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Sa koliko veštine i znanja u igri pod obručima ova otkačena vankuverska trojka raspolaže ne verujem da će se iko ovde uveriti. Da ovi momci znaju da naprave jebenu žurku od koncerta i nateraju vas da se iskačete bez lopte, dubokih patika i time-outa biće u prilici da pokažu već 22. maja u našem gradu. Basketball je bend koji je pregazio severnu Ameriku u po tri američke i kanadske turneje svirajući sa bendovima poput Health, Crystal Castles, Hella i ovo evropsko putovanje samo će se logično nadovezati na njihovu nedavnu kolektivnu selidbu u Barselonu. Masivna ritam sekcija, živa elektronika i iranske gitarske skale su ono što obeležava zvuk koji ih je doveo do debi izdanja na kanadskoj indie etiketi Ache Records, čiji line up krase imena divova prekookeanskog indie zvuka poput Hot Hot Heat i Death From Above 1979.




Da veče potraje malo duže od partije basketa potrudiće se sanjivi electro-pop trio Inje i nama večno verni math-rockeri Cut Self Not koji će napraviti mali predah od snimanja predstojećeg, već predugo čekanog albuma. Pošto će rezultat po svemu sudeći biti nerešen, za produžetke smo u pomoć pozvali staru kajlu beogradskog klabinga mladog DJ-a Felony Flats-a i razulareni post-tinejdž DJ duo Teen Creeps.





Sve će se to odigrati u sveže otvorenom Kulturnom Centru Grad (ulica Braće Krsmanović 4), superkul sređenom multi-funkcionalnom prostoru na desnoj obali Save, tik pored Brankovog mosta.


Koncert počinje u 21h, ulaz je 300 din. Molimo vas da nas prijatno iznenadite i dođete na vreme! Vidimo se.








Posted (edited)

e bas sam video da ima to, ali me mrzelo da proveravam o cemu se radi dok nisam ovde video danas


deluju kul, dolazim



naleteo sam danas na neki torrent

tona nekih burial stvari koje nisam cuo



Edited by KRANG



BUY THE NEW ALBUM digitally online here: http://www.digstation.com/KevinHufnagel




or get the sleek digipak physical CD version directly from the artist by sending (shipping and handling included) $12 (US), $14 (Elsewhere) well-hidden cash or money order to:


Kevin Hufnagel


8748 78th St.


Woodhaven, NY 11421


or via paypal.com to: geekmetal@hotmail.com


now available thru CD Baby as well: http://cdbaby.com/cd/hufnagel


Kevin Hufnagel has been playing the guitar for 20 years and is perhaps best known for his work in forward-thinking instrumental rock band Dysrhythmia and wall-of-sound guitar duo Byla. Recently, Kevin has also collaborated with vocalists such as Jarboe (Swans), Costanza Francavilla (Tricky), and joined reactivated, avant death metal masters Gorguts.


Kevin's first full-length solo recording 'Songs for the Disappeared', released on his own Nightfloat Recordings imprint, is an album which seeks to unify eclectic and exploratory uses of the acoustic guitar into a cohesive and gripping whole. Tracks like the exotic "Hunter/Hunted" and "Insects Will Tell" build layer upon layer of rhythmically propulsive sound through the use of "prepared guitar" [the act of altering the instruments timbre by placing various objects on or between the strings]. In contrast are pieces like the haunting "The Bridge" and "Twilight Clocks"; solo guitar works at their most naked and stark. Bridging the gap between the two are atmospheric interludes such as "Night In Reverse" and "Will They Find Me" which make use of various Echoplex looping techniques and electronic processing of acoustic guitar to an almost choral effect.

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