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jel tako radish jel lazo?

jel zbog ovakog rada ne mozesh da popijesh rakiju u chetvrtak?

jel zato mozesh da onanishesh po olskul pavr zurkama a ne da slushash doomFUCKINcore u toku nedelje, jer, zaboga, morash da radish sabajle?

jel tako....

ooo, boze, ako te negde ima...


^ e to sam video pre par dana...gledao ono kako proziva wolfmother i neki lik napisao opis za ovaj klip:


The prick that dissed Wolfmother and The Arctic Monkeys making noise and passing it off as art. Right, real brilliant!




to je taj link

sad konam da je myspace kurac za video jer ne mozes nikako da konvertujes skinuti flv fajl u avi, postoje programi ali se zabadaju kad pokusam


sad skidam carski sa youtube-a u avi formatu spot JK Transita za pesmu "bleed on me" pa cu vam okaciti na net


Junius - The Fires Of Antediluvia [2007/MP3/V2 (VBR)/(scene)](New)


Other Men (Rob Crow, Pinback) - Wake Up Swimming [2007/MP3/V0 (VBR)](New)


Vic Chesnutt - North Star Deserter [2007/MP3/192 (VBR)](New)

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