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Kako sam video u registryu, prvi Baalov nick je bio Cradle of Filth . :D


٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶ BaalBehrit

BaalBehrit ٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶ ------> :)

Δαίδαλος BaalBehrit

Trenje Δαίδαλος

BaalBehrit Trenje

Čovek zvani Duga BaalBehrit

BaalBehrit Čovek zvani Duga

Endorfin BaalBehrit

BaalBehrit Endorfin

Anesthetize BaalBehrit

BaalBehrit Anesthetize

Philophobia BaalBehrit

BaalBehrit Philophobia

Sentient BaalBehrit

BaalBehrit Sentient


Ниђе Крејдла, нити Филта...




Ma, meni je svejedno kako se chovek ranije potpisivao. Ali, setio sam se kako je Baal ovde, kako na mircu, uvek pljuvao i hejtovao metalce , pa mi je bilo bash simpatichno kada sam mu video prvi nick.





Ma, meni je svejedno kako se chovek ranije potpisivao. Ali, setio sam se kako je Baal ovde, kako na mircu, uvek pljuvao i hejtovao metalce , pa mi je bilo bash simpatichno kada sam mu video prvi nick.


Jes, bio je CoF, to sam koristio još od 1998. kada sam prvi put čuo Cruelty and the Beast. :)


On February 19, 2008, music news website Blabbermouth.net announced that Green Jellÿ was reuniting and that a possible U.S. tour was in the works. Tourdates are listed at their MySpace page. The band also re-released the Cereal Killer and 333 video/albums on DVD, which are only sold at their concerts.


In late August, the band announced via their Myspace page that they would again be going on tour in the Fall. Several new songs are available via their Myspace page, as well as information on a new Green Jello DVD and CD.


The latest incarnation of the band has been widely hailed as a talented group of the next generation's best metal musicians and includes the talented guitarist Dread, formerly the drummer of Green Jellÿ who switched back to his natural position. Dread and fellow Green Jellÿ member Sikko are also members of the locally successful Los Angeles bands Mandown and Pottymouth.





aj kontam gosha da ti kao svaki pecalbar tamo po amerikama moras kad-tad da pocnes sa narodnjacima,ali ovako brzo?nije vajda da ides i na njihove svirke?





gledo sam neki standup ovog morona, nije los







- I like to read the Bible in public places so people are watching me read it, and I just like to murmur out to myself...Oh bullshit!!


- I like to go the Olive Garden by myself on Saturday night and have the waiter sing the Happy Birthday song to me...and just sit there and cry


- my girlfriend looks a little like Charlize Theron... and a lot like Patrick Ewing


- Whenever i am with a woman I like to whisper softly in her ear. "Touch my vagina." and she's like "What?!" and I'm like that's what your supposed to say.


- My sister was recently diagnosed with multiple personalities... yesterday she called me... and my caller ID exploded.


- My southern accent starts to come out a little when I drink. Like I'll say "Y'all" or "Niggers" or things like "Y'all niggers git away from me


- What is it Noam Chomsky used to say about eating pussy?


- Using the N-word is wrong, but I did use the term “Sand nigger once… Not, like, as in to demean Arab people or something. I said “Get off the sand nigger, volleyball’s a white man’s sport.


- And finally, I dream of moving to India, or Pakistan, and becoming a cabdriver.

Posted (edited)

The Pixies plan to mark the 20th anniversary of their most celebrated record, Doolittle, with a European tour this October. They'll play the entire album and all the related B-sides every night, something they've never done before. October also marks the release of a Pixies box set, Minotaur, which includes all 5 of the band's studio albums, plus all-new artwork by Vaughan Oliver. Oliver's original images for the Pixies are some of the most recognizable in rock history, and his re-imagining of that iconography is at the center of Minotaur.


Kada bi se neki organizator usudio da ih dovede ovde.... :(

Edited by VoivodBG

с'обзиром на то да они педери са Б92 готиве да форсирају ту млохаву екипу, неко ће се већ исцимати а гос'н Амброзић ће добити пола сата накењавања у ударном термину о 'величини и слави овог легендрадног састава који у себи носи поетику и искреност аутентичног рокенрол звука који је утицао и обликовао савремени приступ...' итд. итб.

кладим се у два пива да ће те их гледати.

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