This is one of those albums that you could drive to all day around town and feel like you went around the world and passed through all four seasons.  Somehow this album has achieved being timeless while being very modern. "We Came Here To Die" is one of the most enchanting albums you could ever own. Start to finish it is complete. They will be releasing their album on Esperanza Plantation in January of 2007.

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Influences: Blip/bleeps. Ambulance sirens. Obsessions with reverbs. Equal obsessions with borrowed acoustic guitars. Pre-made beats sliced into a million pieces. A cure for anything. Someone telling you that you're not the one for them and locking the door. Endless driving. Rude people/nice people. Lower tax-brackets. Sleepwalking. Living on borrowed time. Requesting more time. Being okay with lo-fi. Waking up to yourself again and finding you like that person. Vultures. Nurses with needles. Antibiotics. Antibiotics. Antibiotics. Deaths on all kinds of levels whether emotional or physical. Looking through what is left after a car wreck can leave you feeling a bit stronger than you give yourself credit for.



trebalo je da napišu: radiohead... i da se ne proseravju džabe.

odličan album, tho.....

definitivno dobija najmanje

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od mene.


možda i celih 5.. time will tell.

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totalno znam kako ti je.


i meni je satima posle perunka sve bilo nekako šuplje.

perunko > digitalne droge x 1000


današnji downloadovi su bili super.. (pazi samo koje degradiranje umetničkog dela.. više ih ne zovem ni "albumi".)

novi efterklang.. bear colony. ..

a čekaju me ovaj Pony Hoax i The Twilight Sad - Fourteen Autumns And Fifteen Winters, i očekujem da oba budu cool.

Edited by KRANG

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