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Lee Buford (The Body), Kristin Hayter (Lingua Ignota), and Dylan Walker (Full of Hell). Based in Rhode Island, signed to Thrill Jockey records. The debut album "Grave of a Dog", recorded between 2017 and 2019, is to be released on 21 February 2020. Follow them at sightlesspit.bandcamp.com

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Zeus! Feat. Mike Patton Video by Displaced/ Replaced Really Bad Music For Really Bad People: The Cramps as Heard Through the Meat Grinder of Three One G available from www.threeoneg.com Eighteen years ago, Three One G Records flew in the face of Queen purists with the release of Dynamite With A Laserbeam: Queen As Heard Through the Meatgrinder of Three One G, the label’s 20th release. On it, bands like Melt-Banana, Weasel Walter, The Locust, Bastard Noise and The Blood Brothers unapologetically tackled some of the most beloved and universally recognizable music in popular culture and made it nasty, noisy, and brutal-- and they did so with nothing but love and respect. This was followed by an equally bold tribute to Australian avant-garde legends The Birthday Party, entitled Release The Bats. More frenetic energy from the likes of bands like Cattle Decapitation, Das Oath, SSion and Some Girls, more chaotic feedback giving way to unsettling synth lines, and still (knock on wood) not a lawsuit in sight. It is only fitting, then, that Three One G’s one hundredth release be another tribute, this time to an iconic band known for its raunchy and pure punk spirit, all while looking effortlessly cool: The Cramps. For the label’s third comp, the lineup of musicians enlisted to take part is even more diverse, including the likes of Chelsea Wolfe, Daughters, Mike Patton, and Metz, among others-- all members, in some way or another, of the extended Three One G family. Here you’ll hear everything from Cumbia-style Cramps as interpreted by Sonido De La Frontera, to Panicker’s electronic dance-centric distorted version of “I’m Cramped”. Just as The Cramps mastered the art of covering music through their own warped lens, Three One G carries on the torch of re-imagining songs with swagger and style, making it their own while honoring a band whose influence on the label is obvious.




Preskočih nekako ovaj fenomenalan album iz 2016e ovih Poljaka, ne znam kako s obzirom da mi se prethodni, Void Mother, prilično svideo. Za fanove Cult of Luna, Amenra i sl. ali ima i još dosta toga, nije klasičan copycat. Takođe šteta što ih nisam uhvatio na Brutalu kad su bili, svirali su i rock i ambijentalni set al bilo nešto mnogo rano ili neko glupo preklapanje. 

Inače su Poljaci dosta jaki sa ovakvim i malo avangardnijim izrazom, Blindead i Entropia isto kidaju.


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"Tešku moralnu dilemu sam imao u vezi split EP-ja Pakt koji je izašao pre par dana jer na njegovoj drugoj strani su Taake. Taake nisu (bili) rđav bend ali jesu bend sa vrlo diskutabilnim ekscesima kritike islama koja je neprijatno zagazila u teritoriju rasizma (iako je bend kasnije javno porekao ikakve rasističke ambicije) i nošenja svastike na prsima („radi provokacije“). Tako da… o njihovoj strani EP-ja nemam nameru ništa da napišem"







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