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Haha, vidi stvarno, duplirali su datume, možda su pogrešili nešto u rasporedu.


Sviraju kljavir i hardkor.


klavirkor. Ako bude cena do 500 mozda i posetim ovaj dogadjaj. Valjda ce me iznenaditi ko The Ocean onomad.

Edited by Lunar



Pevač gupe Saxon, Peter "Biff" Byford, i magazin Metal Hammer će zajedno pokrenuti kampanju da metalci na popisu u 2011. u Britaniji u odeljak za religiju upišu – heavy metal.


U tom slucaju heavy metal bi, uz hrišćanjstvo ili islam recimo, bio priznat kao religija, preneo je Gigwise.


Na poslednjem popisu pre devet godina, posle velike kampanje vođene putem interneta, više od 400.000 ljudi je kao religiju upisalo “jedi", fiktivnan lik iz serijala Ratovi zvezda.


Tako je džedaj postao četvrta religija, posle hrišćanstva, islama i hinduizma, a inicijatori kampanje se nadaju da bi 2011. slično moglo da bude sa heavy metalom.


Urednik Metal Hammera Alexander Milas kaže: ”Od kako su Black Sabbath pre 40 godina snimili prvi album, heavy metal je postao jedna od najznacajnijih kulurnih institucija Ujedinjenog kraljevstva i globalni fenomen. Ako je mogao džedaj, zašto ne bi mogli metalci? Sila je jaka u nama”, izjavio je za Gigwise urednik Metal Hammera Alexandar Milas.

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Eric Kalsbeek has left Textures to focus on his job and his family. He’s issued the following statement:


"Dear fans & friends,


I decided to quit Textures. My life changed, priorities shifted. I can’t cope with the heavy touring and the time investment anymore. I need to focus on my job and family. I need to take a few steps back. I’ve had

six beautiful years with the band, did loads of amazing shows, made tons of new friends and created some mind-blowing music. I’m going to miss the guys, and of course you, the fans. I know Textures will continue to conquer the world and give you all great, heavy and awesome music. I wish my successor all the best.


I will keep on making music, but something totally different, much more low-profile. Maybe we will meet again. Eric out”


Textures had this to say: "We are currently auditioning a possible replacement singer and hope to announce him in the coming months. We will miss Eric a lot.. We had the greatest times together and these will live on in eternity.. Eric, you rock!!!!"


Due to the lineup change, the release date for the follow up of Silhouettes has been pushed back to the beginning of 2011.



O, da, ovo jeste dobra vest :smile: Precambrian je bio vrlo zajeban album, al' nešto osećam da se još nisu maksimalno ispucali, tako da bi H/A vrlo lako mogao da obeleži ovu godinu. Valjda ne grešim, pošto već gledam gde može da se pre-orderuje ovo. Jebaću im mamu ako podbace :bigblue:

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