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то смо у основној користили за колективно бежање са часова, то и ампуле са смрадом покварених јаја, некад у комбинацији.

за шта то гот цице користе, не знам.


Да л' би неко био љубазан да ми пошаље Nocturnal Vision Revisited са Shipwrecked In Oslo? Само та песма сецка, торенти су углавном мртви, па да не скидам опет цео концерт са RS.


Адреса је rbogdanovic@gmail.com


'Фала унапред.


Mondo Cane’s debut album. According to Werckman, the most anticipated upcoming Ipecac release is - surprise - a new venture by Mike Patton. And Mondo Cane looks to be his most incomprehensible ensemble yet - so to speak. Featuring a full orchestra, the real highlight will undoubtedly be Patton’s singing of Italian pop standards … in Italian, no less. The album, which “keeps getting sidetracked,” Werckman says, should finally see the light of day next year.


Mad Love’s debut album. By bassist Trevor Dunn of Mr. Bungle, Fantomas, etc. Due soon.


Rahzel’s solo album. The former Roots beatboxer’s lonesome outing will likely drop next year.

  Vitamin K Experience said:

gero ger i ge ge ge.... one.. two .trrrreeeeerrrbhleueuleuleuhwj edbwjeqhed83294e9832he32hekjdh jkhasdfjdag;ladskf;daskgjdashf jashdkjhasd8932dh832dh832hfjds mnvmdsnvcjdsnfjdhsjfh328h832h8 h38h8eh328eh328eh283he832he832 hekjwhekqwj;ldewe;w;e'f's''""" """........................... .....;.;.;.;.22222222222333333 333333333344444444444455555555 555555555utirutiruwetfhdsfhdsj dhakjhfdksjhfakdlfkhasklfhsklf hkashkashfkjajdsf _ _ _skdu83u8438yeekjdfkdjfkdjfkds f.-.-.--.-.-.-.ds-f.ds-fl4efl3 f-l3fo0i30figigigigugug?

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