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Neurosis - Given To The Rising [2007/MP3/320]


Track Listing

Disc 1:

Track 1 - Procession

Track 2 - West of the Orion

Track 3 - White Noise

Track 4 - The Divide

Track 5 - Silhouette Oblique


Disc 2

Track 1 - Gentle Wind

Track 2 - Endless Trail

Track 3 - Wave Existence

Track 4 - Mount Omen

Track 5 - Given to the Rising


jebenih 255.37 MB!!!!!!!











kako bombarduju novim albumima zadnjih par dana, to nije normalno..

blonde redhead novi je super, btw, samo nikako da se pojvi rip koji valja..


da, druga pesma je narocito nesto sjebana. jebeni neurosis ogroman je, jebes oink ovog puta. :) ionako imam jos gomilu tih noviteta koje treba da preslusam.


si skinuo dec. spot?

Posted (edited)



citajte comments na oinku :


So...is this fake or not? Haha.


i dunno if its fake or not it sounds like neurosis and ive never heard any of the songs on here cept for 2 new tracks which are on here.


Did you get it from an actual promo?


This thread below says a fake was put on the net a few days ago



Yeah I listened to the track #'s mentioned in that thread and compared them to songs on Zatokrev's myspace and they were the same.


Indeed, this is unfortunately fake.


tonybrown, we would appreciate if you did keep out FAKE releases from Oink. Even an dog could hear that this is fake, no fucking question about it. DO NOT DOWNLOAD THIS!!!


a sa ovog linka:


I think that if you're basing it on the stuff that was posted here the other day, that's not actually the new Neurosis. At least a couple of the songs were other bands' songs but slowed down.


I think it's all Zatokrev. The second track certainly is (Starlight Leader is the song).


Such a fucking burn.


jebiga...bilo je previse dobro da bi bilo istinito...ja ga skidam ponovo.Nikada nisam slusao zatokrev tako mi je svejedno :)...mada mi je zao...posto svi pricaju kako je ovo najbolji neurosis do sada a na kraju i nije neurosis u pitanju.




Torrent je izbrisan...ali iz nekog razloga meni pichi skidanje i dalje.

Edited by darthmaul

zato sto si i dalje nakacen na seedere od kojih vuces... posto pretpostavljam da OiNK nema DHT...


jel moze meni invite za Oink od nekoga? pLiz? :D


a rapidshare i slicno? srecom, pa p2p nikad nista nisam skinuo osim filelista (jebiga, da i ta slaba konekcija za nesto ispadne dobra)

Posted (edited)

da.. srećom.. najebo bi u suprotnom.



bla.. glupi ste.

ta tema je bila aktuelna pre više od 6 meseci, kad su neki mali provajderi počeli da zastrašuju korisnike sa tim glupostima da bi im smanjili saobraćaj.

pisao je o tome kuzmanović u svetu kompjutera i najebo im se keve.

prestali su od tad.

nema to veze sa universalom.


ne znam čiji je ovo blog i mrzi me da se udubljijem, ali to je ili neki moron, ili.. ma moron je u svakom slučaju.

Edited by KRANG

U pitanju je neki Igor :)

Inace i mog komsiju kad je uveo kablovski,tako kao sto kazes pre 6 meseci su zvali iz SBB-a da ga zamole da smanji protok do 2 GB mesecno

Od februara 2007. Beograd je bogatiji za josh jedno redovno muzichko deshavanje, sa naglaskom na koncertima eksperimentalnije elektronske muzike i elektroakustichne improvizacije. Program ce se odvijati dva puta mesechno (ponedeljkom) u podrumu Muzeja primenjene umetnosti (Vuka Karadžica 18 ) koji je od nedavno poznat kao kulturni centar District. Svake vecheri ce postojati dva samostalna nastupa i jedna medjusobna kolaboracija, uz propratne mini DJ setove. Programi ce trajati od 21h do ponoci, a ulaz je besplatan.



distirict ( muzej primenjene umetnosti - vuka karadzica 18 )


ponedeljak 19.2.2007.:


WoO (electric guitar, effects) + Izvanredni Bob (video)

Ivan Čkonjević [ana never] (electric guitar, effects)

Belgrade Noise Artists Full Tilt Combo (Ivan Chkonjevitj - guitar / WoO - guitar / Milos P. - bass / Jamal Al Kiswani - saxophone )


http://www.myspace.com/eightkmfromlake - Ivan Chkonjevitj

http://www.myspace.com/belgradenoise - WoO

http://www.belgradenoise.com, http://www.myspace.com/belgradenoisesociety Belgrade Noise society

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