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ovaj Nails album je isto sto mi je Gaza bila prosle godine. apsolutno gazenje po glavama

Meni je Gaza bilo previše naporno, ovo udara tačno kako volim.


Usput, srećan rođendan, sa zakašnjenjem. :)


Pokažite malo više ljubavi za djent hop. :haha:


Meni zvuči baš skladno iako je tekst nikad veće đubre. Kontam da nije za svakoga. Ja imam istoriju slušanja srodnih sranja, u srednjoj sam mnogo slušao Body Count a prošle decenije sam sekao vene na Candiria-u. Mene čudi samo kako niko ranije nije počeo da brlja djent i hip hop.

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ja sam želeo da mrzim ovaj klip, ali iz nekog razloga mi je super :haha:

Zato što su Linkin Park za 2013. godinu, podsećaju te na mladost.


repovanje je vise grime nego hip hop. svakako je i muzika i repovanje neinspirativno.


bas me bilo blam kad je krenuo belac i onda refren jos veci blam.


Ovim putem želim da se zahvalim Gerlatu, zato što mi je nesvesno preporučio Breach (opazih na lastu dok je slušao), mator bend a nisam znao za njih, odlični su.


Neka kuja, porno zvezda, Bobbi Starr nabraja sa kojim bendovima bi volela da ima gangbang.


And so, in no particular order…

  1. The Dillinger Escape Plan – Who could resist a bunch of cute boys running amok on stage, screaming at the top of their lungs? Just the fact that they are one of the defining bands in the style known as “mathcore” piques my interest, and their intensely driving rhythms fill my mind with fantasies of having them tie me down and ravage my body like wild hyenas tearing apart their prey. It certainly doesn’t hurt to know that they once collaborated with Mike Patton, the genius/lunatic behind Mr. Bungle and front-man for Faith No More.
  2. Isis – As a formally trained musician, I am always attracted to those who are artistic and talented, and Isis is one of the most musical and talented bands I’ve heard in a long time. They can get me warmed up with a little music theory banter before fucking me in odd meters.
  3. Mastodon – My developing interest in metal has been accompanied by an appreciation for Southern boys, and Mastodon is comprised of nothing but sexy Southern boys. Of course I dig their music, too, but I can’t help fantasizing about feeling those healthy Southern beards against my naked flesh.
  4. Iwrestledabearonce – Speaking of Southerners… this band of Louisianians throws a foxy front-woman into the mix, and I’d love to fuck a girl who screams like Krysta Cameron while we both get our asses pummeled by Southern boys. I assume they would fuck much the same way they play music – hard, with frequent changes in pace and position.
  5. The Black Dahlia Murder – I have a nostalgic connection to this particular band. I witnessed The Black Dahlia Murder way back in 2005, when I was in attendance at Ozzfest. That was actually the band’s first major tour. I hope to one day be victimized by them, but not in the morbid way that their name suggests.
  6. Pig Destroyer – As much as these guys rock, this wouldn’t technically be a gangbang since they only operate as a quartet. However, seeing how well they function musically in this format, I’m sure they could hold their own as a Starr-fucking team.
  7. Meshuggah – Meshuggah definitely grooves hard with deep riffs and driving rhythms, but what really appeals to me is the fact that they’re Swedish… damn I love foreigners…
  8. Slayer – C’mon, it’s fuckin’ Slayer! They’re old school and still killing it. I can still get down to Reign in Blood any day of the week. Everyone knows they fucking rock, and if they want to have their way with me, it shall be so.
  9. Neurosis – These guys have been representing the Bay Area since the mid-80s. Sure, I’m from the South Bay, but I certainly like to get down with some of those hard Oakland boys every once in a while. In an unexpected twist, one of their members is an elementary school teacher and another is in charge of the music for the Shakespeare festival. I dig nerdiness.
  10. Suffokate – Oakland strikes again! Sure, I like this band, but the main feature that got them onto my gangbang list is the three-inch plugs in the singer’s ears. I want to fist his ear lobes so, so bad. I hope I get that chance… someday…


anal joj vera.


Ovim putem želim da se zahvalim Gerlatu, zato što mi je nesvesno preporučio Breach (opazih na lastu dok je slušao), mator bend a nisam znao za njih, odlični su.


steta sto nisu nastavili u tom hardkor smeru. onaj novi bend sto su kasnije oformili mi skroz dosadan.


bacider link za Old Wounds, zvuci mi kao neki Converge worship.

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